Every possible painful condition is simulated by these psycho-neurotic conditions. They occur probably with more frequency in the abdomen than elsewhere; they may be thought to be colicky in nature and, as a rule, some accumulation of gas will be found. This gas is sometimes swallowed air and sometimes gaseous products that have been diffused apparently from the blood in the intestinal walls. This always produces discomfort but nothing like the discomfort that the patient complains of. The condition if treated by carminatives will nearly always be emphasized rather than relieved. Local treatment by heat will help oftener, but may exacerbate it. When chronic constipation is present, calomel in divided doses is suggestive as well as medicinal. There may be gastric crises that recall those of tabes, and there may be vesical and rectal crises of a similar nature. I have seen a patient complain of every symptom of stone in the kidney. At the beginning the pains were vague, but after she had been to several physicians and had been asked certain questions intended to elicit pathognomonic signs of stone these questions were answered in the affirmative. Her attacks became strikingly like renal colic. After a consultation, at which two physicians and a surgeon were present, she was operated upon for stone in the left kidney. No trace of it was found. But after this she was well nearly a year. Then she had another crisis of pain in the early morning hours, a time when her painful condition always came on, apparently because it attracted more attention and caused more disturbance at this time, and now all the symptoms pointed to the right kidney. She was treated on the principle that it was a neurosis, was made to gain some fifteen pounds in weight, has since then had no attacks, has not passed any stones, and there seems no doubt but that the whole case was merely neurotic. During her attacks instead of having suppression of urine, she had a free flow of urine and no blood. It is not unlikely that the physical basis of the attacks was that condition of the kidney which allows urine to flow through very freely during neurotic conditions and which somehow got into the sphere of her consciousness and being over-attended to became extremely painful. Secretory Neuroses.—Lying between the pain and motor neuroses and dependent on psychic elements to some extent at least, there is a series of neuroses that have as their principal symptoms an increase or decrease of secretion. Occasionally, of course, they are complicated by motor neuroses, especially in connection with the viscera. There are various stomach affections, represented by an increase or decrease in stomach secretion, and accompanied by pain, discomfort, and decrease or increase of peristalsis. There are biliary neuroses accompanied by increase or inhibition of biliary secretions. There are gastric neuroses associated with vomiting, often very intractable, in which there seems to be sometimes a hypersecretion of gastric juice and sometimes a lessened secretion. All of these occur, as is said, spontaneously, but there will usually be found a history of some exhaustive work or worry during the weeks or months just before. Apparently nervous control is lost and then the secretory neurosis manifests itself sometimes in conjunction with painful or motor affections. Neurotic Vomiting.—Persistent vomiting occurs in these cases but is not Simulant Appendicitis.—Some of these abdominal psycho-neuroses may simulate serious pathological conditions that, in recent years, have come to be looked upon as surgical. I have seen a number of cases, especially in women who have been constipated for some time, in which there was considerable discomfort in the right lower abdominal segment and occasionally surgeons thought that an operation should be performed. Usually in these cases there is no localized tenderness and no mass of any kind to be felt in this region. Sometimes tenderness is complained of, though when the patient's attention is diverted even deep pressure may be made without their wincing. Whenever there is no history of an acute attack, no temperature and no increase in pulse rate, unless there are very definitely localized symptoms, the question of operation is always to be answered in the negative. Disturbances of the pulse may mean little. The history must guide. I have seen these cases operated on, improved for a while, but relapse afterwards just as soon as there was a resumption of their constipation. As a rule, when the appendix has been removed, either because its function has something to do with the inhibition of putrefactive processes in the lower bowel, or because as the result of the operation and consequent adhesions, the colon was not so active in its peristalsis, the constipation seemed to be worse than before, unless special care was exercised. If there is relapse after an operation the patients' attacks are almost sure to be more frequent than before and their discomfort likely to be more pronounced. Lest it be thought that such cases are mainly confined to women or that the most striking cases occur only in women, I may say that the most interesting case of this kind I ever saw was in a young, vigorous German soldier. He was admitted to Koenig's clinic in Berlin with a story of abdominal tenderness and pain, the tenderness being located in the right iliac region. There seemed even to be some distention of the abdomen after a time and the development of greatly increased diffuse tenderness. The pulse was considerably disturbed, but there was only a slight rise in temperature, and for a time it was thought that this might be a case of appendicitis without fever. A surprising feature of the case was the presence in the right iliac region of Shortly after his term of service expired, however, some acute symptoms developed and there was swelling, or at least tympanitic distention of the abdomen with disturbance of the pulse, and he was operated on in the hospital and his appendix removed. There proved to be nothing the matter with it and no pathological condition was found within his abdomen. He seemed to recover completely. After six months he was admitted to another hospital with the same symptoms. He seemed to have the habit of swallowing air which found its way beyond his pylorus, or else gas leaked from the blood vessels in the walls of his intestines, producing a symptom-complex not unlike the tympanitic distention consequent upon general peritonitis. Once more this was taken to mean very probably a ruptured appendix and another operation was done. This operator went through the old scar, but to his surprise found no appendix and found everything within the abdomen normal. The third time the patient came to Koenig's clinic and, owing to his military record, his hospital experience was available and a third operation was not done. Instead, according to the story current at the time, the patient was tattooed with the legend "no appendix here." The case is interesting as an example of the extent to which an abdominal psycho-neurosis may simulate a ruptured appendix. Pseudo Biliary Colic.—A similar state of affairs to that with regard to the appendix has developed in all that concerns the gall bladder and the biliary tract generally. Any complaint of discomfort in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, if persisted in, is almost sure sooner or later to be diagnosed as due to a calculus. Now that operations for gallstones are more common than they used to be, it is probable that almost as many gall bladders are found without pathological conditions as appendices without justifiably operative lesions. In treating individuals who have a history of recurrent symptoms of intestinal reaction to various foods complicated by urticaria, it is important to remember that there may probably be lesions corresponding to those in the skin in portions of the intestinal tract which may functionally involve either the appendix or the biliary passages. Some of these cases are extremely difficult to handle because often there is pain, definite tenderness and some fever with the attacks, and very localized symptoms. The history, however, will be helpful. Operation will not relieve the patient from liability to recurrence. There are, however, other cases where the discomfort is much more vague, where there is no tenderness, no disturbance after jolting rides and where there has never been any severe pain. These should not be set down as biliary calculi without further developments. The possibility of a stone being present should not be hinted to the patient until some definite pathognomonic sign is discovered. Other Simulated Conditions.—There are many painful conditions of the All sorts of painful conditions of the arms and legs may develop in the same way. Unusual tiredness, or some special exertion of the muscles, may produce a sense of fatigue readily exaggerated by attention to it, into severe pain. This condition is not a voluntary simulation, but is due to lack of diversion and a certain inborn tendency in these people to pay attention to anything that is the matter with them. Very seldom does the physical condition need much treatment, though nearly always something can be done for it with advantage, but the mental state needs alteration and, above all, the patient needs to be diverted from over-concentration of mind. Motor Neuroses.—As has been said, beside painful conditions, various forms of motor trouble may develop. These usually consist of inability to move certain groups of muscles. They have sometimes been spoken of as hysterical palsies or paralyses. The word hysterical, by its derivation connected with the Greek word for womb, apparently indicates that these conditions are limited to women. It is well known now that they are extremely common among men and especially among young men and have absolutely nothing to do with the genital system. As with painful psycho-neurotic conditions, there is practically always a physical basis. This sometimes requires careful questioning to locate exactly. There is some injury of the muscles of a particular region, or some over-use of them, or some employment of them under bad mechanical conditions with over-fatigue, and then attention to this leads to incapacity to use the muscles or inability to co-ordinate them properly. Neurotic palsies, to use a term that carries much less unfavorable suggestion with it than the word paralysis or the word hysterical, may occur in any limb or group of muscles. They may occur in the legs with the production of complete paraplegia. One well-known form, astasia-abasia, inability to stand or to walk, affects the muscles of the trunk as well as of the lower limbs. These conditions often remain for long periods in spite of treatment, frequently recur, are often called by all sorts of names and continue to be a source of annoyance to the patient, until a definite successful effort is made to change the patient's mental state to one of less attention to the particular part. There is, it seems to me, an unfortunate tendency to think that our observations upon these cases are comparatively recent. Sir Benjamin Brodie, nearly a century ago, insisted that at least four-fifths of the female patients among the higher classes of society supposed to suffer from diseased joints were really sufferers from neurotic conditions, or, as they called them then, |