
As people advance in years, it is a common experience that tissues injured years before are the source of no little discomfort and are particularly prone to be bothersome during changeable seasons and in rainy weather. A bone broken when the patient was young may twenty or thirty years later continue to give warnings of the approach of change in the weather and be a source of annoyance. A dislocation, especially if complicated in any way by considerable laceration of the tissues in the neighborhood of the luxated joint, is sure to be a source of discomfort of this kind. These painful conditions are generally more noticeable when patients are run down, or when they have been recently affected by exhausting disease of any kind, during convalescence from severe ailments or injuries, or when they are undergoing a special mental strain. These conditions, like nearly all others worse in damp weather, are sometimes grouped under the term rheumatism and have been treated by internal medication. Almost needless to say, such treatment is sure to fail or to be of only temporary anodyne benefit. As rheumatic remedies are usually coal-tar products they may even be distinctly harmful, especially for old patients. It has been shown that the salicylates, for instance, are much less rapidly eliminated in the elderly than in the young, in those with defective circulation or kidney insufficiency than in the well. Their accumulation in the system causes anemic tendencies and disturbs nervous control.

Just what is the underlying pathological condition in these cases is not easy to say. In the case of luxations with laceration of tissues there has undoubtedly been such a disturbance of venous and lymphatic circulation by the break in continuity of tissues and the resultant scar tissue, that lymphatic if not also venous congestion occurs whenever there is any circulatory disturbance. For the maintenance of normal nutrition of nerve endings a constant flow of blood past them and a proper action of the lymphatic channels to carry off waste products is essential. It is easy to understand how much these may be disturbed in the injuries under consideration. When a bone is broken there is usually laceration of the surrounding tissues. Owing to the fixation required to procure proper bony union, the circulation to the part is much more defective than usual and so the repair of torn lymph and venous vessels is not as complete as would otherwise be the case.

This seems to explain why such injuries are especially called to the attention of the patients in damp weather. It is not so much during a rain storm as some hours before it, about the time when the barometer begins to drop, that these old injuries become sensitive. Indeed, it is often said that old persons who have suffered one of these injuries earlier in life carry a barometer around with them.

Not a few of the lesions called sprains, especially those of the ankles and {388} wrists, though also of other joints, are often really breaks of small bones, or at least laceration of ligaments and other structures. These may long afterward prove a source of pain and discomfort, worse always in unsettled weather, or after the feet have been wet, and may seem to be due to some constitutional condition, though they are merely local. These occur more commonly in women than in men and the condition needs careful investigation and must not be put under the vague diagnosis of rheumatism, or the patient will probably not be improved by the treatment suggested. In all these cases the general condition must be looked to, and it must not be forgotten that fat may not mean health, and that increased weight may be a prominent factor in the production of symptoms in these cases, especially when individuals live a sedentary life.

There is an important therapeutic method for the prophylaxis of these conditions that has been attracting attention and yet probably not all the attention it deserves in recent years. Prof. Lucas-ChampionniÈre of the University of Paris has pointed out that when fractures and dislocations are treated by the open method with easily removable apparatus and the employment of massage within a few days after the fracture, the subsequent discomfort of these lesions is much lessened.

It seems worth while to emphasize this treatment by manipulations and massage, because it represents a psychotherapeutic factor in the treatment of these injuries. The hiding away of a limb or a joint for days and perhaps weeks, while they wonder whether it is getting better or not is most discouraging to patients. To have the physician see it, to have him declare that it is getting on well, to have the evidence of their own senses that conditions are gradually improving, is of itself a valuable factor for that satisfaction of mind which conduces to the regular functioning of tissues. Repair undoubtedly goes on better under such circumstances. Besides, the lack of constriction or at least its rather frequent periodic relaxation, the airing of the skin, the regulation of the circulation by massage and manipulation, all react upon the mind and prevent it from inhibiting trophic impulses and encourage it to stimulate them in every way.

As to the after-effects of fractures and dislocations as with regard to all this series of vague pains and aches, the patient's attitude of mind is of great importance. As they get older their aches and pains grow worse, partly because circulation is more defective and partly because they are prone to be much more in the house and the nerves of patients who are much within doors are always more sensitive than those of people who are much in the open. If their attention becomes concentrated on their pains and aches, because of lack of diversion of mind, then the condition may become a source of serious annoyance. When these painful conditions develop patients are almost sure to keep much to themselves and to nurse their ills, and consequently to increase their discomfort. The circulation to the affected parts must be stimulated by local treatment, by rubbings, by the milder liniments, by massage and manipulations, and by local hydrotherapy. Douches, as hot as can be borne, on the limb followed by cold, especially if patients are otherwise in good health, will do much to relieve the stagnant circulation.

Active and vigorous movement while the affected part is supported at skin pressure (there must be no constriction) is even more valuable than {389} massage, liniments or douches in the treatment of all these painful conditions of joints in which there is any scar-tissue. Wonderful results may be obtained in an old sprain of the wrist, knee and ankle by covering in the part completely (taking care to surround the limb) with strips of adhesive strapping simply laid on at skin pressure, but following exactly every fold or angle of the part, and then with the part completely covered in this way to urge immediate and constant exercise. The maintained pressure prevents any tendency to venous congestion or exudation and favors absorption of fibrous tissue, and exercise, which should be immediate, is now possible through the support furnished by the strapping. The re-assumption of normal active movement molds the old scars, strengthens the muscles and ligaments and improves the patient's general condition. The relief afforded is immediate, and the cause of relief, a simple mechanical device, is apparent. Rheumatism is forgotten as the old crutch is discarded and the patient is able to use the limb with confidence.

Recent sprains or bruises treated in this way recover perfectly and do not leave old scar tissue to be a future seat of pain.


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