This is the last comedy written by MoliÈre. He was very ill, nearly dying, at the time he wrote it. It was first acted at the Palais Royal Theatre, on February 10, 1673. MoliÈre acted the part of Argan. PERSONS REPRESENTED. Argan, an imaginary invalid. BÉline, second wife to Argan. AngÉlique, daughter to Argan, in love with ClÉante. Louison, Argan's young daughter, sister to AngÉlique. BÉralde, brother to Argan. ClÉante, lover to AngÉlique. Mr. Diafoirus, a physician. Thomas Diafoirus, his son, in love with AngÉlique. Mr. Purgon, physician to Argan. Mr. Fleurant, an apothecary. Mr. de Bonnefoi, a notary. Toinette, maid-servant to Argan. THE IMAGINARY INVALID.