It is not the province of this essay to enter into a discussion of the origin of the ambulatory and its introduction into the church plan. Such ambulatories were mere service galleries, not directly connected with the apse and in fact shut off from it by a solid wall, but when once adopted as a feature of the church plan, the ambulatory rapidly became an aisle around the apse corresponding in all respects to that which flanked the rectangular nave or choir. Origin of Ambulatory VaultingThat the form which such vaulting assumes owes its origin to that of the concentric aisles in earlier buildings of circular plan would seem a most natural supposition since the problems in the two cases were precisely alike. As a matter of fact, a comparison shows that all or nearly all the methods of vaulting developed in the Roman or Byzantine period for the aisles of circular buildings were tried by the Romanesque builders when they added an ambulatory to the semicircular apses of their churches. Annular Tunnel VaultsThe principal Roman type would seem to have been the annular tunnel vault. An excellent example is to be seen in the amphitheatre at NÎmes in which the builders have even employed transverse arches of stone beneath the vault of brick. Ambulatories with Half Tunnel VaultsBesides these annular vaults, there are a few examples of ambulatories with half tunnel vaults which may owe their origin to the desire of the builders to keep the outer impost of the vaults as low as possible and still raise the inner line above the apsidal arcade. There are, however, circular buildings of the Byzantine and Carolingian periods with vaulted aisles which may well have furnished the prototypes for other methods of ambulatory vaulting which the Romanesque builders employed. One of these is the Royal Chapel at Aachen (796-804), in which the aisles are two stories high with the lower story covered by groined vaults of alternately square and rectangular plan with no transverse arches separating the bays. Romanesque Ambulatories with Alternating Triangular and Square BaysAlthough there appear to be no Romanesque churches with ambulatories of exactly this type, there are a number which are composed of triangular sections of an annular vault alternating with groined bays of practically square plan. One of these is the upper ambulatory of Santo Stefano (end of tenth century) at Verona, while a similar arrangement Ambulatories with Transverse Tunnel VaultsThe gallery of the Palatine chapel at Aachen is covered in still another manner by a series of ramping tunnel vaults alternately triangular and square in plan and springing from a series of transverse arches. Although never exactly copied in ambulatory vaulting, a similar system in which ramping groined vaults displace the simple tunnel form appears in the gallery of the north transept of San Fedele at Como (twelfth century) Ambulatories with Groined Vaulted Trapezoidal BaysAll of the ambulatory types thus far described were but occasionally used in the Romanesque period. Far more common, and in fact the standard form, is that of simple four-part groined vaults over bays of trapezoidal plan. Here again the plan at least has a Byzantine prototype in the church of San Vitale at Ravenna where the concentric aisle is divided into trapezoids, though these in turn are cut by the radiating niches of the central nave and the groined vaults employed are therefore of irregular form. Even without any prototypes, however, this arrangement of bays is a direct outcome of the use of an annular tunnel vault intersected by lunettes or transverse tunnels opposite the apsidal arches. Such vaults may in fact be seen at a comparatively early date in the churches of Bois-Sainte-Marie (SaÔne-et-Loire) (twelfth century), Champagne (ArdÈche), and Preuilly-sur-Claise (Indre-et-Loire), and in a reversed sense at Saint Savin (Vienne) (cir. 1020-1040) where there is an early instance of a simple annular vault cut by expanding transverse tunnel vaults whose intrados at the smaller end corresponds to that of the apsidal arches but whose crowns rise higher than that of the vault which they intersect. There are no transverse arches and yet the vault is really composed of a series of trapezoidal bays. The ambulatory of Saint Sernin at Toulouse (choir consecrated 1096) shows this same system in its fully developed form. There are still no transverse arches, but the vault is no longer interpenetrating but fully groined, yet with practically level crowns, so that it still has the general form of intersecting tunnel vaults. It was far more common, however, for the Romanesque builders to separate their trapezoidal bays by transverse arches, though their use would seem to have been optional rather than to indicate a more developed architectural type, since they are found at an early date in the ambulatory of Saint Philibert at Tournus (SaÔne-et-Loire) (1009-1019), where the form of the vault would otherwise be of interpenetrating type. It is, in fact, less developed than that at Saint Sernin, the transverse panels being considerably lower than the concentric portion of the vault thus forming simple lunettes above the window heads. In such a vault, the transverse arches are structurally valuable only in so far as they make possible the erection Ambulatories with Ribbed VaultsIt has already been stated that it is not the purpose of this paper to discuss the origin of ribbed vaulting. In fact, it is rather the intention to accept the conclusions of Mr. Porter in his “Construction of Lombard and Gothic Vaults” that this innovation arose from the necessity for providing a centering where wood was not to be easily obtained or where the shape of the bays or their position in the church made a permanent centering of stone or brick far superior to, and easier of construction than, a similar centering in wood. MorienvalOf these rib-vaulted ambulatories, the earliest which has come down to us would seem to be that of the little church of Morienval (Figs. 77, 78, 79), which probably dates from about 1120-1130. A study of this ambulatory shows most clearly the gradual changes and adjustments which mark the development of perfected rib vaulting from its groined prototype. In size this is an insignificant work and yet historically most important. Perhaps its first noticeable feature lies in the use of slightly pointed apsidal arches (Fig. 77), showing that the builders grasped in at least a Fig. 77.—Morienval, Church. rudimentary way the advantage to be gained in thus bringing these arches up to a point where they would be nearly, at least, on a level with the crown of a semicircular formeret. The use of these formerets or wall arches is a second advance in this vault at Morienval, and though these are unnecessarily heavy and in two orders (Fig. 78) they do reduce the width of the vaulting bays and furthermore they clearly define the wall line of the panels and may even have aided in the support of the wooden centering or cerce on which the severies were laid up. They do not apparently support the actual masonry of the cell, which, as is clearly shown in the southwest bay, does not follow the curve of the formeret. [Image not available] Fig. 78.—Morienval, Church. [Image not available] Fig. 79.—Morienval, Church. arrangement of the diagonals (Fig. 79) that the chief interest in this early ambulatory lies. If not unknown in bays of rectangular plan, this was probably a first attempt to apply these intersecting ribs to bays of trapezoidal shape, a problem especially difficult when these bays had two curved sides. The ambulatory was so narrow and the wall piers with the two wall arches extended so far into its width that the space actually to be covered was of such a plan that ribs directly from the one pier to that diagonally opposite would have intersected almost against the crown of the apsidal arch. To avoid this awkward arrangement, and make the panels of more equal size, the builders either timidly broke the line of the rib, as in the second bay from the southwest (Fig. 79), or curved the ribs slightly away from the crown of the apse arches as in the northwest bay. Whether the builders were actually experimenting here at Morienval with the position of the diagonals and whether this little work of the early twelfth century had any influence upon later ambulatory vaulting may be an open question, yet it is a fact that the later ambulatories with ribbed vaults over trapezoidal bays show three distinct types in the arrangement of the diagonals according as these are left straight in plan, or curved, or broken to bring their crowns to a better point in relation to the crown line of the enclosing arches. Trapezoidal Ambulatory Vaults with Straight Diagonal RibsOf the three types, the one with straight diagonals (Plate III-a.) is perhaps most seldom seen, probably because of the awkward place at which its vault crown falls. It does appear, however, in the cathedral of Aversa near Naples them the cathedrals of Langres (Haute-Marne) (end of twelfth century) (Fig. 80) and Milan (beg. 1386), while a similar system with one or more added ribs in the outer severy is to be seen at Pontoise (Seine-et-Oise) S. Maclou (Plate III-h.), in the cathedral of Rouen (Plate III-d.), and in Saint Remi at Reims (Fig. 83), which are later described. [Image not available] Fig. 80.—Langres, Cathedral. Trapezoidal Ambulatory Vaults with Curved Diagonal RibsA little more common, perhaps, are the ambulatories with diagonal ribs of curved plan (Plate III-b.). The earliest existing example subsequent to Morienval would seem to be that of the abbey church at Saint Germer-de-Fly (cir. 1130-1150). Trapezoidal Ambulatory Vaults with Broken RibsThe solution of the problem of covering a trapezoidal bay with ribbed vaults lay in the employment of the broken rib, or in other words, in the selection of a point of intersection from which four half arches were extended to the supporting piers (Plate III-c.). This system, which was very possibly first employed at Saint Denis (1140-1144), Method of Construction in Ambulatory VaultsThe actual construction of ambulatory vaulting followed much the same course as that of vaults in the remainder of the church and especially those in the side aisles. Thus in the cathedral of Langres (Fig. 80), which dates from the close of the twelfth century and is somewhat south of the center of architectural development in the Transitional period, the ambulatory presents a number of rudimentary characteristics. In fact, judging from the awkward manner in which the diagonals rise from their [Image not available] Fig. 81.—Saint Leu-d’Esserent, Abbey Church. imposts, the exceptionally large size of the transverse arches, and the lowness of those opening into the apse, it would seem as though this aisle had been planned for domed up groined vaulting of the Bourgogne type, already seen at Paray-le-Monial, and that ribbed vaulting came in before the completion of the ambulatory and was therefore substituted. In any event, these straight diagonals and low apsidal arches combined with the heavy transverse arches and the decidedly domed up character of the vaults themselves produce a much more primitive appearance than is to be seen further north in the contemporary vaults of Saint Leu-d’Esserent (Fig. 81). In the latter, the builders have stilted the apsidal and transverse arches, thus greatly reducing the doming of the vaults. They have also provided an impost for the diagonals which are themselves of the broken type, and in fact the form of the vaults is practically perfected except in the matter of the transverse arches. These are still much heavier than the diagonals, a feature which continues to be manifest though in a less marked degree in many of the ambulatory vaults even of the thirteenth Trapezoidal Ambulatory Vaults with Added RibsIf there was one fault in the broken ribbed type of ambulatory vault just described, it lay in the form of its intersection with the outer wall. For example, if the ambulatory was comparatively low or the apsidal arches of wide span, this intersection became either segmental or semicircular or, at best a very low pointed curve, under which it was most difficult to arrange the exterior windows and still produce a pleasing interior effect. Thus in the ambulatory of Sens cathedral, [Image not available] Fig. 82.—Coutances, Cathedral. each situated in a separate cell. This same arrangement is characteristic of a number of other ambulatories, including the lofty inner one at Coutances cathedral (Fig. 82, and Plate III-e), [Image not available] Fig. 83.—Reims, Saint Remi. Ambulatory Vaults which Include the Radiating ChapelsIn all the churches thus far discussed, and, in fact, in the majority of those constructed during the Gothic period, the radiating chapels are separated from the rest of the ambulatory by arches directly across their entrances. But quite frequently these chapels, particularly when they were comparatively shallow, as in the cathedral of Chartres (Plate III-g.), or [Image not available] Fig. 84.—Auxerre, Cathedral. even when comparatively deep as at Saint Denis [Image not available] Fig. 85.—Tournai, Cathedral. [Image not available] Fig. 86.—Bayonne, Cathedral. of Bayonne (Fig. 86), where the ambulatory is further noteworthy because the builders, in an attempt to equalize the vaulting severies, have moved the keystones of the diagonals almost out to a point on the line of the outer walls. As a matter of fact, it was moved out to such a point in a number of instances (Plate III-j.), as, for example, in Soissons cathedral Ambulatories with Alternate Square and Triangular BaysAlthough the trapezoidal bay and its variants has been the only one thus far considered in the discussion of ribbed vaulted ambulatories, it was not by any means universally employed. The alternation of square and triangular bays, which had been used as early as the Carolingian period in the royal chapel at Aachen, and in the tenth century at Verona, in groined vaulted ambulatories, also played a considerable rÔle after the use of ribs became general. This system afforded a number of structural advantages, the chief one being, of course, that the major bays were square or nearly so, and therefore presented no structural problems not already solved in other portions of the church, while the triangular divisions were of comparatively small size and could be covered in the same manner as in the Romanesque period, with three-part groined vaults, provided the builders wished to avoid attempting ribbed vaults over them. Two general plans are noticeable in the use of this alternate ambulatory system. In the first, which appears at an early date in Saint Martin of Étampes (1165), Saint Remi at Reims (1170-1181), and Notre Dame [Image not available] Fig. 87.—Reims, Saint Remi. at Chalons-sur-Marne (end of twelfth century), the square bays alternate with two triangular bays or, in other words, the ambulatory is first divided into trapezoids by transverse arches and these in turn subdivided into a square and two triangles. This system may be understood from the plan of Saint Remi (Plate III-l.) and the interior view of the same church (Fig. 87). Its most noticeable feature is the lack of ribs in the triangular bays, these remaining of simple Romanesque groined type. Exactly the same arrangement appears at Chalons-sur-Marne, except that here the arches into the apse correspond to the flat sides of a polygon, while those opening into the chapels are on a curve in order that the exterior wall of the triforium above them may be a semicircle. The second system of alternating square and triangular bays may be seen in the outer ambulatory of the cathedral of Le Mans (Plate IV-b.) and in both ambulatories of the cathedral at Toledo (1227-seventeenth century). Le Mans type, but with the entire omission of the transverse arches between the triangular and trapezoidal bays, is the system at Saint Pierre-sur-Dives (Calvados) Ambulatories with Triangular Bays OnlyAnother method of ambulatory vaulting in the Gothic period consisted in the subdivision of the apsidal aisles into triangles by adding intermediate supports between each pier forming the outside corners of trapezoidal bays. This method, never had a wide popularity. It was used at a comparatively early date and on a large scale in the cathedral of Notre Dame at Paris (begun 1163) (Plate IV-c.), where the triangular bays have no ribs beneath their masonry. It appears with the addition of three half ribs or even a still greater number, in a number of late Gothic churches, especially in Germany, Ambulatories with Multiple Ribbed VaultsAs has been noted, the late Gothic passion for multiple ribs affected the ambulatory as it did the remainder of the church, and vaults of most complex character are to be found especially in certain German churches. Of these, GÜben (Plate IV-e.) and the cathedral of Freiburg (second half of the fifteenth century) (Fig. 88) are among the most elaborate. [Image not available] Fig. 88.—Freiburg, Cathedral. With this discussion of the ambulatory, the study of mediaeval church Exceptional Eastern TerminationsOf the eastern terminations, a number are especially interesting. One is in the church of Saint Yved at Braisne (Aisne) (1180-1216) (Plate IV-f.), where there is no ambulatory and yet two chapels have been so arranged with their axes at an angle of forty-five degrees to that of the choir aisle as to form a veritable series of four radiating chapels, two on either side of the principal apse. To cover the triangular bays immediately preceding these chapels, a two-part vault corresponding to one of the diagonal halves of a simple four-part vault, is employed, while the chapel itself is covered with a three-part chevet whose crown is abutted by the half rib of the preceding bay. A third eastern termination of especial interest is that of the church of the Jacobins at Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) (Fig. 89 and Plate IV-g). Here there is a row of central piers the length of the church and the apse embraces the double nave thus formed. This apse the builders have subdivided into a series of triangular bays by arches springing from a pier at the center of its diameter. Each of these is again subdivided like the triangular ambulatory bays of Le Mans cathedral. This completes a vault The Vaulting of Radiating Chapels[Image not available] Fig. 89.—Toulouse, Church of the Jacobins. As for the radiating chapels, they were added to the ambulatory with the evident purpose of affording more space for altars especially in the great pilgrimage churches. Whenever these radiating chapels are found there is considerable variance both in their number and ground plan. Sometimes there is but one, |