- Answer to a Child’s Question, 102
- Ark and the Dove, The, 148
- Asleep, 80
- At Close of Day, 77
- Baby-jumper, The, 22
- Baby, Sleep, 19
- Bees, The, 113
- Before the Sabbath, 199
- Best Day, The, 202
- Bird’s Nest, The, 99
- Bit of a Sermon, A, 211
- Blackberry-girl, The, 40
- Blind Boy, The, 35
- Boy and the Lark, The, 100
- Boy’s Faith, A, 37
- Brook, The, 25
- Bud, The, 151
- Busy Bee, 112
- Busy Little Farmer, 67
- Butterfly, The, 119
- Captive Bluebird, The, 97
- Chickens, The, 91
- Children Praising the Saviour, 195
- Children’s Praises, 218
- Children’s Prayer, 190
- Child’s Self-examination, 72
- Christmas Carol, 228
- Cold Water Boy, The, 52
- Commandments, The, 197
- Country Music, 124
- Cradle Hymn, 230
- Cruel Sport, 98
- Daisy’s Prayer, 69
- Dapple Gray, 167
- Dawn of Day, 49
- Dear Little Heads in the Pew, 205
- Dear Mamma, 12
- Death and the Resurrection, 213
- Dolly Going to Sleep, 170
- Don’t Kill the Birds, 101
- Evening Prayer, 192
- Eye-peep Hour, 50
- Father of the Fatherless, The, 192
- Father’s Will, The, 9
- First Prayer, The, 191
- Fly, The, 113
- Folded Wings, 55
- For Mother, 14
- Generous Heart, The, 67
- Gentle Bossy, 88
- Givers, The, 206
- Go and Tell Jesus, 185
- God is in Heaven, 177
- God, the Creator, 178
- God’s Name, 198
- Going to Rest, 77
- Golden Rule, The, Jesus Dwells Within, 34
- Landing of the Pilgrims, The, 251
- Lightly Row, 174
- Little Doves, The, 110
- Little Drops of Water, 57
- Lord’s Prayer, The, 194
- Slumber Islands, 79
- Sweet Story of Old, That, 181
- Wind Song, 145