Aberts Tavern, 101
Adam, Rev. John, 30
Adam, Robert, 29, 30
Adcock, William, 77
Alexander, Alexander, 58
Alexandria Lodge, No. 22, Address and Reply, 18;
Letter and Address to Washington, 96;
Washington's Reply, 97
Alexandria Lodge, No. 39, 17;
Correspondence with, 28;
Address to Washington, 29;
Meets at Lamb Tavern, 33;
Invites Washington to dine with them, 34
Allison, John, 29, 33
Anti-Masonic Craze, mention of, 8;
Attack Washington's memory, 10;
Certify to Records, 16
Armstrong, Thomas, 90
Baker, George A., 90
Ball, William, 93
Bartlett, Josiah, 83, 102
Belton, William, 111, 113
Blair, Judge, 42
Blyth, Joseph, 53
Bowen, Thomas B., 58
Bradley, Thomas, 90
Burk, Miss Fanny M., Copies, Portrait for Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, 36
Carson, J., 53
Chapman, Samuel, 48, 49
Clark, Peleg, 15
Clinton, Governor, 42
Cohen, Abraham, 53
Corney, James, 48
Craik, George W., 2, 93
Craik, Dr. James, 93
Cutler, John, 83
Cusack, Richard E., 90
Dandridge, Bartholomew, 2, 75, 81
Dick, Archibald, 32
Dick, Elisha C., 29, 32;
Conducts Masonic Services at Washington's Funeral, 33
Drayton, William, 58
Duplessis, Peter le Barbier, 70;
Autograph, 72, 79, 80
Edwards, Thomas, 102
Elliot, Robert, 15
Few, Joseph, 70;
mention of, 78
Foster, Theo., 42
Franklin, Benjamin, mention of, 27
Fredericktown, Maryland, 117
Freemasonry in Pennsylvania (Barratt and Sachse), Referred to, 16
Free Quaker Meeting House, 69
Gates, Thomas, 58
Georgia Grand Lodge, Address and Reply, 7, 17;
Fraudulent letter to, 94
Gillies, James, 95, 96, 97
Gist, Mordecai, 57, 58, 59;
Sketch of, 64, 134
Gorman, Mr., of New Hampshire, 42
Grant, Reuben, 53
Greene, Mrs. Nathaniel, 66
Griffith, Cadawalder, 90
Guion, Isaac, 48, 49
Halling, Solomon, 48, 49
Hamilton, Gavin, 70, 90
Handy, John, 15
Harris, Thaddeus M., 102
Hayes, Moses Michael, mention of, 15
Hildreth, Ara, 38
Houston, George, 66
Hunt, Galliard, mention of, 6
Illuminati, 117
Irwin, David, 90
Israel, Israel, 90
Jackson, Major William, 2;
Copies Address and Answer, 40
Jefferson, Thomas, 36, 42
Johnson, William, 48, 49
King David's Lodge, No. 1, Newport, R. I., Proposed Masonic Address to General Washington, 14;
Extracts from Records, 15, 17;
Correspondence with, 37;
Sends Address to Washington, 38;
Fac-simile of Washington's Reply, 41,
Knox, Robert, 58
Lamb Tavern, Alexandria meeting place of Lodge, No. 39, 33
Lamberton, J. M., Address Washington as a Freemason, 11;
quoted, 117
Laughton, Joseph, 104
Lear, Tobias, 2, 75, 101
Letter Books in Library of Congress, 6
Littlefield, William, 37
Lodge No. 27, on Pennsylvania Roster, 57, 59
Lowthorp, F., 48
Machey, Mungo, 83
Marshall, John, Chief Justice, 132
Marsteller, Phillip G., 95, 96
Maryland Grand Lodge, Draft of Letter to 7, 18;
Address to Washington, 112;
Washington Reply, 113;
Original Draft of Reply, ib.
Mason, Benjamin, 70
Masonic Aprons, 20
Masonic Portrait of Washington in Alexandria Lodge, 36
Massachusetts Grand Lodge, Draft of Letter to, 7;
Letter to, 8;
Objects to Washington as Grand Master General, 16;
Address and Reply, 18;
Address to Washington, 83;
Reply, 85;
Letter to Paul Revere, 104;
Reply to Grand Lodge, 106;
Refuses to nominate Washington as Grand Master General, 136
Mazyck, William C., 60
McElwee, John, 90
Meyers, Israel, 58
Miller, George, 58
Mitchell, John, 58
Nelson, William, 90
Newburgh, Washington in Camp at, 21
Nilson, Andrew, 90
Oliver, Daniel, 104
Oswald, Eleaser, 90
Pasteur, Edward, 48
Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, Draft of Letter to, 7;
Address and Reply, 18;
Resolutions, 69;
Address to Washington, 71;
Washington's Reply, 73;
Address to Washington, 1796, 88;
Address, 1797, 103;
Nominated Washington as Grand Master General, 133
Prince George's Lodge, No. 16, Georgetown, S. C., Address and Reply, 8, 17;
Correspondence with, 51;
Sketch of, ib.;
Address to Washington, 52;
Fac-simile, 54, 55;
Washington's Reply, 56
Procter, Thomas, 70; Sketch of, 78, 90
Providence, R. I., Washington Arrives at, 42
Putnam, Herbert, mention of, 4
Ramsay, Dennis, 95, 96
Ramsay, William, 29, 33
Rehm, Dr. J. F., 50
Revere, Paul, 2;
Letter from Washington, 8;
Letter to, 18, 102, 104
Ritner, Governor, Vindication, 132
Robison, John, "Proofs of Conspiracy," 118
Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 32
Seixas, Moses, 15, 37;
Sketch of, 39
Sherburne, Henry, 37
Shippen, Dr. William, 32
Smith, Jonathan Bayard, 70;
Autograph, 72, 73;
Sketch of, 76
Smith, Mr. of South Carolina, 42
Smith, Rev. William, D.D., Sermon by, 12;
Masonic Sermons by, 13;
Addresses the Brethren, 70;
Drafts Address, 71, 73;
Masonic Record, 76, 90;
Writes to Grand Lodge, Massachusetts, 135
Smith, William Moore, Autograph, 89, 90;
Sketch of, 93;
Snyder (Schneider), G. W., 3;
Letter to Washington, 18, 113;
Fac-simile of Letter, 119, 121;
Sketch of, 123
South Carolina Grand Lodge, Draft of Letter to, 7, 17;
Correspondence with, 57;
Address to Washington, 59;
Washington's Reply, 59;
Original Draft of Reply, 61;
Fac-simile, 62, 63
Sparks, Jared, 9;
Letter from, 10, 129
St. John's Lodge, No. 2, Newbern, N. C., Address and Reply, 8, 17;
Correspondence with, 44;
Resolution, 44;
Address to Washington, 45;
Fac-Simile, 46, 47
Thomas, Isaiah, 104
Town, Thomas, 90
Warren, John, 102
Washington, George, Master of Lodge while President, 2;
Masonic Bodies named after, 3;
Full length Portrait in London, 4;
Copies of all Masonic Letters, 5;
Letter to Paul Revere, 7;
Memory attacked by Anti-Masons, 10;
At Newport, R. I., 1781, 14;
At Providence, R. I., ib.;
Report on, 15;
As Grand Master, 16;
Replies to Snyder, 18;
Receives Masonic Ornaments from Watson & Cassoul, 20;
Masonic Apron from Lafayette, 20;
Reply to Watson & Cassoul, 21;
In camp at Newburg, 21;
Resigns his commission at Annapolis, 28;
Returns to Mount Vernon, ib.;
Address from Lodge No. 39, 29;
Reply to Lodge No. 39, 30;
Fac-simile, 31;
Invites Washington to dine with the Lodge, 34;
Acceptance, 35;
Accepts Honorary Membership, ib.;
Portrait of in Alexandria Lodge, 36;
Address from King David's Lodge, 38;
Arrives at Newport, R. I., 42;
Providence, ib.;
Reply to King David's Lodge, ib;
Starts on Southern Tour, 44;
Reply to St. John's Lodge, 49;
Arrives at Georgetown, S. C., 51;
Washington's Reply to Prince George's Lodge, 56;
Arrives at Charleston, S. C., 57;
Receives Address from Grand Lodge of South Carolina, 58;
Washington's Reply, 59;
Calls on Mrs. Nathaniel Greene, 65;
Receives Address from Grand Lodge, Georgia, 66;
Leaves Savannah, 68;
Replies to Grand Lodge of Georgia, ib.;
Residence in Philadelphia, 69;
Received Address from Grand Lodge, Pennsylvania, 71;
Reply 73;
Master's Jewel, 79;
Address from Grand Lodge, Massachusetts, 81;
Washington's Reply, 84;
Farewell Address, Transcriber's Notes:
Due to the movement of illustrations to the end of the nearest paragraph or letter, some of the page numbers in this e-text do not exactly match their placement in the original work.
Corrected misprints are noted by hover information in the text. Otherwise, spelling and punctuation are presented as in the original text.
The index has been correctly alphabetized.
Additional spacing after some of the quotes is intentional to indicate both the end of a quotation and the beginning of a new paragraph as presented in the original text.