
1633. I. An Elegie upon Dr. Donne.
1635. II. Lines on a Portrait of Donne.
1638. III. Commendatory Verses prefixed to The Merchants Mappe of
1645. IV. Preface to Quarles' Shepherds Oracles.
1650. V. Couplet on Dr. Richard Sibbes.
1651. VI. Dedication of Reliquiae Wottonianae.
VII. On the Death of William Cartwright.
1652. VIII. Preface to Sir John Skeffington's Heroe of Lorenzo.
IX. Commendatory Verses to the Author of Scintillula Altaris.
1658. X. Dedication of the Life of Donne and Advertisement to the
1660. XI. Daman and Dorus: An humble Eglog.
1661. XII. To my Reverend Friend the Author of The Synagogue.
1662. XIII. Epitaph on his Second Wife, Anne Ken.
1670. XIV. Letter to Edward Ward.
1672. XV. Dedication of the Third Edition of Reliquiae Wottonianae.
1673. XVI. Letter to Marriott.
1678. XVII. Preface &c. to Thealma & Clearchus.
1680. XVIII. Letter to John Aubrey.
1683. XIX. Izaak Walton's Last Will and Testament.


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