The place of mental influence in the treatment of skin diseases will be best realized from the role that we know the mind plays in the production of various skin manifestations. There is a whole series of skin affections which depend to a considerable extent on mental conditions, worries, anxieties, shocks, frights and the like, and a number of skin affections that have been labeled hysterical which occur in nervous persons, due to over-attention to self and their conditions. It has been well said that it is possible to make the feet warm by thinking about them. Certainly attention to any part of the skin surface causes a tingling and hyperemia may follow. Blushing is an illustration of mental influence on the skin, and anything that would tend to make this endure for some time would give rise to erythematous conditions. We know the creepy, uncomfortable, hot feelings that come over us in times of suppressed excitement when we are waiting for something to happen; and, on the other hand, there is a pallor and tremor that accompanies fright or fear, which points to mental influences over the vasomotor system in the skin. Urticarias.—Certain skin diseases, especially those allied to the urticaria group, are prone to occur in connection with excitement and worry. In the chapter on Neurotic Intestinal Affections attention is called to the fact that many patients who suffer from intestinal idiosyncrasies and have excessive reactions to special kinds of food, as cheese, strawberries, or the like, sometimes also suffer from skin lesions and intestinal disturbance through worry or excitement. While preparing for examinations or undergoing some physical trial or suffering from worry or anxiety such persons may have urticaria or even wheals on the skin. There may be some dietary disturbance to account for them, but they would not occur, or at least would not be so serious and annoying, but for the disturbed mental condition. Under these circumstances dermatographia is a common manifestation. It used to be considered a symptom of many physical conditions, but will occur in almost any nervous person during the course of an examination by a strange physician or when some important medical decision is pending. Eczema.—Not only these passing conditions of the skin, however, but more lasting affections have been connected with mental disturbance. Probably every skin specialist has noted in a number of his cases that a first attack of eczema came after a period of worry or excitement, or sometimes followed directly on a fright. When relief from the condition has been brought about Herpes.—Herpetic conditions resemble urticaria in their response to mental conditions. Herpes preputialis and herpes progenitalis occur particularly in people who worry over the possibility of some infection of the genitals. The lesions are likely to be indolent until the state of mind with regard to them is relieved by reassurance as to their comparatively innocuous character. Even herpes zoster is prone to come on after a period of worry and anxiety. It is due to infection, but the infection becomes more possible after a lowering of resistive vitality in the nervous system. This is particularly true as regards herpes facialis. It has been noted again and again that facial neuralgia is most likely to occur after fright, deep emotion, or prolonged anxiety. Treatment of these cases will only be successful if the mental state is set right. This is particularly true with regard to Bell's palsy. Patients who worry much about it and who fear that it may have lasting results are likely to prolong its course and to put off complete cure for a good while. Vasomotor Disturbance.—There is a series of skin affections connected directly with the vasomotor system of the skin which are largely under the influence of emotional or mental factors. These represent particularly the milder forms of Raynaud's disease and the parallel forms of Weir Mitchell's disease. In the one case there is a spasm of the arterioles causing what the French call "dead fingers," and in the other paralysis of the vasomotor system with venous congestion in the parts. They are seen particularly in persons of highly nervous organization and especially after periods of emotional strain or stress. There is a series of affections related to these, characterized by numbness, paresthesiae, going to sleep of the fingers or members, tingling, and even milder forms of itchiness—sometimes dignified as pruritus—which are largely due to mental factors. Some physical condition will need to be corrected, but they will only disappear if the mind is set at rest and if the patient is kept from occupying his attention much with them. Concentration of attention will make them chronic. Scurvy.—Scurvy is not usually thought of as a skin disease, though it has many local manifestations on the skin and mucous membrane. It is a deep nutritional disturbance of such nature that it would seem the mind could have but little influence over it. When scurvy was common, however, it was often noticed that any change of attitude of mind in affected persons brought amelioration or deterioration of condition. Scurvy develops with special virulence during discouragement; it gets better with the dawn of hope. It has been known to be much improved by the prospect of a naval engagement when all the sick men wanted to get into the fighting. The famous case of the Siege of Breda in 1625 is often quoted. The city was about to capitulate because so many of the soldiers were suffering from the disease. The Prince of Orange, Warts.—A striking evidence of the influence of the mind upon the skin is given by what we know of warts. All sorts of charms have been not alone suggested for them but found to work in certain cases. Lord Bacon in his "Natural History" tells the story of the charming away of warts and exemplifies it by his own experience. When he was about sixteen a number of warts—at least 100—came out upon his hands. One of these had been there from childhood. The manner of their cure he details as follows: The English Ambassador's lady, who was a woman far from superstition, told me one day she would help me away with my warts; whereupon she got a piece of lard with the skin on, and rubbed the warts all over with the fat side; and amongst the rest that wart which I had from my childhood. Then she nailed the piece of lard, with the fat towards the sun, upon a post of her chamber window, which was to the south. The success was that within five weeks' space all the warts went away, and that wart which I had so long endured for company. But at the rest I did not marvel, because they came in a short time, and might go away in a short time again; but the going away of that which had stayed so long doth yet stick with me. Lucian, the Greek satirist, tells that warts were cured by magic in his time. Carpenter in his "Human Physiology," page 984, says: "The charming away of warts by spells of the most vulgar kind belonged to those cases which are real facts, however they may be explained." Dr. Hack Tuke in his "Influence of the Mind Upon the Body" says: "In visiting a county asylum some years ago my attention was directed to several of the patients who were pestered with warts and I solemnly charmed them away within a specified period. I had quite forgotten the circumstance until on revisiting the institution a few months afterwards I found that my practice had been followed by the desired effect and that I was regarded as a real benefactor." This feature of the method of removing warts, setting a date before which they shall disappear, is noted in most of the successful charms. Dr. Tuke tells of a case in which a gentleman on shaking hands with a young lady noticed that she had many warts. He asked her how many she had; she replied about a dozen, she thought. "Count them, will you," said the caller; and taking out a piece of paper he solemnly took down her counting, remarking: "You will not be troubled with your warts after next Sunday." Now it is fact that by the day named the warts had disappeared and did not return. Neurotic Pigmentation.—Pigmentation occurs very commonly as the result of neurotic conditions. Dr. Champneys, in his article on "Pigmentation of the Face and Other Parts, Especially in Women," in St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, Volume XV, has illustrated this very thoroughly. The pigmentations of women during the phases of genital life, menstruation, pregnancy, the menopause and the fact that eunuchs are usually fair and fat, while deep pigmentation in the white race is usually associated with sexual irritability, all make interesting studies in this subject. From comparative Pruritus.—Pruritus in the old is often a bothersome symptom. All sorts of remedies, internal and external, are recommended for it and successes are reported with them. Whenever there are many remedies for a symptom complex, it usually means that the suggestive element in all of them is large. For pruritus the influence of the patient's mind is extremely important. Often it will be found that these old patients are getting out scarcely at all, but are living in close confinement in their rooms, the air of which is scarcely ever changed. I have known even the keyholes to be stuffed and arrangements made by which the cracks between the door and the frame were rendered impervious to air. In these cases the most important feature of any treatment is to secure a proper amount of air. Sir Henry Thompson, the great English surgeon, in his advice how to grow old successfully, written when he himself was over 80, suggested that the cells of the skin needed an air bath every day. He advised that men should make all their toilet arrangements for the day without any garments on. Washing, the preparation of clothing, shaving, and whatever else was done in the early morning was to be accomplished after the night clothes were taken off and before other clothes were put on. He lived to be well above eighty and was sure that this practice had been of help to him. Stimulating rubbings, if done gently and without the production of too much reaction, will always benefit these people. If old people have no interest, nothing that attracts their attention, and if they once develop pruritus their mind gets concentrated on their cutaneous sensations and it will be impossible to relieve them by any treatment until their minds get occupied with something else. Anyone who wants to sit in a chair for a few minutes and think about his cutaneous sensations will soon realize how vividly these can be brought to mind and how annoying they can become. To sit and think of a portion of the body is to want to scratch it before long. Scratching produces a flow of blood to the surface that adds to the itchy feeling. The only way to get away from it is to get the mind When pruritus develops in the old in connection with phases of arterial degeneration—its most intractable form—it is important to remember that diversion of mind is the most important therapeutic agent that we have. The old have few diversions. They have given up their ordinary occupations, they are often no longer interested in reading, friends whom they used to know have died, and they are left a great deal to themselves. Under these circumstances anything the matter with them brings about a concentration of attention. This is even more true if they have been very well in earlier life and have had practically no experience with sickness. Hysterical Cutaneous Conditions.—There are certain cracks of the skin with ulcerative lesions which occur in hysterical patients in the neighborhood of the knuckles that represent a phase of unfavorable influence of the mind. When these patients begin to worry or be anxious they know that these skin lesions will follow. Expectancy seems to make it certain that the lesions will come and attention adds to their chronicity. It has been noted that "chapped hands," especially when accompanied by deep cracks in cold weather, are made worse by anxiety or worry. In many neurotic patients it is impossible to treat such conditions satisfactorily unless the patient's mind can be put at ease. It is surprising how intractable these conditions can be, but that is usually because all the physician's attention is devoted to the skin instead of a considerable portion of it being given also to the patient's mental and nervous condition. Artefact Skin Lesions.—Of course artefact skin lesions produced by the application of carbolic acid or nitric acid or ammonia or some other chemical irritant, or by rubbing with pumice stone, or with the thumb as schoolboys make what in my schooldays were called "fox bites," are skin lesions connected with a special state of mind and so deserve a mention here. The physician finds them under the most unexpected circumstances at times and in patients apparently above all suspicion of their self-infliction. They can only be prevented by changing the patient's state of mind, though this is scarcely what is ordinarily thought of in psychotherapy. Where skin lesions are atypical it is well to bear in mind the possibility of this curious condition. The Mind in Dermatotherapy.—I have had old dermatologists assure me that they felt that the mind influenced materially the course of many forms of skin disease. Younger dermatologists are prone to be localists; as they get older the treatment of the patient's general condition is felt to be more important; after twenty years of experience they realize the place of psychotherapy in the treatment of their cases. What is said here is only meant to be suggestive, but certainly sufficient data are supplied to make it quite sure that the mind greatly influences skin conditions and must always be treated if success, especially in chronic cases, is to be secured. I have seen confidence in a particular physician or remedy do much for even the most sloughing and obstinate psoriases. Eczema follows the same law. If psychotherapy can help in the treatment of conditions that are so often intractable, it must surely not be neglected in other cases. |