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All the above books are for sale by newsdealers throughout the United States and Canada, or they will be sent, post-paid, to your address, on receipt of 10c. each. Send Your Name and Address for Our Latest Illustrated Catalogue. FRANK TOUSEY, Publisher, 24 UNION SQUARE,NEW YORK. Transcriber's notes: In the original, there are two CHAPTER V's. The last two chapters have been renumbered to correct this. The following is a list of changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one. the brains taken out by enlarging the occiptal opening annointed, and the body stuffing completed with chopped flax. The fore-eg wires are fixed in the same manner, drawn through the rump, and and passed up to the inside of the neck, and drawn through bill, to prevent the head from stretching but after a few trials this will be unneccessary. while the thread is pulled on the opposide side; It may be that a bird essentially aerial, like the wift, not the character of any part of the skin, or earuncle of the These must be imitated with gum arabic and powdered starch, A small packet of camphor should be rapped in a piece of rag, most convenient size for a breeding cage is eight inches in breath, A small straw or pipe of gras may be substituted for the glass pipe. this should be mixed with some find sand and vegetable earth, 8. Point's for perforating holes. also various shoemakers awls, which will be found useful. |