Farm sewage may contain from 10 to 30 pounds of grease and fats per person per year. This grease, originating mainly in the kitchen sink, hinders septic action and clogs pipes, filters, and soils. Half the grease may be stopped by a septic tank, but the remainder goes into the distribution system, interfering with its action. A grease trap is a device for separating the grease from other wastes. The need for it may be lessened by carefully depositing waste greases and fats with the garbage; but one should always be installed if the kitchen is carelessly managed or discharges quantities of greasy water as at institutions, hotels, boarding houses, and bakeshops. A grease trap should have several times the capacity of the greatest quantity of greasy water discharged into it at one time, in order that the entering water shall be well cooled and the grease congealed. The solidified grease rises to the surface of the water in the trap and is retained therein. A dishpan of greasy water (2½ to 3 gallons) is the largest quantity likely to be discharged at one time from an ordinary kitchen sink, hence the grease trap should have not less capacity than 7 or 8 gallons. Figure 35 shows three types of grease traps suitable for farm use. In each the outlet pipe has small clearance at the bottom. This feature, together with the V-shaped hopper bottom, tends to create a scouring velocity and thus prevent the accumulation of coffee grounds and other solid wastes in the bottom of the trap. A grease trap should be close to the sink it is intended to serve, but not within the kitchen, on account of objectionable odors when the trap is opened to remove grease. It is good practice to place the trap in the cellar or basement, where it is safe from frost yet close to the source of grease.