(Mainly of persons and places) - Aberystwyth, relics near, 11
- Akeman Street, 123
- Almesbury (Amesbury), 175-80
- Alnwick, 44
- Ambrosius, 15
- Aneurin, his testimony to Arthur, 9
- Arderydd, 66, 71, 82
- Arnold, Matthew, quoted, 30, 35, 80
- Arthur (Artus, Arcturus), King—
- his widespread fame, 2, 3;
- Saxon opponents of, 4;
- an allegorical figure, 6, 27, 61;
- Caxton on his identity, 9;
- bardic chroniclers, 9-18, 62;
- Geoffrey’s history of, 18;
- the elemental hero, 29, 33, 149;
- his domain, 31, 38, 39, 46-59, 64;
- Scotch references, 52, 68;
- his birth, 90;
- his coronation, 115;
- his Round Table, 130-58;
- as warrior, 149;
- as national hero, 150, 151;
- his battle at Badon, 155-6;
- in Italy, 157;
- his marriage, 160;
- at Camelot, 159 et seq.;
- battle at Slaughter Bridge, 200;
- his death-wound, 205;
- his tomb, 207-9;
- in Avalon, 238-47;
- supposed remains, 241, 249
- Arviragus, King, 223
- Astolat, 55
- Aurelius Ambrosius, 71, 74
- Avalon (Avilion), 43, 51;
- described 216 et seq. See “Glastonbury”
- Badbury Rings, 153
- Badon (Mons Badonicus), 4, 13, 51, 152-6
- Bagdemagus, Sir, 77
- Balin, Sir, 84, 129, 167
- Bamborough Castle, 44
- Barham Down, 156, 204
- Bath, 152
- Battles, King Arthur’s, 4, 29, 62, 125, 151;
- the last at Camelford, 198, 200-1, 204, 208;
- with Melvas, 240
- Bedivere, Sir, 205 n., 211, 213, 251
- Belenus, 123
- Blackmore, poet, 30
- Blaise (Bleys), 83
- Borron, Robert de, 188, 230
- Borrow, George, quoted, 90 n., 188, 230
- Bors, Sir, 188, 191
- Boscastle, 101
- Bossiney, 101, 183
- Brecknock, 46, 49, 144
- BrÉcÉliande (Broceliand, Brocelinde), forest of, 79, 81
- Brittany, 43, 68
- Brue, river, 219
- Brythons, the, 3, 4, 47
- Bude, 101-2
- Cadbury Camp, Somerset, 141, 160, 171-2
- Cadwalla, 5
- Caerleon, 39, 53;
- described, 113-29
- Caerwent, 125, 126, 168
- Camden, quoted, 96, 244
- Camel, river, 198-9
- Camelford, 55-7, 101; described, 194 et seq.
- Cameliard, 39, 46-9
- Camelot, described, 159 et seq.
- Caractacus, 129
- Carbonek, 38
- Carew, historian, 95
- Carmarthen, Merlin’s Cave at, 67, 78
- Carobaise, 46
- Castle Denis, 49
- Castle-an-Dinas, 111
- Cattraeth, battle of, 9-10
- Caxton, his testimony to Arthur, 8, 9, 26
- Cefn Bryn, 48
- Celts, the, and their influence on history and legend, 3, 23, 31, 35, 66, 176, 213, 230, 231
- Cerdic, 4, 5, 48, 153, 155
- Chalice Hill, 229
- Clevedon, 172
- Constantinople, 39
- Cormac, 107
- Craik, Mrs., 96
- David, St., 63, 236
- Dawstane, 10
- Dinas Emrys, 71, 76 n.
- Douarnenez, 46
- Dozmare Pool, 211-14
- Drayton, quoted, 144, 155, 171
- Dryden, 30
- Dubric (Dubritius), 115, 125, 129, 155
- Dunchine, 93
- Dunstan, 236, 237
- Ector, Sir, 90, 180
- Edinburgh, 52
- Edward I, King, at Glastonbury, 249
- Eildon Hills, 51
- Emerson, quoted, 33
- Ettarde, 164
- Evelake, King, 235
- Excalibur, 211
- Freeman, Professor, quoted, 153, 218, 236
- Frere, J. K., quoted, 136
- Gaisnar, 21
- Galahad, 23, 41, 145, 148, 187, 191, 233
- Gawaine, 79, 81, 161;
- his character, 161-3, 166, 204
- Geoffrey of Monmouth, 18-21, 95, 115, 118, 131, 251
- Geraint, 129
- Gibbon, 27
- Gildas the historian, 10, 12, 13-16, 153, 246
- Giraldus Cambriensis, 20
- Glastonbury, Gildas at, 15;
- history and description of, 216-56
- “Gleam, The,” 69
- Glennie, Stuart, quoted, 54, 66, 76 n.
- Goothe, 38
- Gorlois, 90, 91
- Grail, the. See “Holy Grail”
- Gray, 30
- Guenevere (Guinevere, Gwenhwyvar), Queen, 62, 114, 132, 175-82, 240
- Guest, Lady Charlotte, 78, 153, 162, 238
- Guildford, 55-7
- Henry II, King, at Glastonbury, 241-4
- Henry of Bloys, 241
- Holy Grail, the, 23, 133, 145;
- the quest of, 186;
- legend of, 187-93, 230
- Holy Thorn, in Scotland, 52;
- legend of, 223-28
- Hueil (Howel), 15, 16, 50
- Iceland, 64
- Ider, 239
- Igraine, 90
- Inis vitrea (Ynyswytryn). See “Glastonbury”
- Iseult (Isoud). See “Tristram and Iseult”
- Jagent, 38
- Joseph of ArimathÆa, 186, 188, 193;
- at Glastonbury, 221-33 passim
- Joyous Gard, 43, 44, 45, 53, 179
- Julian Way, the, 123, 168
- Kay (Kaye), Sir, 91, 161
- Knighton’s (Nectan’s) Kieve, St., 183-93
- Knights, the, 37; their Round Table, 131 et seq.;
- adventures at Camelot, 161, 166;
- the last, 200
- Kynon, 11
- Lancelot, Sir, 44, 45, 55, 160, 166, 174, 178, 191
- Landerneau, 45
- Land’s End, 42
- Layamon, 21, 22
- Leland, quoted, 14, 94, 95, 126, 142, 168, 171, 182, 245
- Leodegraunce, King, 132-3
- Llanilterne, Guinevere’s tomb at, 179
- Llywarch HÊn, 71
- Vellan, 42
- Vivien, Richard Clay & Sons, Limited,