GEORGIAN TALES | | PAGE | I. | Master and Pupil, | 1 | II. | The Three Sisters and their Stepmother, | 5 | III. | The Good-for-Nothing, | 11 | IV. | The Frog’s Skin, | 15 | V. | Fate, | 22 | VI. | Ghvthisavari, | 25 | VII. | The Serpent and the Peasant, | 39 | VIII. | Gulambara and Sulambara, | 42 | IX. | The Two Brothers, | 49 | X. | The Prince, | 52 | XI. | Conkiajgharuna, | 63 | XII. | Asphurtzela, | 68 | XIII. | The Shepherd and the Child of Fortune, | 83 | XIV. | The Two Thieves, | 88 | XV. | The Fox and the King’s Son, | 97 | XVI. | The King’s Son and the Apple, | 104 | MINGRELIAN TALES I. | The Three Precepts, | 109 | II. | Kazha-ndii, | 112 | III. | The Story of Geria, the Poor Man’s Son, | 118 | IV. | The Prince who befriended the Beasts, | 124 | V. | The Cunning Old Man and the ‘Demi,’ | 129 | VI. | Sanartia, | 132 | VII. | The Shepherd Judge, | 138 | VIII. | The Priest’s Youngest Son, | 140 | | Mingrelian Proverbs, | 142 | GURIAN TALES I. | The Strong Man and the Dwarf, | 147 | II. | The Grasshopper and the Ant, | 150 | III. | The Countryman and the Merchant, | 153 | IV. | The King and the Sage, | 160 | V. | The King’s Son, | 162 | VI. | Teeth and No-Teeth, | 163 | VII. | The Queen’s Whim, | 164 | VIII. | The Fool’s Good Fortune, | 165 | IX. | Two Losses, | 167 | X. | The Story of Dervish, | 168 | XI. | The Father’s Prophecy, | 171 | XII. | The Hermit Philosopher, | 172 | XIII. | The King’s Counsellor, | 173 | XIV. | A Witty Answer, | 174 |