Motion Pictures, 1894 (1912) Claimant Index |
An alphabetical list of the names of the claimants of copyright in the motion pictures included in the main section. Each name is given in the fullest form on record in the Copyright Office and is alphabetized under its distinctive part. Cross-references from variant forms are included. Under each name, the titles associated with it are arranged, first, chronologically by copyright year date, and, second, alphabetically by title.
. Duel Scene, “By Right of Sword.” Easy Chair. Elder Miss Simpkins Calls. Electric Locomotive Tests, Schenectady. Elopers Who Didn’t Elope. Emerson School, Calisthenics. Englishman’s Trip to Paris from London. Escape from the Flames. Escaped Lunatic. Eviction. Exhibition Drill, New York Firemen, Union Square. Expelled from the Club: the Ladies of the Club. Faithful Husband: a Loving Couple. Fencing Class, Missouri Valley College. Fight in the Dormitory. Fighting the Flames. Fighting the Flames, Dreamland. Filipino Scouts, Musical Drill, St. Louis. Fire, Adams Express Office. Fire in a Burlesque Theatre. First Baby. Flirtation: Table d’Hote. Flour and Feed. Forgiven: a Young Lady. Forgotten Umbrella: I Must Hurry to the Office. Four Beautiful Pairs. Four Seasons. Free Arm Movement, All Schools, Missouri Commission. Furnished Room House. Getting Strong. Girl and the Cat. Girls and the Burglar. Girls Behind the Scenes. Girls Jumping the Rope. Girls Taking Time Checks. Westinghouse Works. Girls Winding Armatures. Good Shot: the Kids. Grandfather As a Spook. Great Baltimore Fire. He Tries the Fire Escape. Heathen Chinese and the Sunday School Teachers. Here He Is, in Jail. Hero of Liao Yang. High School Field Exercises, Missouri Commission. His Young Friends Arrive. Holland Submarine Boat Tests. Home-Made Turkish Bath. Hoop and the Lovers. Hoopskirt and the Narrow Door. Horsewhipping the Editor: the Editor at Work. Hot Time at Home. How the Cook Made Her Mark. How’d You Like To Be the Iceman: a Quiet Home. Hubby Decides to Go to the Club. Hustling Soubrette. Hyde Park School Graduating Class. Hyde Park School Room 2. Ice Covered Vessel. I’ll Just Try the Bed. In a Boarding School Gym. In Her Boudoir. In the Springtime, Gentle Annie! Interrupted Breakfast: the Maid. Interrupted Honeymoon. It Is Very Pretty. Jack the Peeper. Joke at the French Ball. Jolly Bill Poster. Judge Alton B. Parker & Guests. Just Before the Raid. Just the Cheese. Kentucky Squire. Kindergarten Ball Game. Kindergarten Dance. Kiss and a Tumble. Kiss in the Dark. Kiss Me. Late Senator Mark Hanna. Lathrop School, Calisthenics. Launch of Battleship “Connecticut.” Let Uncle Ruben Show You How. Linen Draper’s Shop. Linwood School, Calisthenics. Little Bit off the Top. Loaded Cigar. Lost Child. Love and Jealousy Behind the Scenes. Lovers’ Quarrel: Meeting in the Park. Lover’s Ruse. Manual of Arms, St. John’s Military Academy. Married Troubles: Everything Peaceful. Mechanical Toy. Mellin’s Food. Military Parade, St. Louis Exposition. Military Tactics. Misdirected Ducking. Mis-Directed [i.e. Miss-Directed] Kiss. Misplaced Signs. Mr. Jack Caught in the Dressing Room. Mr. Jack Entertains in His Office. Mr. Jack in the Dressing Room. Mrs. Smifkins Wants Wood. Mixed Bathing. Model That Didn’t Pose. Moonshiner. Mysterious Midgets. Naval Battle, St. Louis Exposition. New Stenographer: the Stenographer. Nigger in the Woodpile. Night Duty. Novel Way of Catching a Burglar. Office Boy’s Revenge. Oh, I Don’t Know. Old Bachelor. On the Window Shades. One Way Of Taking a Girl’s Picture. Opening Ceremonies, St. Louis Exposition. Opening the Williamsburg Bridge. Orphan Children on the Beach at Coney Island. Other Side of the Hedge. Our Deaf Friend, Fogarty. Panorama Exterior Westinghouse Works. Panorama from German Building, World’s Fair. Panorama from Gondola, St. Louis Exposition. Panorama of Field St., St. Joseph. Panorama of 4th St., St. Joseph. Panorama of Machine Co. Aisle, Westinghouse Co. Works. Panorama of Race Track Crowd, St. Louis. Panorama of 3rd Street, St. Joseph. Panorama, St. Louis Exposition. Panorama View Street Car Motor Room. Panoramic View Aisle B., Westinghouse Works. Papa’s Warning: “He Must Go at Eleven.” Parade of Floats, St. Louis Exposition. Parade of Shriners, Luna Park. Parade of the Pikers, St. Louis Exposition. Parade of Women Delegates; World’s Fair. Paris from the Seine. Personal. Petticoat Lane on Sunday. Photographing a Female Crook. Picture the Photographer Took. Pig That Came to Life. Pipe for a Cigar. Pity the Blind. Postman Whitewashed. Power of Authority. President Roosevelt’s Homecoming. Price of a Kiss: the Barber. Princess Rajah Dance. Pull Down the Curtains, Susie. Putting Up the Swing. Quarrelsome Washerwoman. Quick Work for the Soubrettes. Race for a Kiss. Racing Chutes at Dreamland. Raid on a Coiner’s Den. Railway Tragedy. Revenge! Rhode Island Light Artillery. Rival Models. Rogue’s Gallery Photographer. Russian Sharp Shooters. S. S. “Morro Castle.” Sailors Ashore. Saved! Scene Behind the Scenes. School Girl Athletes. School Girl Gymnastics. Scrap in the Dressing Room. Seashore Baby. Sec’y Taft’s Address & Panorama. See Eva’s Hair, Mama. Seeress. She Brings It Home. She Calls on the Manager. She Kicked on the Cooking. She Wanted To Rise in the World. Shocking Stockings. Shot. Shredded Wheat Biscuit. Shut Up! Getting Ready To Retire. Slocum Disaster. Small Gun Drill, St. John’s Academy. Snare for Lovers. Soubrette’s Slide. Speech by President Francis; World’s Fair. Squelched: Rest. State Normal School, Missouri. Steam Hammer, Westinghouse Works. Steam Whistle, Westinghouse Works. Story of the Biograph Told [i.e. the Story the Biograph Told]. Strenuous Life. Subject for the Rogue’s Gallery. Suburbanite. Suit of Armor. Swimming Class. Swimming Race at Coney Island. Taping Coils, Westinghouse Works. Tapping a Furnace, Westinghouse Works. Telltale Kiss: the Boarder. Testing a Rotary, Westinghouse Works. Testing Large Turbines, Westinghouse Co. Works. There He Is. This Is Hard Work. Three Girls in a Hammock. Three Little Maids. Tied to Her Apron Strings. Toilette. Tramp on the Roof. Trick on the Cop. Troubles of a Manager of a Burlesque Show. Twenty Mule Team, St. Louis Exposition. Two Bottle Babies. Under the Tree. Victim Snared. Waif. Warm Occasion. Way To Sell Corsets. Welding the Big Ring. West Point Cadets, St. Louis Exposition. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Westinghouse Co. Works (Casting Scene). Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Westinghouse Co. Works (Moulding Scene). Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Westinghouse Works. What Burglar Bill Found in the Safe. While Strolling in the Park. Whittier School, Calisthenics. Widow and the Only Man. Willful Murder. Willie Boy Loses the Heiress: Aunt Mary & the Baby. Windy Day on the Roof. Woman with a Record. (W)ringing Good Joke: Arrival of Dad. Wrong Room. 1905. - Abductors.
- Across the Subway Viaduct, New York.
- Adjustable Bed.
- Airy Fairy Lillian Tries on Her New Corsets.
- Al Treloar
- Twisted Trail.
- Unchanging Sea.
- Up a Tree.
- Usurer.
- Victim of Jealousy.
- Waiter No. 5.
- Way of the World.
- What the Daisy Said.
- When We Were in Our Teens.
- White Roses.
- Wilful Peggy.
- Winning Back His Love.
- Woman from Mellon’s.
1911. - Abe Gets Even with Father.
- Adventures of Billy.
- After the Ball.
- As in a Looking Glass.
- Baron.
- Battle.
- Bearded Youth.
- Beautiful Voice.
- Blind Princess and the Poet.
- Bobby the Coward.
- Broken Cross.
- Caught with the Goods.
- Chief’s Daughter.
- Comrades.
- Conscience.
- Convenient Burglar.
- Country Cupid.
- Crooked Road.
- Cupid’s Joke.
- Cured.
- Curiosity.
- Dan, the Dandy.
- Dave’s Love Affair.
- Decree of Destiny.
- Delayed Proposal.
- Diamond Star.
- Diving Girl.
- Dooley’s Scheme.
- Dutch Gold Mine.
- Enoch Arden.
- Failure.
- Fate’s Turning.
- Fighting Blood.
- Fisher Folks.
- Five Hundred Dollars Reward.
- Ghost.
- Heart of a Savage.
- Heartbeats of Long Ago.
- Help Wanted.
- Her Mother Interferes.
- Her Pet.
- Her Sacrifice.
- His Daughter.
- His Mother’s Scarf.
- His Trust.
- His Trust Fulfilled.
- His Wife’s Sweethearts.
- How She Triumphed.
- In the Days of ’49.
- Indian Brothers.
- Interrupted Game.
- Inventor’s Secret.
- Italian Barber.
- Italian Blood.
- Jealous Husband.
- Jinks Joins the Temperance Club.
- Josh’s Suicide.
- Knight of the Road.
- Last Drop of Water.
- Lily of the Tenements.
- Lonedale Operator.
- Long Road.
- Love in the Hills.
- Lucky Horseshoe.
- Madame Rex.
- Making of a Man.
- Manicure Lady.
- Midnight Marauder.
- Miser’s Heart.
- Misplaced Jealousy.
- Mr. Bragg, a Fugitive.
- Mr. Peck Goes Calling.
- Mix-Up in Rain Coats.
- New Dress.
- Old Confectioner’s Mistake.
- Out from the Shadow.
- Paradise Lost.
- Poor Sick Men.
- Primal Call.
- Priscilla and the Umbrella.
- Priscilla’s April Fool Joke.
- Priscilla’s Engagement Kiss.
- Resourceful Lovers.
- Revenue Man and the Girl.
- Romany Tragedy.
- Rose of Kentucky.
- Saved from Himself.
- Smile of a Child.
- Sorrowful Example.
- Spanish Gypsy.
- Squaw’s Love.
- Stubb’s New Servants.
- Stuff Heroes Are Made of.
- Sunshine Through the Dark.
- Swords and Hearts.
- Taking His Medicine.
- Teaching Dad To Like Her.
- Terrible Discovery.
- That Daredevil.
- Their Fates Sealed.
- Their First Divorce Case.
- Thief and the Girl.
- Three Sisters.
- Through Darkened Vales.
- Through His Wife’s Picture.
- Too Many Burglars.
- Trail of Books.
- Trailing the Counterfeiter.
- Two Sides.
- Unveiling.
- Victim of Circumstances.
- Village Hero.
- Villain Foiled.
- Voice of the Child.
- Was He a Coward?
- What Shall We Do with Our Old?
- When a Man Loves.
- When Wifey Holds the Purse Strings.
- White Rose of the Wilds.
- Why He Gave Up.
- Woman Scorned.
- Won Through a Medium.
- Wonderful Eye.
- Wreath of Orange Blossoms.
1912. - Algy, the Watchman.
- Baby and the Stork.
- Beast at Bay.
- Billy’s Stratagem.
- Black Sheep.
- Blot in the Scutcheon.
- Brave and Bold.
- Brave Hunter.
- Child’s Remorse.
- Close Call.
- Dash Through the Clouds.
- Did Mother Get Her Wish?
- Engagement Ring.
- Eternal Mother.
- Fatal Chocolate.
- Fate’s Interception.
- Female of the Species.
- Fickle Spaniard.
- For His Son.
- Furs.
- Girl and Her Trust.
- Goddess of Sagebrush Gulch.
- Got a Match?
- Heaven Avenges.
- Helen’s Marriage.
- Help! Help!
- His Lesson.
- His Own Fault.
- Homefolks.
- Hot Stuff.
- Indian Summer.
- Inner Circle.
- Interrupted Elopement.
- Iola’s Promise.
- Joke on the Joker.
- Just Like a Woman.
- Katchem Kate.
- Leading Man.
- Lena and the Geese.
- Lesser Evil.
- Lily’s Lovers.
- Lodging for the Night.
- Man’s Genesis.
- Man’s Lust for Gold.
- Mender of Nets.
- Message from the Moon.
- Narrow Road.
- Near-Tragedy.
- Neighbors.
- New Baby.
- Oh, Those Eyes!
- Old Actor.
- Old Bookkeeper.
- One Is Business, the Other Crime.
- One-Round O’Brien.
- Outcast Among Outcasts.
- Pants and Pansies.
- Priscilla’s Capture.
- Punishment.
- Root of Evil.
- Sands of Dee.
- School Teacher and the Waif.
- Siren of Impulse.
- Sister’s Love.
- Spanish Dilemma.
- Speed Demon.
- Spirit Awakened.
- String of Pearls.
- Sunbeam.
- Tale of the Wilderness.
- Temporary Truce.
- Their First Kidnapping Case.
- Those Hicksville Boys.
- Tomboy Bessie.
- Tourists.
- Tragedy of a Dress Suit.
- Transformation of Mike.
- Trying To Fool Uncle.
- Under Burning Skies.
- Voice from the Deep.
- What the Doctor Ordered.
- When Kings Were the Law.
- When the Fire-Bells Rang.
- Who Got the Reward?
- Willie Becomes an Artist.
- With a Kodak.
- With the Enemy’s Help.
- Won by a Fish.
- Would-Be Shriner.
- Doctor Phantom, the Scientific Sleuth.
- Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Pawnee Bill’s Far East.
- 1912.
- Collinwood School Fire.
- Collinwood School Fire Funeral.
- All’s Fair in Love and War.
- Cowboy’s Romance.
- Johnny and the Indians.
- Love Wins.
- Nevada Girl.
- Private Brown.
- Scrappy Bill.
- Temptation of John Gray.
- World’s Championship, Jack Johnson vs. Stanley Ketchell.
- Battle of Two Palms—Action of March 12, 1912, at Benghasi, Tripoli, Between the Italian and Turkish Armies.
CURLEY, JACK. - 1912.
- Jack Johnson vs. Jim Flynn Contest for Heavyweight Championship of the World, Las Vegas, New Mexico, July 4, 1912.
- Corbett and Courtney Before the Kinetograph.
- Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze, January 7, 1894.
- Edison Kinetoscopic Records.
- Souvenir Strip of the Edison Kinetoscope.
- 1912.
- Alcohol, the Poison of Humanity. Glass Coffin.
- Insanity.
- Land of Darkness.
- Miner’s Heart.
- Redemption.
- Zigomar vs. Le Rouguin.
ral, Venice, Italy. Fireboat “New Yorker” Answering an Alarm. Fireboat “New Yorker” in Action. Flood Scene in Paterson, N. J. Fording the River Nile on Donkeys. Gay Shoe Clerk. Going to Market, Luxor, Egypt. Goo Goo Eyes. Great Fire Ruins, Coney Island. Great Train Robbery. Heavenly Twins at Lunch. Heavenly Twins at Odds. Herd of Sheep on the Road to Jerusalem. How Old Is Ann? Jerusalem’s Busiest Street, Showing Mt. Zion. Jewish Dance at Jerusalem. King Edward and President Loubet Reviewing French Troops. King Edward’s Visit to Paris. Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. Lehigh Valley Black Diamond Express. Life of an American Fireman. Little Lillian, Toe Danseuse. Market Scene in Old Cairo, Egypt. Maypole Dance. Messenger Boy’s Mistake. Miniature Railway at Wilmington Springs, Del. Miss Jessie Cameron, Champion Child Sword Dancer. Miss Jessie Dogherty, Champion Female Highland Fling Dancer. Move on. Native Woman Washing a Negro Baby in Nassau, B. I. Native Women Coaling a Ship and Scrambling for Money. Native Women Coaling a Ship at St. Thomas, D. W. I. Native Women Washing Clothes at St. Vincent, B. W. I. New York Caledonian Club’s Parade. New York City Dumping Wharf. New York City “Ghetto” Fish Market. New York City Police Parade. New York Harbor Police Boat Patrol Capturing Pirates. Office Boy’s Revenge. Old Fashioned Scottish Reel. Opening of New East River Bridge, New York. Orphans in the Surf. Panorama of Blackwell’s Island, New York. Panorama of Morro Castle, Havana, Cuba. Panorama of Riker’s Island, New York. Panorama of Tivoli, Italy, Showing Seven Falls. Panorama of Willemstadt, Curacao, Taken from the River. Panorama Water Front and Brooklyn Bridge from East River. Panoramic View of an Egyptian Cattle Market. Panoramic View of Beyrouth, Syria, Showing Holiday Festivities. Panoramic View of Monte Carlo. Panoramic View of St. Pierre, Martinique. Passengers Embarking from S. S. “Augusta Victoria,” at Beyrouth. Pilot Leaving “Prinzessen Victoria Luise” at Sandy Hook. Policemen’s Prank on their Comrades. Primitive Irrigation in Egypt. Princeton and Yale Football Game. Procession of Floats and Masqueraders at Nice Carnival. Railroad Panorama Near Spanishtown, Jamaica. Razzle Dazzle. “Reliance” and “Shamrock” III Jockeying and Starting in First Race. “Reliance” Crossing the Line and Winning First Race. Rube and Fender. Rube and Mandy at Coney Island. Scrap in Black and White. Seashore Frolics. Shearing a Donkey in Egypt. 69th Regiment, N.G.N.Y. Skyscrapers of New York City, from the North River. Sorting Refuse at Incinerating Plant, New York City. Steamscow “Cinderella” and Ferryboat “Cincinnati.” Still Alarm. Street Car Chivalry. Street Scene at Jaffa. Subub Surprises the Burglar. Throwing the Sixteen Pound Hammer. Tourists Embarking at Jaffa. Tourists Landing at Island of Capri, Italy. Tourists Playing Shuffleboard on “Prinzessen Victoria Luise.” Tourists Returning on Donkeys from Mizpah. Tourists Starting on Donkeys for the Pyramids of Sakkarah. Tourists Taking Water from the River Jordan. Tub Race. Turning the Tables. Unappreciated Joke. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Under the Mistletoe. Washing Clothes at Sicily. West Indian Boys Diving for Money. West Indian Girls in Native Dance. Wharf Scene and Natives Swimming at St. Thomas, D. W. I. What Happened in the Tunnel. White Wings on Review. 1904. - Animated Painting.
- Annual Baby Parade, 1904, Asbury Park, N. J.
- Annual Parade, New York Fire Department.
- Babe and Puppies.
- Bad Boy’s Joke on the Nurse.
- Battle of Chemulpo Bay.
- Boxing Horses, Luna Park, Coney Island.
- Brush Between Cowboys and Indians.
- Bucking Broncos.
- Buster Brown Series.
- Canoeing on the Charles River.
- Capsized Boat.
- Capture of Yegg Bank Burglars.
- Casey’s Frightful Dream.
- Circular Panorama of the Horseshoe Falls in Winter.
- City Hall to Harlem in 15 Seconds, via the Subway Route.
- Cohen’s Advertising Scheme.
- Cop Fools the Sergeant.
- Cowboys and Indians Fording River in a Wagon.
- Crossing Ice Bridge at Niagara Falls.
- Dog Factory.
- Driving Cattle to Pasture.
- Elephants Shooting the Chutes, Luna Park, Coney Island.
- European Rest Cure.
- Ex-Convict.
- Fire and Flames at Luna Park, Coney Island.
- Halloween Night at the Seminary.
- Herding Horses Across a River.
- Hold-Up in a Country Grocery Store.
- How a French Nobleman Got a Wife Through the New York Herald Personal Columns.
- Ice Boating on the North Shrewsbury, Red Bank, N. J.
- Ice Skating in Central Park, N. Y.
- Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association Championships, 1904.
- Inter-Collegiate Regatta, Poughkeepsie, New York.
- Japanese Acrobats.
- Judge Parker Receiving the Notification of His Nomination for the Presidency.
- Little German Band.
- Maniac Chase.
- Midnight Intruder.
- Military Maneuvers, Manassas, Va.
- Mining Operations, Pennsylvania Fields.
- Miss Lillian Shaffer and Her Dancing Horse.
- Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride.
- Old Maid and Fortune Teller.
- Opening Ceremonies, New York Subway, October 27, 1904.
- Outing, Mystic Shriners, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
- Panorama of Ruins from Baltimore and Charles Street.
- Panorama of Ruins from Lombard and Charles Street.
- Panorama of Ruins from Lombard and Hanover Streets, Baltimore, Md.
- Panorama of Ruins from Water Front.
- Parade, Mystic Shriners, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Parsifal.
- Pollywogs 71st Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. Initiating Raw Recruits.
- Railroad Smashup.
- Rounding Up and Branding Cattle.
- Rounding Up of the “Yeggmen.”
- Rube Couple at a County Fair.
- Scarecrow Pump.
- Scenes in an Infant Orphan Asylum.
- Section of Buster Brown Series, Showing a Sketch of Buster by Outcault.
- Skirmish Between Russian and Japanese Advance Guards.
- Sleighing in Central Park, New York.
- Sliding Down Ice Mound at Niagara Falls.
- Strenuous Life.
- Treloar and Miss Marshall, Prize Winners at the Physical Culture Show in Madison Square Garden.
- War Canoe Race.
- Weary Willie Kidnaps a Child.
- Western Stage Coach Hold Up.
- Wifey’s Mistake.
1905. - Boarding School Girls.
- Burglar’s Slide for Life.
- Coney Island at Night.
- Down on the Farm.
- Drills and Exercises, Schoolship “St. Mary’s.”
- Electric Mule.
- Empire State Express, the Second, Taking Water on the Fly.
- Everybody Works But Father.
- Five Cent Trolley Ride.
- Hippodrome Races, Dreamland, Coney Island.
- How Jones Lost His Roll.
- June’s Birthday Party.
- Kleptomaniac.
- Life of an American Policeman.
- Little Train Robbery.
- Miller’s Daughter.
- Mystic Shriners’ Day, Dreamland, Coney Island.
- Night Before Christmas.
- Opening of Belmont Park Race Course.
- Phoebe Snow.
- Poor Algy.
- President Roosevelt’s Inauguration.
- Raffles, the Dog.
- Scenes and Incidents, Russo-Japanese Peace Conference, Portsmouth, N. H.
- Seven Ages.
- Start of Ocean Race for Kaiser’s Cup.
- Stolen by Gypsies.
- Train Wreckers.
- Watermelon Patch.
- White Caps.
- Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog.
1906. - Arriving Mahukona Express, Kohala, Hawaii.
- Crowds Returning from the Games, Waikiki, H. I.
- Dream of a Rarebit Fiend.
- “Fl
e Farm.
- For Her Sister’s Sake.
- Fortune’s Fool.
- Frankenstein.
- From the Arctics to the Tropics.
- From Tyranny to Liberty.
- Frontier Hero.
- Fruit Growing, Grand Valley, Colorado.
- Gallegher.
- Georgia Possum Hunt.
- Great Ball Game Between the East and West.
- Great Secret.
- Greater Love.
- Heart of the Rose.
- Her First Appearance.
- His First Valentine.
- His Just Deserts.
- His Mother’s Thanksgiving.
- His New Family.
- History Repeats Itself.
- House of the Seven Gables.
- House on the Hill.
- How Bumptious Papered the Parlor.
- How the Squire Was Captured.
- In the Nick of Time.
- Into the Jaws of Death.
- It Pays To Advertise.
- Japanese Peach Boy.
- Jar of Cranberry Sauce.
- Joke They Played on Bumptious.
- Judgment of the Mighty Deep.
- Key of Life.
- King Cotton.
- Lady and the Burglar.
- Lassie’s Birthday.
- Lazy Farmer Brown.
- Life of a Salmon.
- Little Fiddler.
- Little Station Agent.
- Livingston Case.
- Lost and Regained.
- Love and Marriage in Posterland.
- Love and the Law.
- Love Drops.
- Luck of Roaring Camp.
- Man Under the Bed.
- Man Who Learned.
- Man with the Weak Heart.
- Michael Strogoff.
- ’Mid the Cannon’s Roar.
- Miner and Camille.
- Miniature.
- Mr. Bumptious on Birds.
- More Than His Duty.
- Moths and the Flame.
- Mountain Blizzard.
- Mountain Maid.
- Mule Driver and the Garrulous
- Mute.
- My Milliner’s Bill.
- New York of Today.
- Old Loves and the New.
- Old Silver Mine in Peru.
- Onoko’s Vow.
- Out of the Night.
- Over Mountain Passes.
- Panoramic Railway View from Front of Train.
- Pardners.
- Parson’s Umbrella.
- Peg Woffington.
- Pickaninny and the Pup.
- Piece of Lace.
- Pigs Is Pigs.
- Police Force of New York City.
- President’s Special.
- Princess and the Peasant.
- Queen of the Burlesque.
- Ranson’s Folly.
- Ready in a Minute.
- Red Cross Seal.
- Riders of the Plains.
- Right Decision.
- Romance of Hefty Burke.
- St. George and the Dragon.
- Sandy, the Substitute.
- Sea Waves.
- Senator and the Suffragettes.
- Ship’s Husband.
- Shyness of Shorty.
- Sisters.
- Skipper’s Yarn.
- Song That Reached His Heart.
- Stars and Stripes.
- Stenographer’s Friend.
- Stolen Claim.
- Stolen Father.
- Stuff That Americans Are Made of.
- Suit Case Mystery.
- Surprise Party.
- Swiss Guide.
- Tale of Two Coats.
- That Girl of Dixon’s.
- Through the Clouds.
- Toymaker, the Doll and the Devil.
- Trip over the Rocky and Selkirk Mountains in Canada.
- Trip to Mars.
- Troop B, 15th U. S. Cavalry Bareback Squad in the Monkey Drill at Fort Myer, Virginia.
- Unexpected Reward.
- United States Life-Saving Drills.
- U. S. Submarine “Salmon.”
- Unselfish Love.
- Vacation in Havana.
- Valet’s Vindication.
- Victim of Bridge.
- Warrior Bold.
- Wedding Trip from Montreal Through Canada to Hong Kong.
- Western Romance.
- Winning of Miss Langdon.
- Wireless Romance.
- With Bridges Burned.
- Woman’s Strategy.
- Yorkshire School.
1911. - Black Bordered Letter.
- Bumptious As Romeo.
- Doctor.
- Eventful Evening.
- Fire Department of New York City.
- Gardener’s Ladder.
- Her First Commission.
- Home of the Seal.
- In the Days of Chivalry.
- Iron Master.
- Link That Held.
- Lover and the Count.
- Mike the Miser.
- Mr. Bumptious, Detective.
- Price of Victory.
- Rajah.
- Ransom of Red Chief.
- Rival Candidates.
- Rival Sculptors.
- Selling Old Master.
- Sleep, Gentle Sleep.
- Stage Romance.
- Test of Friendship.
- Try Out.
- Two Valentines.
- Uncle’s Birthday Gift.
- Western Night.
- With Interest to Date.
- Writing on the Blotter.
- 1911.
- Goodfellow’s Christmas Eve, A-H.
- Dame Aux Camelias.
- Mme. Sans-Gene.
- How To Disperse the Crowd.
- Pierrot, Murderer.
- Round-Up, Pendleton, Oregon.
- 1912.
- Panoramic Views of Alaska in Animated Maps.
- After Many Years.
- All a Mistake.
- All for Her.
- Art Of Making Silver Plate.
- Beat at His Own Game.
- Bradhurst Field Club 4 Mile Run.
- Breach of Promise.
- Breakdown.
- Broken Lease.
- Brown Moves to Town.
- Building the Greatest Dam in the World.
- Call of the Drum.
- Cave Man’s Wooing.
- Change of Stripes.
- Chef’s Downfall.
- Classical Dances by Countess de Swirsky.
- Clown’s Triumphs.
- Cotton Industry.
- Day on a Buffalo Ranch.
- Deserted Shaft.
- Dove and the Serpent.
- English Stag Hunt.
- False to Both.
- Far from the Beaten Track.
- Flag of Distress.
- Helping Hand.
- Henpecked Ike.
- Home Strike Breakers.
- How She Married.
- I Wish I Had a Girl.
- Ice Boating on Shrewsbury River.
- Immigrant’s Violin.
- Jim’s Atonement.
- John Smith, Barber.
- Kid and the Sleuth.
- Lady Audley’s Secret.
- Land of Promise.
- Leap for Love.
- Let Willie Do It.
- Lie.
- Loan Shark.
- Lonesome Miss Wiggs.
- Lure of the Picture.
- Maid’s Stratagem.
- Man from the West.
- Melodrama of Yesterday.
- Millionaire for a Day.
- Modern Highwayman.
- O’Brien’s Busy Day.
- On the Shore.
- Our Baby.
- Percy Learns To Dance.
- Peril.
- Piece of Ambergris.
- Power of Conscience.
- Race in Savannah.
- Reflections from the Firelight.
- Rescued by Wireless.
- Rhoda Royal’s Trained Horses.
- Right Clue.
- Romance of an Old Maid.
- Rose of California.
- Scenic Yellowstone Park.
- Section Foreman.
- Shamus O’Brien.
- Squnk City Fire Co.
- Staff of Age.
- Tables Turned.
- Tankville Constable.
- Tea Industry.
- Tempted But True.
- Thirst for Gold.
- Through the Flames.
- Timely Repentance.
- U. S. Artillery Manoeuvers.
- U. S. Cavalry Horses.
- Up Against It.
- Views of Los Angeles.
- Where Paths Meet.
- Who Wears Them?
- Worth of a Man.
- Aggressor.
- As a Boy Dreams.
- Battle of the Wills.
- Behind the Times.
- Better Way.
- Bi-Centennial Celebration at Mobile.
- Bicycle Bug’s Dream.
- Bill Taft.
- Billy Seance.
- Biting Business.
- Boy’s Best Friend.
- Breaking the Seventh Commandment.
- Broke.
- Brothers.
- Bungalow Burglars.
- By Regis
- Tramp and the Mattress-maker.
- Who Looks, Pays.
- Witch.
- 1907.
- Angelic Servant.
- Bakers in Trouble.
- Bewildering Cabinet.
- Chopin’s Funeral March.
- Delirium in a Studio.
- Drink!
- Eclipse.
- Forester Made King.
- Good Glue Sticks.
- Hamlet.
- How Bridget’s Lover Escaped.
- Mischievous Sketch.
- New Death Penalty.
- Robert Macaire and Bertrand Behind the Scene.
- Rogues’ Tricks.
- Satan in Prison.
- Seek and You Shall Find.
- Shakespeare.
- Sightseeing.
- Skipping Cheese.
- Story of Eggs.
- Tunneling the Channel.
- Under the Seas.
- 1908.
- At the Hotel Mix-Up.
- Broken Violin.
- Buncoed Stage Johnnie.
- Catholic Centennial Celebration.
- Curiosity Punished.
- Dream of an Opium Fiend.
- Fake Diamond Swindler.
- Forester’s Remedy.
- French Cops Learning English.
- Fun with the Bridal Party.
- Genii of Fire.
- Good Luck of a Souse.
- Grandmother’s Story.
- Helping Hand.
- Honeymoon in a Balloon.
- Humanity Through Ages.
- Hunting the Teddy Bear.
- In the Barber Shop.
- In the Bogie Man’s Cave.
- Incident from Don Quixote.
- Indian Sorcerer.
- Justinian’s Human Torches.
- King and the Jester.
- Knight of Black Art.
- Little Peacemaker.
- Lively Pranks with a Fake Python.
- Long Distance Wireless Photography.
- Love and Molasses.
- Love Tragedy in Spain.
- Lover’s Hazing.
- Magic of Catchy Songs.
- Mischances of a Photographer.
- Miser.
- Mishaps of the New York-Paris Race.
- Mistaken Identity.
- Mystery of the Garrison.
- Night with Masqueraders in Paris.
- No Trifling with Love.
- Not Guilty.
- Old Footlight Favorite.
- Oriental Black Art.
- Pageant, Dedication, Festival.
- Prophetess of Thebes.
- Rude Awakening.
- Sideshow Wrestlers.
- Tricky Painter’s Fate.
- Two Crazy Bugs.
- Two Talented Vagabonds.
- Up-to-Date Clothes Cleaning.
- Why That Actor Was Late.
- Woes of Roller Skaters.
- Wonderful Charm.
- 1909.
- Cinderella Up-to-date.
- Count’s Wooing.
- Fatal Ball.
- For Sale—a Baby.
- For the Cause of Suffrage.
- Fortune Favors the Brave.
- Hypnotist’s Revenge.
- Living Doll.
- Mrs. & Mr. Duff.
- Red Star Inn.
- Stolen Wireless.
- Tumultuous Elopement.
- Nelson-Britt Prize Fight.
- Nelson-Britt Prize Fight for Lightweight Championship, San Francisco, September 9th, 1905.
- No Bill Peddlers Allowed.
- 1906.
- Gans-Nelson Contest, Goldfield, Nevada, September 3rd, 1906.
- Head-on Collision at Brighton Beach Race Track, July 4th, 1906.
- O’Brien-Burns Contest, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 26th, 1906.
- Trip Down Mount Tamalpais.
- 1907.
- International Contest for the Heavyweight Championship: Squires vs. Burns, Ocean View, Cal., July 4th, 1907.
- Jim Jeffries on His California Ranch.
- Panorama, Crowds at Squires-Burns International Contest, from Center of Ring, Colma, July 4th, 1907.
- Panorama, Crowds at Squires-Burns International Contest, from Moving Picture Stand, Colma, July 4th, 1907.
- Shriners’ Conclave at Los Angeles, Cal., May, 1907.
- Squires, Australian Champion, in His Training Quarters.
- Dante’s Inferno.
- Homer’s Odyssey.
- Dante’s Progress and Experiences Through Paradise.
- Dante’s Progress and Experiences Through Purgatory.
- Paradise.
- Purgatory.
- Battle of the Red Men.
- Blazing the Trail.
- Cell No. 13.
- Deserter.
- Double Life.
- His Nemesis.
- Indian Massacre.
- Last Resource.
- Lieutenant’s Last Fight.
- Mysteries of Soul.
- Snowball and His Pal.
- War on the Plains.
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