
It is often said that this teaching as to the effect of the mind on digestion and its eminent usefulness for the treatment of dyspeptic conditions, is due to the attention that has been attracted to this subject as a consequence of the prominence of Eddyism, New Thought, Mental Healing, and the like. There are absolutely no good grounds for any such assertion. Here in America, more than twenty-five years ago, before there was any question of the modern mental healing movements, our greatest medical clinician, Dr. Austin Flint, expressed himself very emphatically with regard to mental influence over digestion, and to solicitude of mind as one of the most frequent etiological factors in dyspepsia.

Dr. Flint was thoroughly scientific in his medical observations, was no seeker after notoriety, and he was reading his paper before the older physicians of the period, and all of those who took part in that first meeting of the New York Medical Association strove to make their papers of scientific value. His words, then, must carry great weight:{256}

Dyspepsia formerly prevailed chiefly among those who adopted, to a greater or less extent, the foregoing maxims [the finicky rules of dyspeptics which he deprecates and corrects as quoted later in this chapter]. It was comparatively rare among those who did not live in accordance with dietetic rules. The affection is much less prevalent now than heretofore, because these maxims are much less in vogue. The dyspeptics of the present day are chiefly those who undertake to exemplify more or less of these maxims. It seems to me, therefore, a fair inference, that dyspepsia may result from an attempt to regulate diet by rules which have for their object the prevention of the affection which they actually produce. It is to be added that an important causative element involved in the practical adoption of these rules is the attention thereby given to digestion. It is by introspection and constant watchfulness of the functions of the stomach, that the mind exerts a direct influence in the causation of this affection.

Dietetic Rules of a Former Day.—In order to make definite just what were the views of the olden times which he deprecates, he stated them briefly and forcibly:

The views generally entertained, at the time to which I have referred, largely by physicians and almost universally by non-medical sanitarians, may be summed up in a few maxims as follows: Eat only at stated periods, twice or thrice daily, and never between meals, no matter how great may be the desire for food. Never eat late in the evening or shortly before bedtime. In the choice of articles of diet, carefully select those which reason and personal experience have shown to be best digested; and never yield to the weakness of eating any article of food simply because it is acceptable to the palate. In order to avoid the temptation of overeating, let the articles of food be coarse rather than attractive, and eschew all the devices of the cuisine. Always leave the table hungry. Study personal idiosyncrasies, and never indulge in kinds of food which, although wholesome for most persons, are injurious to a few who are peculiarly organized. With reference to this last maxim, bear in mind that "what is one man's meat is another man's poison." In order to secure, as effectually as possible, a proper restriction in the quantity of food, it was recommended by some physicians and to some extent practiced, that every article be carefully weighed at meal times, and that a certain quantity by weight be never exceeded. Vegetarianism or Grahamism was advocated and practiced by many. Total abstinence from drink was considered by a few as a good sanitary measure, compelling the body to derive the needed fluids exclusively from fruits, vegetables, and other solid articles of diet. Restriction in the amount of drink, as far as practicable with regard to the power of endurance, was very generally deemed important, so as not to dilute the gastric juice.

When to his question, "Do you regulate your diet," the patient answered promptly and often emphatically in the affirmative, Dr. Flint insisted always: "This is a good reason for your having dyspepsia; I never knew a dyspeptic get well who undertook to regulate his diet." When the patient asks then, "How am I to be guided," the reply is, "Not by theoretical views of alimentation and indigestion, no matter how much they appear to be in accord with physiological and pathological doctrines, but by the appetite, the palate and common sense." He then goes on to answer certain other objections that patients are wont to urge, and says:

But the patient will be likely to say, "Am I not to be guided by my own experience and avoid articles of food which I have found to disagree with my digestion?" The answer is, that personal experience in dietetics is extremely fallacious. An article of diet which may cause inconvenience of indigestion to-day may be followed by a sense of comfort and will be readily digested to-morrow. A variety of circumstances may render the digestion of any article of food taken at a {257} particular meal labored or imperfect. As a rule articles which agree with most persons do not disagree with any, except from casual or accidental circumstances, and from the expectation, in the mind of the patient, that they will disagree. Without denying that there are dietetic idiosyncrasies, they are vastly fewer than is generally supposed; and, in general, it is fair to regard supposed idiosyncrasies as purely fanciful. Patients not infrequently cherish supposed idiosyncrasies with gratification. The idea is gratifying to egotism, as evidence that Providence has distinguished them from the common herd by certain peculiarities of constitution.

Dietetic Instructions.—Finally Dr. Flint has a series of instructions for those suffering from indigestion:

Do not adopt the rule of eating only at stated periods, twice or thrice daily. Be governed in this respect by appetite; and eat whenever there is a desire for food. Eat in the evenings or at bedtime, if food be desired. Insomnia is often attributable to hunger [italics ours]. In the choice of articles of diet, be distrustful of past personal experience, and consider it to be a trustworthy rule that those articles will be most likely to be digested without inconvenience which are most acceptable to the palate. As far as practicable, let the articles of diet be made acceptable by good cooking. As a rule, the better articles of food are cooked, the greater the comfort during digestion. Never leave the table with an unsatisfied appetite. Be in no haste to suppose that you are separated from the rest of mankind by dietetic idiosyncrasies, and be distrustful of the dogma that another man's meat is a poison to you. Do not undertake to estimate the amount of food which you take. In this respect different persons differ very widely, and there is no fixed standard of quantity, which is not to be exceeded. Take animal and vegetable articles of diet in relative proportions as indicated by instinct. In the quantity of drink, follow nature's indication; namely, thirst. Experience shows abundantly that, with a view of comfortable digestion, there need be no restriction in the ingestion of liquids.

Removal of Solicitude as a Remedial Measure.—Many dyspeptics have no subject that they occupy themselves with more seriously than their digestion, and they thus divert blood needed for digestive purposes as well as nervous energy that would help in it from the stomach to the brain, in order to exercise surveillance over the process. As has been well said, "Probably much more than half of the indigestion is really above the neck." This does not mean that there are not cases that need definite stomachic treatment, or even that patients who have succeeded in functionally disturbing their digestion by thinking over much about it, will not need gastric remedies.

The explanation of the many fads and remedies that cure indigestion, real or supposed, is exactly this tendency of the suggestive influence of such remedial measures to lessen the patient's solicitude about digestion. Any change in diet that carries with it the persuasion that for any reason digestion ought to be better, will, because of this, make digestion better. Any habit of taking warm or cold water before meals, or of chewing in a particular way, or of taking a particular kind of food different from what is usually taken—exclusively cereal, uncooked, largely fruit, vegetarian, etc.—will lift the concentration of attention on the digestive process, and so give the stomach a chance to do its work without interference from the brain.

Du Bois has quoted some striking testimony in this matter from Baras, who wrote on the "Gastralgias and Nervous Affections of the Stomach and the Intestines" as early as 1820. Baras had himself been a sufferer from {258} gastric discomfort, fullness after eating, eructations of gas, constipation, and general depression. He consulted most of the distinguished medical practitioners of his time. With one exception they were convinced that he was a sufferer from chronic gastro-enteritis. They added more and more to his concern about his stomach, and furnished him with numerous sources of autosuggestion. In spite of all that they did for him, his condition grew worse and worse, he lost in weight, and was sure that his case was hopeless. He was cured in a single day. His daughter was attacked with consumption, and "in the moment my attention," says Baras, "was centered entirely upon my child, I thought no more of myself, and I was cured."

Brain Workers and Indigestion.—Perhaps the best proof of how necessary it is that people should not continue to occupy their intellect seriously during the time when digestion is going on, is to be found in the frequency with which complaints of indigestion occur in literary folk. The complaints are heard most from literary folk because they are more likely to tell their stories. They have their work, and thoughts of it, always with them. So there is a constant call for nervous and mental activity and for much blood in the brain tissues. This subtracts from the nervous energy necessary for digestion, and makes it impossible to conduct it with that perfection which comes naturally to people who banish all other thoughts and keep their minds free for the pleasures of the table and social intercourse at meal time.

Nervous indigestion is so common among literary folk, teachers and scientific workers, that various causes have been suggested for it. Dr. George Gould, in his "Biographic Clinics," calls attention to it and suggests that the cause is probably the need of properly fitted spectacles. In our own time, when we are much more careful in the matter of eyeglasses, and when most writers and professors wear scientifically adapted glasses, the complaints still continue. The reason is evidently something associated with the almost continuous work that they do. Such people, too, are much more self-conscious than others. They think more about their digestion and what they eat. They often think that they differ from other people and have special idiosyncrasies for food. These thoughts are sure to culminate in nervous indigestion.

Food Faddists.—Literary folk and people who live the intellectual life are very prone to take up with fads of various kinds and find surcease from their sorrows in all sorts of out of the way dietaries, modes of eating, food limitations and specializations. They constitute a majority of the food faddists. Some of them—sure that they should not eat meat—are strenuous vegetarians. Others confine themselves entirely to food the life of which has not been completely destroyed by cooking. They are fruit faddists, nut faddists, milk-product faddists, and the like. Some of them try to persuade the world that it eats too much; others that it eats too frequently. Some of them take but a single real meal a day and have apologies for the other meals. All want to lead people to their particular mode of life, as if all the world had been wrong until they came to set it right. Some want the rest of the world to chew seventy-times-seven before they swallow and to adopt other exaggerations of attention to eating that are quite contrary to instinct, the most precious guide that we have in the matter of food choice and food consumption.

These intellectuals are always improved by their fads, no matter what they {259} may be. The reason is apparent. Their original digestive disturbance was due to over-occupation with intellectual work. Then they began to worry about their digestion and feared that nearly everything they ate would disagree with them. This fear and solicitude still further interfered with digestion. Next they acquired the new fad. They became persuaded that they could eat certain things in certain ways. They no longer disturb their digestion by anxiety about it, but, on the contrary, help it by favorable suggestion. Now under the new regime everything will surely go on well. Besides, they usually learn the lesson of not doing intellectual work close to their meals, and of spacing their work better. They learn to do a daily stint of work and no more. One of the fads that goes with most food fashions is abundant outdoor air. This always does good. Between the favorable mental influence, the lessened work, especially just after meals, and the increased outdoor air they get better and then they attribute it all to their special fad about food. The "cure" is due to psychotherapy and common sense, and not in any way to the special fad.

Worry.—Worry of any kind will have the same effect as the over-attention of the literary man or teacher to his work. Anyone who brings his business home with him is likely to suffer and, unless he has a superabundant supply of energy, will impair his digestive function as a consequence of attempting to do business after dinner, perhaps also stealing some of it in before and during breakfast.


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