f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@37675@37675-h@37675-h-5.htm.html#Page_172" class="pginternal">172
examination of, 172
hypertrophy of, 60
physical examination of, 172
stimulants, 243, 246, 259
symptoms, 188

Hemorrhages, blood pressure in, 118
Henle, membrane of, 29
Hill and Barnard's blood pressure instrument, 70
Hirschfelder's blood pressure instrument, 73
His, bundle of, 141, 197
Hygienic treatment, 230
Hyperpietic arteriosclerosis, 186
Hypertension, 60, 106, 169, 185, 249
cause of arteriosclerosis, 159
classification of cases, 112
Hypertrophy of left ventricle, 58
Hypotension, 117
Incompetence, aortic, 61, 258
Indicanuria, 167
Infants, arteriosclerosis in, 158
Infectious diseases in arteriosclerosis, 163
blood pressure in, 153
Insomnia, treatment of, 248
Intermittent claudication, 192, 208
treatment of, 247
Intoxications, chronic drug, 166
Intracranial tension, 105
Involutionary arteriosclerosis, 187
Iodides in treatment, 238, 247, 259
Kidney diseases, blood pressure in, 155
Kidneys, sclerosis of, 61, 170
Life insurance, relation to, 249
Light percussion, 174
touch palpation, 175
Liver, cirrhosis, 64, 216
Local symptoms, 207
Marey's blood pressure instrument, 70
Maximum pressure, 85, 94
Mean pressure, 85
Media, calcification of, 43, 59
Medicinal treatment, 238
Meningitis, blood pressure in, 118
Mental strain, 168
Mesaortitis, 45, 47,
balneotherapy in,
corpus luteum, 241
dietetic, 235
digitalis in, 246, 259
diuretin in, 246
exercise in, 230
fibrolysin in, 243
heart stimulants in, 243
hygienic, 230
iodides in, 238, 247, 259
medicinal, 238
morphine in, 243
nitrites in, 240
nitroglycerin in, 241
of dyspnea, 248
of headache, 248
of insomnia, 248
of intermittent claudication, 247
personal habits in, 234
purgatives in, 244, 259
rest in, 242
symptomatic, 245
theocin in, 247
thyroid extract in, 239
Trunecek's serum in, 243
venesection in, 242
veratrum viride in, 242
Trunecek's serum in treatment, 243
Tuberculosis, blood pressure in, 119
Tunica intima, 28
media, 28
"Tycos" blood pressure instrument, 77
Typhoid fever as cause of arteriosclerosis, 164
blood pressure in, 118
Ulcer of stomach, 216
Urine, examination of, 257
suppression of, 259
Valvular heart disease, blood pressure in, 155
Vasa vasorum, 29
Veins, anatomy of, 30
sclerosis of, 64
Velocity of blood in animals, 66
of blood in aorta, 66
Venesection in treatment, 242
Venous pressure, 120
pulse, 123
Ventricle, left, hypertrophy of, 58
Ventricular fibrillation, 138
Veratrum viride in treatment, 242
Vertigo, 184


[1] Longcope and McClintock, however, conclude that permanent constriction of the superior mesenteric artery and celiac axis, as well as gradual occlusion of one or both of these vessels, may be present in dogs for at least five months without giving rise to definite and constant elevation of blood pressure or to hypertrophy of the heart. Further, they have been unable to find at autopsy on man a definite association between sclerosis of the abdominal aorta and great splanchnic vessels and cardiac hypertrophy.

[2] Warthin, A. S.: Am. Jour. Syph., 1918, i, 693.

[3] A firm makes a stethoscope so that the bell is clamped on the arm leaving both the operator's hands free.

[4] Weyse, A. W., and Lutz, B. R.: Diurnal Variations in Arterial Blood Pressure, Am. Jour. Physiol., 1915, xxxvii, 330.

[5] Erlanger and Hooker: An Experimental Study of Blood Pressure and of Pulse Pressure in Man, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., 1904, xii, 145.

[6] Dawson and Gorham: The Pulse Pressure as an Index of Systolic Output, Jour. Exper. Med., 1908, x, 484.

[7] Isolation of a New Vasoconstrictor Substance from the Blood and the Adrenal Cortex, Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1913, lxi, 2136.

[8] Stone, W. J.: The Differentiation of Cerebral and Cardiac Types of Hyperarterial Tension in Vascular Diseases, Arch. Int. Med., November, 1915, p. 775.

[9] Smith, W. H., and Kilgore, A. R.: Dilatation of the Arch of the Aorta in Chronic Nephritis with Hypertension, Am. Jour. Med. Sc., 1915, cxlix, 503.

[10] McCrae, Thomas: Dilatation of the Arch of the Aorta, Am. Jour. Med. Sc., 1910, cxl, 469.

[11] Stone, W. J.: Arch. Int. Med., 1915, xvl, 775.

[12] Robinson, G. C., and Bredeck, J. F.: Arch. Int. Med., 1917, xx, 725.

[13] Jour. Exper. Med., 1911, xiv, 217.

[14] Warfield, L. M.: Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., November, 1917.

[15] From p?es? to squeeze, oppress or distress. Hyperpiesis, therefore, signifies excessive pressure.

[16] I have found the small colorimeter made by Hynson, Westcott and Dunning, Baltimore, Mo., costing $5.00, a very practical instrument.

[17] Mosenthal, H. O.: Arch. Int. Med., 1915, xvi, 733.

[18] Myers and Lough: Arch. Int. Med., 1915, xvi, 536.

[19] Discussion of alcohol at present has value only as it relates to the past. The present is dry. The future is in the lap of the gods.

[20] Miller, Jos. L.: Hypertension and the Value of the Various Methods for Its Reduction. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1910, liv, p. 1666.

[21] I have taken as much as 1700 c.c. from a large man. He recovered and went back to work.

Transcriber's Notes:

Irregular hyphenation has been preserved, as in blood pressure and blood-pressure. Both "Hg" and "Hg." appear.

Minor typographical errors and inconsistencies have been silently normalized.

The original printed list of illustrations shows the original locations; they have been moved closer to their discussion area in the text to not interrupt the flow of reading.


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