The following items were considered to be typographical errors and have been changed. Other typographic, spelling, punctuation errors and parochial speech has been left as they appear in the book. - Page 17
- Changed period into comma after the word "too" in the sentence
- "But I think it is nice to know things too," said I.
- Page 37
- Corrected "awkward" from "awkard" in the sentence
- They were giggling and grinning, hopping on one foot, and going into other awkward antics; not the less that most of them had their arms filled with little black babies.
- Page 40
- Changed question mark to period and deleted quotation mark in the sentence
- I asked what they all were."
- Page 51
- Changed single quote to double quote after "light" in the sentence
- "They must be very dark if they could not understand light," said my governess.
- Page 56
- Removed superfluous "n" from governess in
- Then I remembered that my governess probably did care for some fruit
- Page 87
- Corrected "string" to read "sting" in the sentence
- It has a sting of its own, for which there is neither salve nor remedy; and it had the aggravation, in my case, of the sense of personal dishonour.
- Page 91
- Added apostrophe to "girls" in the sentence
- I have a recollection of the girl's terrified face, but I heard nothing more.
- Page 93
- removed " from the start of the sentence
- They had been gone half an hour, when Preston stole in and came to the side of my bed, between me and the firelight.
- Page 97
- Added " after Melbourne in the sentence
- "We shall have to let her do just as they did at Melbourne," said my aunt.
- Page 110
- Added " after the word "by" in the sentence
- "Mass' Preston come last night," she went on; "so I reckon Miss Daisy'll want to wear it by and by."
- Page 163
- Changed period to ? in the sentence
- "Will that distress you very much?"
- Page 178
- Changed Mr. to Dr. in the sentence
- "But, Dr. Sandford," I said, "nobody can belong to anybody—in that way."
- Page 193
- Changed 'be' to 'he' in the sentence starting
- I believe I half wished be would make some objection;
- Page 206
- Added "le" to "aves" to make "leaves" in
- "You wouldn't say so, if you knew the work it is to set those leaves round," said the mantua-maker.
- Page 240
- Changed "for" into "far" in
- but I am afraid the rule of the Good Samaritan would put us far apart.
- Page 249
- Changed exclamation mark to question mark in
- "Is there so much trouble everywhere in the world?"
- Page 250
- Changed "I" to "It" in
- It was a good photograph, and had beauty enough besides to hold my eyes.
- Page 257
- Capitalised "W" in
- Is it Daisy Randolph? What have you done to yourself?
- Page 266
- changed beside to bedside in
- I heard no sound while I was undressing, nor while I knelt, as usual now, by my bedside.
- Page 283
- Changed rapidily to rapidly in
- I watched him rapidly walking into the library;
- Page 285
- Added question mark instead of period to
- "Are you tired?"
- Page 316
- Changed inmediately to immediately in
- and placed himself immediately beside his summoner,
- Page 349
- Changed "not" to "nor" in
- "I cannot help that. He is neither gentlemanly in his habits nor true in his speech."
- Page 350
- Added comma after "said" in
- "You must not wear the same thing twice running," she said, "not if you can help it."
- Page 355
- Changed period to question mark after "next" in
- Who is next? Major Banks? Take care, Daisy, or you'll do some mischief."
- Page 374
- Deleted comma after "see" in
- Nevertheless, it was pleasant to see the firm, still attitude, the fine proportions, the military nicety of all his dress, which I had before noticed on the parade ground.
- Page 386
- Changed subtance to substance in
- men of business, men of character and some substance,
- Page 407
- Changed "weel" to "well" in
- "You may as well sit down and tell us."