- Acquired characters, definition of, 104
- characters, on the heredity of, 103
- Adaptation, 106
- Adulteration, 55
- Alcoholism, deaths from, 67
- in women, 68
- statistics of, 68
- America, Central, architecture of, 34
- Animals, natural selection among, 75
- Anthropological Review, 99
- Apes, anthropoid, affinity with man, 93
- Aquatic forms of life, increase of, 85
- Archimedes, 34
- Australian aborigines, character of, 33
- and Caucasians, 34
- Barnardo, Dr., 141
- Beaver, 95
- Bimana, 94
- BrahÉ, Tycho, 23
- Brain as organ of the mind, 94
- Bribery, 56
- Browning's, Mrs., Cry of the Children, 42
- Buddha, 8
- Capitalism, 152
- Caucasians and Australian aborigines, 34
- Causes of economic evils, 154
- Chambers's Vestiges of Creation, 81
- Character, definition of, 4
- difficulty of knowing good from bad, 5
- mental faculties and, 5
- morality based upon, 5
- not cumulative, 37
- of savage races, 32
- permanence of, 8
- public opinion and, 36
- selective agency to improve, 36
- subject to variation, 36
- transmission of, 4, 7, 36
- variability and, 82
- Characters, acquired, definition of, 104
- acquired, heredity of, 103
- innate, 104, 110
- heredity of, 110
- Chemical trades, evils of, 50
- Child labour, evils of, 41, 43
- Church, the work of the, 118
- Civil law system, 62
- Civilisation during 18th century, 40
- evolution and, 157
- of ancient Egypt, 15, 35
- of ancient India, 8
- of ancient Mesopotamia, 15
- Civilisations, ancient, 112
- Classical writers, our indebtedness to, 81
- and heredity, 104
- Printed by Cassell & Company, Limited, La Belle Sauvage, London,
E.C.10.613 TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES Variations in spelling and hyphenation remain as in the original. The following corrections have been made to the original text: Page 26: Nile as a human being, with desires,[comma missing in original] Page 113: to luxury and civilisation[original has "civilisa/tion" split across a line break without a hyphen] Page 161: Le Conte[original has "Coute"], Prof., quoted, 139 [139:A] Professor Joseph Le Conte[original has "Coute"], in The Monist In the Index, entries repeated across page breaks and columns have been removed. |