The NUMERAL letters indicate the volume; the FIGURES the page. A Abdul Hamed Khan, Historical Sketch, vol. i. page xxv Achmet I. his reign and policy, i. xx Achmet II. events of his reign, i. xxii Achmet III. events of his reign, i. xxxiii; - ii. recovers Morea from the Venetians, 6
Acroceraunian, ii. 83 Acropolis at Sardis, i. 66, 68; ii. 5, 7 Adrianople, ii. 40, 44, 74 Aiasaluk, i. 64, 65 Ain Ali Kasa SeraÏ, or Palace of Mirrors, ii. 61 Ak Hissar, or the White Castle, ii. 42 Alexius, i. viii, ix; ii. 5 Ali Pasha, ii. 7, 78; Alyattes, tomb of, ii. 94 Arda, ii. 74 Argyro-Castro, ii. 81 Ambassador, first resident, English, at Constantinople, i. xx; - foreign, imprisoned in Seven Towers, 22
Amurath forms the corps of Janissaries, i. xiii Amurath III. his reign i. xx Amurath IV. his reign and character, i. xxi Ansar, tomb of, ii. 33 Antiochus, defeated at Magnesia, ii. 41 Andronicus Comnenus, i. xxiii; Apollonius of Tyana, i. 15; ii. 31 Aqueduct of Valens, i. 6; ii. 61 Argonautic expedition, i. i Arrhuba, description of, i. 32, 33 AsmÉ Sultana, ii. 34, 83 Athos, monks of, ii. 16 Atmeidan, or Hippodrome, fountain of, i. 44; ii. 6 Aurut Bazaar, female slave-market, i. 37; ii. 57 Aya Demetri, ii. 44 Ayasmata, or Holy Wells, ii. 51 Ayans, proprietors of soil, ii. ib. Ayos Theodoros, saint of the Greek church, ii. 31, 32 B Babu Humayun, Sublime Porte, entrance to Seraglio, i. 26; ii. 6, 38 Babec, i. 61, 62 Bajazet, i; Balkan Mountains, i.; - general description of, 54, 55;
- character of natives, 56;
- passes by Haidhos, 56;
- by TÂtar Bazaar, 57;
- Bulgarian side, 73;
- precautions in crossing, 57;
- ii. pass of, and waterfall, 40, 63
Balukli, place of fishes, ii. 28, 29, 30 Baluk hanÉ, i. 40 Barbarossa, history of, i. xviii Barbyses, or Sweet Waters of Europe, i. 57, 58; ii. 43 Barges for passengers, i. 5 BastarnÆ, nation of, ii. 63 Bathing, Turkish, i. 36; Baths, use of in the East, i. 35; - description of, ib.;
- female, 37
Bazaars, i. 41, 43; Bazarjik, ii. 40 Beggars, Turkish, i. 39 Belgrade, ii. 92 Bendts, reservoirs of water, i. 8; - precautions to preserve, 14
Beshiktash, kiosk of sultans there, ii. 3 Berat, ii. 15 Bible Society, ii. 53 BlachernÆ, district of, ii. 48 Booz Bournou, or Cape of Ice, i. 31 BoordÉ, Arabian poet, ii. 50 Bosphorus, origin of, i. 9; - meaning of word, 10;
- historic events of, ib;
- beauty of shores, 11;
- entrance to from Black Sea, 52, description of, 53;
- palaces on, 69;
- rapids of, ib; ii. 20
Brousa, warm baths, i. 28, 29; ii. 51 Buda, ii. 75 Bulgarians, character and habits of, i. 55, 56; Burial, Turkish ceremonies of, i. 24 Buyuk TchekmadgÉ, or Great Bridge, ii. 58, 61 Byron, Lord, his tomb at Missolonghi, ii. 91 Byzantium, origin of, i. p. ii; - taken by the Romans, iii;
- chosen by Constantine, iv
C Caffinet, interior of, i. 59, 61 CaÏques, description of, i. 4; Cairo, ii. 44 Caloyers, Greek monks, i. 22; - escape of one, 32;
- meaning of name, ii. 15
Candaules, king of Lydia, ii. 93 Cannon, enormous one cast by Mahomet II. i. xiv; - fondness of Turks for, 20
Cantacuzene, allows the Genoea to build a wall round Galata, i. xii, xxiv; Calosso, Italian riding-master, ii. 66 Cara Osman Oglou, family of, ii. 31 CaravanseraÏ, description of, i. 76; Carpoos, water-melon, i. 8 Capitan Pasha, ii. 59, 60 Capi Tchocadar, found assassinated, ii. 59 Casas Arptine presents the sultan with steam-boat, ii. 62 Casim Pasha, district of, ii. 58, 59 Cavac, general name for melon, i. 8 Cemetery of Scutari, i. 12; - extreme beauty of, and why enlarged, 13;
- Petit Champ des Morts, 23
Chalcedon, building of, i. p. i; - called City of Blind Men, p. ii.
Chalki, island of, ii. 21 Chocsecen, castle of Europe, why so called, i. 11 Chrysostom, his chair, ii. 48 Circassia, description of, ii. 55; Cistern of Bin-bir-derek, i. 14; ClazomenÆ, ii. 80 Coal-mine, i. 6 Comneni, family of, i. xxxii; ii. 7 Confectionary, Turkish, i. 34 Constantine, his conversion and success, i. p. iii; Constantinople, building of, i. v; - enlarged by Theodosius, vi;
- attacked by Saracens, vii;
- taken by crusaders, ix;
- devastation of, x;
- recovered by Greeks, xi;
- visited by Genoese, ib;
- taken by Mahomet II. xv;
- emperors and sultans of, from time of dedication to present day, xxviii., xxxvi;
- view of Golden Horn, i;
- description of, 1, 2;
- objects which strike a stranger in, 59, 60;
- halls of, 81; ii. 45, 46, 58
Crescent, origin of, i. p. ii. Crete, taken by Mahomet IV. i. 21 Cross on Turkish flags, i. 6 Crusaders, i. viii; - barbarity, ix, x;
- where crossed the Bosphorus, 10
Cybele, statue of, ii. 11 Cyclades of Propontis, ii. 20; - anchored in, by Admiral Duckworth, 21;
- resorted to in time of plague, 22
Cypress, funeral tree of Turks, why, i. 12; - attains a magnificent size, ib.
D Daniel, robe of purple, ii. 41 Dardanelles, ii. 20 Darius, where he crossed the Bosphorus, i. 10 Delhi Abdalla, anecdotes of, i. 5; Delhi Delila, description of, ii. 66 DerÉ beys, lords of the valleys, ii. 11 Diana, temple of, Ephesus, i. 64; ii. 42 Djami, mosque of, i. 17; ii. 49 Diocletian, his persecution, i. p. iii Du-kirke, burying place of sultans, ii. 51 Diomedes fed his horses on human flesh, ii. 62 Diospolis, or Laodicea, ii. 86 Divan, why so called, ii. 67; - used for court of justice, ib.; galibÉ or council-chamber, 69;
- for payment of troops, 70;
- reception of foreign ministers, 71
DjuzÊ Khenana, reciters of the sacred page, ii. 50 Dogs in market-places, i. 8; - in Turkish cemeteries, 25
Dolma, a species of gourd, i. 8. DomosderÉ, valley of boats, coal-mine at, i. 6 Druno, ii. 81 E Ederne, ii. 74 Elizabeth, queen of England, Latin letter to Selim II. i. xx Emir Sultan, Brusa, i. 31; ii. 47 Emperors of Constantinople, family of Constantine, i. xxviii; - of Jovian, ib.;
- of Valentinianus, ib.;
- of Theodosius, xxix;
- of Leo, ib.;
- of Anastatius, ib.;
- of Justinus Thrax, ib.;
- of Tiberius, ib.;
- of Phocas, xxx;
- of Heraclius, ib.;
- of Leo Isaurus, ib.;
- of Leo Armenus, xxxi;
- of Michael Balbus, ib.;
- of Basilius Macedo, xxxii;
- of the Comneni, ib.;
- of Ducas, xxxiii;
- of the Frank family, ib.;
- of the PalÆologi, xxxiv
English commence intercourse with Turks, i. xix Ephesus, first church of the Apocalypse, i. 63-65; - temple and amphitheatre at, 64; ii. 8-42
Execution of officers of seraglio, i. 41 Euridice, where lamented by Orpheus, ii. 62 Eyoub, or Job, three recognized by Turks, i. 48; - mosque of, 49;
- inauguration of sultan, ib.;
- tomb, 50;
- beauty of place, ib.; ii. 33-48
Ezan, or call to prayer, i. 16 F Fanal, or Greeks of, sent to Princess’ Islands, ii. 23; Fanariots, Greeks of Fanal, reduced in number, ii. 48 Fatimah, daughter of the prophet, emirs descended from, ii. 47; Fire at Tophana, i. 20; - how observed and notified, i. 6
Fishing in Bosphorus, i. 40; Flowery shrubs in city, i. 7 Form of mosque, i. 16 Forum Augusti, ii. 6 Fountains erected by Turks, i. 7; - inscriptions on, ib.;
- of Baloukli, ii. 29;
- church erected over, ib.
Funeral, Turkish, i. 29 G Galata, origin of name, i. xxii; - fortified by Genoese, ib. tower of, ii. 46
Galiongees, or Turkish marines, ii. 46 Gallipoli, ii. 46 Gardaki, ii. 84 Gazi Hassan saves Christians, ii. 14 Gennadius installed, by the Turks, bishop of Constantinople, ii. 13, 14 Genoese settle at Constantinople, i. xi George, St., legend of, ii. 24; - patron of England, 25;
- festival kept at British palace, ib.
Giant’s mountain, or Jouchi Daghi, called from Joshua the son of Nun, i. 51; - Turkish legend of, ib.;
- Russians encamp on, 52
Gillius, historian, ii. 2 Gionuli, or volunteers, ii. 66 Golden Horn, description of, i. 2, 3; ii. 33, 43 Goths, ii. 63 Greek, war of independence, i. xxvi. Greek and Latin churches, cause of their animosity, i. 11; - history of Greek church, ii. 13, 14, 15, 16
Greek priest’s house at Yeni Kui, i. 65; Guiuk Suey, sweet waters of Asia, i. 32; - favourite place for recreation, ib;
- various lounges there, 33;
- refreshments, 34
Guiumuch HanÉ, or silver foundery, ii. 44 Gummusch Kubbe, burial-place of sultans, ii. 51 Guzel-hissar, caravanseraÏ, i. 76 Gygean lake, ii. 93 H Hagiography of modern Greeks, ii. 31 Haidhos, pass of, in Balkan mountains, i. 56 Hakim Bashi, chief physician, ii. 59 Halet Effendi, head of, exhibited on silver dish, ii. 7 Halish Oglou, healthy Armenian village, ii. 45 Hannibal, monument of, i. 28 Hasskui, residence of Jews, ii. 45; - extreme insalubrity, ib.;
- description of inhabitants, ib.
Hebdomum, situation of church of St. John, ii. 35 Hebrus, now called Maritza, ii. 62 Hellena, head over gate of Smyrna, ii. 7, 8 Hermus, river of, ii. 9 Hierapolis, or Pambouk Kalesi, description of, i. 70; - deleterious exhalations of, 7;
- rivers of, ii. 17-20
Hilarion, bishop of Tornova, residence on summit of Balkans, ii. 53; - translates the Bible into modern Greek, ib.
Hippodrome, or Atmeidan, description of, i. 44; ii. 3 Houses, peculiarities of Turkish, i. 32 Hummal, or Turkish porter, his remedy for fatigue, i. 8 Hammam, Turkish baths, i. 35 Hunkair, meaning of word, i. 50; - Iskelessi, treaty of, why so called, 52
Huns, ii. 63 Hurricanes in Princess’ Islands, ii. 21 Hydralia of Greeks of the lower empire, i. 14 I Iconoclasts, image-breakers, ii. 32 Inauguration of the sultan, i. 49 IrenÉ, death of, i. xvi.; - widow of II. Leo builds a monastery on Princess’ Islands, ii. 20
Islam, the meaning of, i. xii Istambol-dichare, extra-mural quarter of Constantinople, ii. 47 J Janissaries, origin of corps, i. xiii; - destruction of, xxvi, xxvii;
- devastation of tombs, 24;
- headless bodies arranged in street, ii. 39, 40;
- adherents attempt to burn city, 61
Jason, Columbus of the ancient world, i. p. i, ii. 56; - name preserved in Bosphorus, 10
Jews encouraged by Selim, i. xvii; - came from Spain, ib.;
- similarity of usages to Turks, ib.;
- settlement at Hasskui, ii. 45
Joannina, ii. 78 Johannes I., Jesabel of Thyatira, lead people astray, ii. 41; - Johannes Zemisces, i. xxxii;
- Johannes II. Comnenus, xxxiii;
- Johannes III. Cantacuzene, xxxiv;
- Johannes IV. PalÆologus, ib.;
- Johannes V. PalÆologus, ib.;
- Johannes Zemisces, ii. 31;
- poet with flowing hair, 51
Job, Turkish account of, i. 48, 49 Jovian emperor restores Christianity, i. vi; Jouchi Daghi, Giant’s Mountain, i. 51 Julian, the apostate, i. p. v, vi, xxviii K Kalifs, lineal descendants of prophet, ii. 50 Keab, veil of, ii. 49 Kef, Marjam, ii. 76 Kiorod, son of Bajazet, ii. 10 Kislas, janissaries’ barracks, ii. 67 Kislar Aga, chief of black eunuchs, ii. 57 Kiz Koulasi, or Maiden’s Tower, legend of, i. 83, 84 Kiz Achmet, ii. 73 Kiuprili, his singular fortune, i. xxii Kleftes, ii. 84 Kolokithia, name of gourd, i. 8 Kombaragees, barrack of, ii. 44 Koran not allowed to be printed, why, i. 51; - various precepts of, ii. 18;
- translated by sultans, 60;
- hung up in turbÉs, 51
L Laodicea, seventh church of the Apocalypse, 86 Laodicea, ruins of, 86 Lecapenus Romanus, i. xxxi; - daughter named in church of Baloukli, ii. 29
Leander’s Tower, i. 83. See Kiz Koulasi. Lorenzo, an Italian, made Hakim Bashi, ii. 59; - excites the Sultan’s anger, 60;
- found strangled, ib.
Lycia, knights receive notice to leave Rhodes from, ii. 60 Lydia, seller of purple, from Thyatira, ii. 41 M Magnesia on Sipylus, account of, ii. 9; - gives name to magnet, 10;
- metropolitan church of, 13
Mahmoud I., events of his reign, i. xxiv ---- II. created sultan, xxv; - repulses the Russians, xxvi;
- destroys the Janissaries, xxvii;
- enlightened policy, xxviii
Mahomet II., i. xv; - his brutality, xvi;
- death, ib.;
- gate of seraglio built by, ii. 6, 7;
- mosque of, 47;
- translates Koran, 50
---- III., his religion and policy, i. xx; ---- IV., his reign, i. xxi; - his fondness for flowers, xxii
Maiden Tower, ii. 91 Maritza, ii. 74 Malta, siege of, i. xviii Market-place Tophana, i. 7; - articles of sale there, 8
Mamelukes, destruction of the, i. 27 Meander, account of river, ii. 26 MedÂk or story-teller, appendage to coffee-house, i. 61; - singular talent of, ii. 72
Medea landed at Therapia on Bosphorus, i. 10; - her character inherited by her countrywomen, ib.
Meles, ruin of Smyrna, ii. 8 Melesigenes, name of Homer, ii. 4 Menagerie of Atmeidan, i. 44 Mesjid, origin of word mosque, i. 16 Michael PalÆologus, i. x, xi Minaret, steeple of mosque, i. 16; Miletus destroyed by Meander, ii. 27 Moldavia, hospodars of, ii. 48 Monograma on pillars, i. 16 Monastery of St. George of the Precipice, ii. 24, 25, 26 Moslems, meaning of, i. xii, 12; - take possession of Santa Sophia, ii, 47
Mosques, imperial, on seven hills, i. 6 Mosque of Sultan Achmet, i. 18, 19; - of Soliman the Magnificent, 17;
- of Yeni Djami, 39;
- of Santa Sophia, 45, 48;
- of Eyoub, 49;
- of Mahmoud, i. 75;
- of Shahzadeh Djamesi, 84;
- Buyuk Djami, ii. 6;
- of Sultan Osman, 12;
- of the Slipper, 47, of Piri-Pasha, 61
Mount Pagus, castle of Smyrna on, ii. 7 Mordecai distinguished by robe of purple, ii. 41 Mount Mincas, ii. 80 Mourzoufle opposes crusaders with iron mace, i. ix; - thrown from top of monument, ib.;
- reason of his name, xxxiii
Muezzim invites to prayer, i. 16 Murad I. & II. buried at Brusa, ii. 51 Mustapha I. dragged from a prison to a throne, i. xxxv Mustapha II., disastrous reign, i. 22, 23, xxxvi Mustapha III. poisoned, but survives, i. xxxvi; Mustapha IV. succeeds, and murders Selim, i. xxv.; Mustapha Bairactar, fidelity of, i. xxv. Mustapha Pasha attempts to poison Selim by ball of soap, i. 17 N Negroponte supplies Turks with pitch and tar for navy, ii. 46 Nicephoras Flavius killed in battle against Bulgarians, i. xxxi Nicephoras Phocas assassinated by Zemisces, i. xxxii Nicephoras, poet, ii. 51 Nicetas escape from Crusaders, i. x Niobe, rock representing her, ii. 11 Nizam Djettit, new corps, ii. 67 O Obelisk of Theodosius brought from the ThebaÏd, ii. 1 Oblivion, Tower of, i. 11; Odalique, the favourite, ii. 79 Olga, mother of Swatislas, first Russian baptized, i. viii Olympus, reason of name, i. 30; - snow of, part of Turkish revenue, ib.
Orchan makes Brusa his capital, i. xii; tomb there, ii. 51 Oriental wells, description of, ii. 11 Osman, or Othman I. passes Olympus, i. xii; - from him Turks called Ottomans, xiii;
- tomb at Brusa, ii. 51
Othman II. strangled by Janissaries, i. xxxv Osmanli, meaning of term, i. xiii; - introduce feudal system in Asia, ii. 11
Osmanie, mosque of, purely oriental, ii. 12 P Paramythea, ii. 82 Parga, castle of, ii. 87 Papas, Greek priests, ii. 15 Paper manufactory on Bosphorus, i. 51; - veneration of Turks for, ib.
Paschmaklik, ii. 79 Passes in Balkan mountains, by Haidhos, i. 56; - by TÂtar Bazaar, i. 57;
- on Bulgarian side, 73;
- precautions on entering, ib.
Pausanias, the historian, ii. 11 Pazar CaÏque, great ferry boat, i. 83 Pelargonium, talisman of, i. 15 Pera, promontory of, i. 2; - residence of Frank ambassadors, ib.;
- joined by bridge to Constantinople, ii. 61
Pergamus, third church of the Apocalypse, parchment invented there, i. 79; description of, 80; - church of St. John, ii. 35, 43
Petit Champ des Morts, Turkish cemetery, i. 23, 24 Philadelphia, sixth church of the Apocalypse, still retains reason for its name, i. 71; - called City of God by the Turks, ib.;
- vigorous opposition to Turks, 72;
- rampart of human bones, ib.
----, governor’s house at, ii. 92 Philippi, St. Paul meets Lydia there, ii. 41 Philopopoli, people of, collect dye-stuffs on Balkans, ii. 40 Pillar to which Christ was bound, ii. 40 Pipes, Turkish description of, i. 43 Piri Pasha takes Rhodes, ii. 60; - district called after him, 61;
- built humble mosque, why, ib.
Planks, how carried through streets, i. 8 Platanus, when planted, i. 12 Pliny, remark on breadth of Bosphorus, i. 10 Poison, life of Selim I. attempted by, i. xvii Printing first introduced among Turks, i. xxiii Probus, emperor, locates BastarnÆ in Thrace, ii. 63 Propontis, or Sea of Marmora, i. 1; ii. 63 Princess’ Islands, called Demonesca, account of, ii. 20, 24 R Ramazan, fast of, ii. 50 Reliques of Greek church, ii. 48 Rhodes, knights of, ii. 7, 60 Risman Ben Ac Hissar, his treatise on government, ii. 12 Romania, or Roumelia, ancient Thrace, ii. 62 Roumeli-Hissar, events connected with, i. 10 Roxalana, sultana of Soliman the Magnificent, i. xviii; - causes death of his sons, i. xix
Russians attack Constantinople by sea and land, i. vii; - ascend the Balkans, ib.;
- introduction of Christianity among them, viii;
- advances made against Turks by, xxiv;
- encamp on Giant’s Mountain, ii. 52;
- advance to Adrianople
S Sakiz-aghatz, when great fire commenced, ii. 61 SaÏd-pasha married to sultan’s daughter, i. 69; - palace on the Bosphorus, ib.
St. George of Cappadocia, different accounts of, ii. 24, 25; - description of his monastery, 26
St. Paul prays on sea-shore of Ephesus, i. 63 St. Romanus, gate of, attacked by the Turks, ii. 29 Salonichi supplies Turks with gunpowder, ii. 46 Samsoun yields hemp for cordage, ii. 46 Sanndouchas in Turkish burials, ii. 49, 51 Santa Sophia mosque, erected by Constantine, to the “Eternal Wisdom of God,” i. 45; - rebuilt by Justinian, 46;
- taken possession of by Mahomet II., ib.;
- beautiful aËrial dome, 47;
- shows symptoms of decay, 48;
- overlooks gardens of seraglio, ii. 46
Saracens attack Constantinople, i. vii; Sardis, fifth church of the Apocalypse, ancient and present state of, i. 66, 68 Scio, massacre in, ii. 8 Scutari, crusaders ascend promontory, and view Constantinople from it, i. ix; - called “City of Gold,” why, i. 74;
- objects of interest in, i. 75
Selim I., character and policy, i. xvii; - singular escape, ib.;
- death and epitaph, ib.;
- tomb or turbÉ most frequented, ii. 50
Selim II., reign and character, i. xix; Queen Elizabeth’s letter to him, xx Selim III., his amiable character, i. xxiv; - his melancholy death, xxv;
- kiosk built by him for his sister, ii. 33
Selictarli, men of the sword, ii. 65 Selymbria, ii. 74 Seraglio, description of, i. 26, 28 SeraÏ, caravaniers at, ii. 85 Seven Towers, i. 22, 23 ShaÏnitza, ii. 84 Shipping, eastern, i. 3 Shoes, Turkish, inconvenient, i. 49 Silivria, ii. 74 Slave market, i. 38, 39 T Tamerlane, progress of, i. xiv; - origin of his name, ib.;
- defeats Bajazet, and raises the siege of Constantinople, ib.;
- dilapidates the castle of Smyrna, ii. 7;
- attempts to destroy the harbour, and raises a pyramid of heads, ib.
Tarap-hanÉ, or mint, in court of seraglio, i. 26; ii. 44 TÂtar Bazaar, route by the Balkans, i. 57 Tatavola village, ii. 44 Teos, ii. 80 Tepe Bashi, beautiful view from, ii. 58 Tepelini, ii. 84 Tersana-emini, palace of, ii. 46 Thamas Kouli Khan tries to reconcile Mahomedan sectarians, i. xxiv Theatre at Milo, description of, ii. 17, 18; - at Hierapolis, 19, 20;
- of Ephesus, 64
Themistocles retires to Magnesia, i. 10 Theodore, saint of Greek church, ii. 31; - of Siceon, ib.;
- of Pergamus, 32
Theodora, ii. 75 Theodosius the Great surmounts globe with a cross, i. vi; - builds new wall round city, ib.;
- erects splendid column, xxix
Theodosius II. junior, establishes schools, i. xxix; - publishes Theodosian code, ib.
Therapia, supposed to be visited by Medea, i. 10; - bishop of Derkon hanged there, 65
Thyatira, fourth church of the Apocalypse, ii. 41; - Lydia, a woman of, sells purple, ib.;
- meets St. Paul at Philippi, ib.;
- people led astray by Jesabel, ib.;
- now called Ak Hissar, 42
Tombstones, shape of, and inscriptions on, i. 13 Toondja, ii. 74 Tophana, i. 20, 21; Top Kapousi Gate, Turks enter city by, i. 82; - number of dead brought through it to be buried in time of plague, ii. 44
Tornova, in the Balkan, singular situation, ii. 53; - scriptures translated into Moslem Greek at, 54
Tower of Galata, i. 6; of Janissaries, ib. Travelling with firman, i. 76 TurbÉ, tombs of sultans, ii. 49; - ValadÉ Sultana, allowed to erect one, ib.;
- regulations of, 50
Turbedar, guardian of tomb, ii. 50 Turkish coins, inscription on, ii. 44 Turks, in haste to be buried, i. 13 U Ulemah, men of the law, order to respect them, as inheriting the gifts of the Prophet, ii. 12 Unkiar Iskelessi, true meaning of name, i. 50; - beautiful valley of, on the Bosphorus, ib.;
- paper manufactory there, 51;
- danger to Franks encountered there, 52
Usdens, lawgivers of Circassia, ii. 56 V Vacilesso, ii. 84 Valens, burnt to death by Goths, i. xxviii; - aqueduct of, 6;
- prophetic stone, 15;
- invite Goths to settle in Thrace, ii. 63
Venetians, cruel punishment of, i. 10; - first sent mirrors to Constantinople, ii. 61
W Wall of Constantinople, i. 81 Wallachia, hospodars of, elected from seven families of Greek princes, ii. 48 Water provided by Turks for all animals, i. 34; - fondness of Moslems for it, why, ib.
Women, souls of, i. 13; - tombstones without heads, ib.;
- their affection for the dead, how shown, 14
X Xenophon, where he crossed the Bosphorus, i. 10 Y Yali Kiosk, where deposed ministers wait to know their fate, i. 28 Youart, great consumption of, i. 33; Yelan SeraÏ, palace of the serpent, ii. 43 Yeni Djami, mosque of, i. 39 Yeni Kui, priest’s house of, on Bosphorus, i. 65; - waterfall at in Balkans, ii. 40
YÉrÉ Batan SeraÏ, cistern of, i. 15; - extraordinary tales of, 82
Yeschie Imareh, tomb there, ii. 51 Z Zaims and Timariots, feudal nobility, ii. 11, 65 FISHER, SON, AND CO., PRINTERS. |
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