Adam Bede, 264, 267.
Adams, Sarah Flower, 256.
Advent Sunday, 244.
Adventures of Philip, The, 93.
Agamemnon, 237.
Age of Queen Anne, The, 141.
Agnes Grey, 102.
Ainsworth, W. H., 71;
Scott’s criticism on, 77-78.
Alfred Hagart’s Household, 249.
Alison, Sir Archibald, 140, 141.
Allingham, William, 256.
All the Year Round, 85.
Alton Locke, 3, 269, 270.
American Iliad in a Nutshell, The, 21.
American Notes, 84.
Amours de Voyage, 220.
Ancient Law, 134-135.
Andrea del Sarto, 231.
Andromeda, 271.
Angel in the House, The, 251.
Annals of the Parish, 161.
Annuity, The, 61.
Antiquity of Man, The, 178.
Apologia pro Vita Sua, 9, 146, 148, 149, 153.
Aratra Pentelici, 196.
Archbishops of Canterbury, Lives of the, 141-142.
Arethusa, The, 80.
Ariadne Florentina, 196.
Arians of the Fourth Century, The, 147.
Aristophanes’ Apology, 232.
Arnold, Matthew, 40, 69, 122, 191, 192;
his prose, 203-209;
and French literature, 205-206;
on Gambetta, 205;
on the classics, 205, 206;
and Carlyle, 205, 206-207;
his theological writings, 208-209;
his poetry, 214-219;
its critical aspect, 214-215;
his elegiacs, 216;
and Wordsworth, 216-217;
his dramatic poems, 217-218;
his narrative poems, 218;
Arnold, Thomas, 17, 120, 121-123, 140, 157-158.
Arnold, Life of Thomas, 139, 140.
Artists of Spain, Annals of the, 142.
Art of England, The, 196,
‘As I laye a-thynkynge,’ 59.
Asolando, 232, 233.
Atalanta in Calydon, 253, 254.
Athens, its Rise and Fall, 71.
Auguste Comte and Positivism, 162.
Aurora Leigh, 234, 235.
Austin, Charles, 111, 160.
Austin, John, 160-161.
Autobiography of J. S. Mill, 135, 162.
Autobiography of Anthony Trollope, 272.
Aylmer’s Field, 224.
Aytoun, W. E., 246.
Bailey, Philip James, 52, 63-64.
Baillie, Joanna, 46.
Balaustion’s Adventure, 232.
Balder, 247-248.
Balder Dead, 217, 218.
Ballad of Bouillabaisse, The, 97.
Ballad of Harlaw, Scott’s, 119.
Ballads and Sonnets, 241.
Ballads of Policeman X, The, 91, 94.
Barchester Towers, 272.
Barham, R. H., 58.
Barnaby Rudge, 87.
Barnes, William, 65-66.
Barry Lyndon, 91, 97.
Bates, H. W., 189.
Battle of Naseby, 119.
Becket, 74, 226-227.
Bells and Pomegranates, 7, 45.
Ben Brace, 80.
Bentham, Jeremy, 160, 162-163.
Bertha in the Lane, 236.
Bible in Spain, The, 212.
Biographical History of Philosophy, A, 169.
Bishop Blougram, 231.
Blackie, John Stuart, 256.
Blanchard, Laman, 57.
Blessed Damozel, The, 241, 243.
Blind Boy’s Pranks, The, 61.
Bob Burke’s Duel with Ensign Brady, 70.
Bon Gaultier Ballads, 246.
Book Hunter, The, 141.
Book of Snobs, The, 91, 95.
Borrow, George, 212.
Bosworth, Joseph, 211.
Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich, The, 220.
Bridge of Sighs, The, 56.
BrontË, Anne, 100, 102.
BrontË, Charlotte, 100-102, 103-106;
and Thackeray, 105;
and Mrs. Gaskell, 106, 107.
BrontË, Emily Jane, 100, 101, 102-103.
BrontË, Life of Charlotte, 106.
Brough, R. B., 257.
Brown, Dr. John, 210, 244.
Browning, E. B., 44, 119, 233-236, 242;
and Christina Rossetti, 245.
Browning Robert, 11, 43-51;
life, 43-44;
his relation to contemporaries, 44-45;
and Shelley, 45;
his dramatic experiments, 46-48;
his dramatic monologues, 48-50;
and Carlyle, 50-51;
220, 228-233;
and religious controversy, 228-229;
his self-revelation, 230;
his love-poems, 230-231;
his closing period, 231-233;
Buckle, Henry Thomas, 110, 133-134.
Budget of Paradoxes, A, 176.
Burns, Robert, 239.
Burton, John Hill, 141.
Byron, Lord, 1, 36, 37, 46.
Cadyow Castle, 119.
Cairnes, J. E., 165.
Calderon, 237.
Callista, 269.
Calverley, C. S. 257.
Cardinal Richelieu, 74.
Carleton, William, 98-99.
Carlyle, Thomas, 12-35;
his life, 12-16;
his relation to contemporaries, 16-18;
and Mill, 17, 18, 24;
unity of his work, 18;
on Burns, 19;
on Scott, 19;
on Goethe, 20;
his choice of historical subjects, 20-22;
and German thought, 23;
his treatment of facts, 27;
of social and political problems, 30-33;
and Fletcher of Saltoun, 32;
his critical writings, 33-34;
his style, 34-35;
and Browning, 50-51; 72;
and Macaulay, 119-120;
and Matthew Arnold, 206-207.
Carlyle, Life of Thomas, 135.
Carmina Crucis, 259.
Casa Guidi Windows, 234, 235.
Cavaliers and Roundheads, 210.
Cavalier Song, 61.
Caxtons, The, 73.
Cenci, The, 46.
Chaldee Manuscript, The, 136.
Chambers, Robert, 180-181.
Chamier, F., 80.
Characteristics of Shakespeare’s Women, 193.
Charles O’Malley, 99.
Chartism, 15, 30, 32.
Child’s Grave at Florence, A, 234, 235, 236.
Christianity under the Empire, History of, 126-127.
Christian Socialism, 157.
Christie Johnstone, 274, 276.
Christmas Eve and Easter Day, 220, 228
Chronicle of the Drum, The, 97.
Church of Brou, The, 217.
City Poems, 250.
Claims of the Bible and of Science, The, 157.
Clark, W. G., 193.
Clarke, C. Cowden, 193.
Clarke, M. Cowden, 193.
Cloister Life of Charles V., The, 142.
Clough, A. H., 158, 219-220, 244.
Clytemnestra, 252.
Codlingsby, 94.
Colenso, J. W., 159.
Coleridge, Hartley, 59-60.
Coleridge, Henry Nelson, 61.
Coleridge, S. T., 156.
Coleridge, Sara, 61.
Collier, J. P., 192-193.
Collins, Mortimer, 257.
Collins, Wilkie, 273.
Colman, George, 83.
Columbus, 225.
Comic Annual, Hood’s, 55.
Coming Race, The, 74.
Comte, 168, 169.
Comte’s Philosophy of the Sciences, 169.
Concordance to Shakespeare, 193.
Congal, 258.
Coningsby, 75, 76.
Conington, John, 211.
Contarini Fleming, 75.
Cooper, Fenimore, 80.
Cornhill Magazine, The, 93.
Cornish Ballads, 259.
Corn Law Rhymes, 3.
Cory, William, 257.
Cosmo de’ Medici, 64.
Craik, Dinah Maria, 269.
Cranford, 107.
Critical and Historical Essays (Macaulay’s), 114, 118.
Criticism, Journalistic, 191-192.
Croker, Crofton, 70.
Cromwell, 15, 28.
Cruise of the Midge, The, 80.
Cry of the Children, The, 3, 236.
Daniel Deronda, 262, 264, 266, 268.
Dante and his Circle, 241.
Europe during the French Revolution, History of, 141.
Evans, Mary Ann. See Eliot, George.
Evening Dream, An, 249.
Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy, An, 162, 164.
Expansion of England, The, 131.
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The, 187.
Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland, 70.
Falcon, The, 227.
Falkland, 71-72.
Felix Holt, 264, 266.
Ferguson, Sir Samuel, 258.
Ferishtah’s Fancies, 232.
Ferrier, J. F., 167-168.
Fertilisation of Orchids, The, 185.
Fifine at the Fair, 232.
Finlay, George, 127.
Firmilian, 246.
First Principles, 172.
Fitzgerald, Edward, 42, 236-239.
Fleshly School of Poetry, The, 241.
Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, 32.
Fly Leaves, 257.
Footprints of the Creator, 179.
Foresters, The, 227.
Forsaken Merman, The, 217.
Fors Clavigera, 201.
Forster, John, 85, 141.
Four Georges, The, 92, 93, 94.
Fra Lippo Lippi, 231.
Framley Parsonage, 272.
Fraser, Hugh, 70.
Fraser’s Magazine, 69-70.
Frederick the Great, 15, 16, 28-30.
Freeman, E. A., 117, 130.
French Revolution, The, 1-2, 37.
French Revolution, History of the, 14, 15, 26-28, 29, 84.
Friends in Council, 194.
Froude, Hurrell, 145, 147.
Froude, J. A., 127-132;
and Freeman, 130;
on Carlyle, 131;
146, 152.
Galt, John, 161.
Garnett, Dr. Richard, quoted, 248.
Gaskell, E. C., 106-108;
George Sand on, 107;
and Charlotte BrontË, 106, 107;
and George Eliot, 108.
Geoffrey Hamlyn, 271.
Germ, The, 240, 244.
German Romance, 13.
Gipsies in Spain, The, 212.
Gladiators, The, 273.
Gladstone, W. E., 211.
Glascock, W. N., 80.
Glasgow, 250.
Goblin Market, 244, 246.
Goethe, Life of, 169.
Gold, 274.
Goldsmith, Life of, 141.
Gordon, A. L., 258.
Grammar of Assent, Essay in Aid of a, 148.
Grandmother, The, 225.
Grant, James, 273.
Gray, David, 258.
Great Hoggarty Diamond, The, 91.
Greece, History of (Finlay’s), 127.
Greece, History of (Grote’s), 125-126.
Greece, History of (Thirlwall’s), 124.
Greenwell, Dora, 259.
Gregory VII., 64.
Griffith Gaunt, 276.
Grote, George, 122, 125-126.
Gulliver’s Travels, 98.
Guy Livingstone, 273.
Hallam, A. H., 38.
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., 193.
Hamilton, Sir William, 167.
Hamilton, Sir W. Rowan, 176.
Hand and Soul, 241.
Handy Andy, 99.
Hannay, James, 80-81.
Hard Cash, 275.
Harold, 226.
Harry Lorrequer, 99.
Haunted House, The, 56.
Hawker, R. S., 259.
Helps, Sir Arthur, 194.
Hemans, Felicia, 52, 53.
Henrietta Temple, 76.
Henry Holbeach, 210.
Hereward the Wake, 270.
Heroes and Hero-Worship, 15.
Hincks, Edward, 212.
Holy Grail, The, 224.
Hood’s Magazine, 56.
Hood, Thomas, 54-56;
and Praed, 57-58.
Hook, Theodore, 70.
Hook, W. F., 141-142.
Horace, 238, 239.
HorÆ SubsecivÆ, 210.
Horne, R. H., 64-65.
Horton, 250.
Household Words, 85.
Howells, Mr. W. D., quoted, 241.
Huxley, Thomas, 180, 184.
Hymn to Astarte, 254.
Hypatia, 270.
Ideal of a Christian Church, The, 146.
Idylls of the King, 222-224.
In a Balcony, 45.
In a Gondola, 49.
Inductive Sciences, History of the, 166.
Inductive Sciences, Philosophy of The, 166.
Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion, The, 170.
Ingelow, Jean, 259.
Ingoldsby Legends, The, 58.
In Memoriam, 38, 39, 220-221.
Inn Album, The, 232.
Inquiry Concerning the Origin of Christianity, 263.
Insectivorous Plants, 187.
Invasion of the Crimea, The, 132-133.
Ionica, 257.
Irish Sketch Book, The, 91.
Isaac Comnenus, 62.
Is it all Vanity?, 75.
Ismail and other Poems, 71.
It is Never Too Late to Mend, 274, 275, 276.
Jael, 254.
James, G. P. R., 71, 78-79.
James Lee’s Wife, 230.
Jameson, Anna, 193.
Jane Eyre, 100, 102, 103, 104, 137.
Jeanie Morison, 61.
Jerrold, Douglas, 47.
Jewish Church, Lectures on the, 140.
Jews, History of the, 126.
John Halifax, Gentleman, 269.
Jones, Ebenezer, 66-67.
Jowett, Benjamin, 158.
Julius CÆsar, 131.
Jurisprudence, Lectures on, 161.
Justification, Lectures on, 147.
Juventus Mundi, 211.
Karshish, 229.
Kaye, Sir J. W., 142.
Keble, John, 144-145, 147.
Keith of Ravelston, 249.
Kenelm Chillingly, 73.
King Arthur, 74.
Kingdom of Christ, The, 157.
Kinglake, A. W., 132-133.
Kingsley, Charles, 155, 157, 262, 269-271.
Kingsley, Henry, 271.
King’s Tragedy, The, 241, 243.
Knight’s Quarterly Magazine, 57.
Knowles, James Sheridan, 46.
Lady Geraldine’s Courtship, 234, 236.
Lady of Lyons, The, 74.
Lady of Shalott, The, 222.
Lamarck, 188.
Lancaster, William, pseudonym for Lord de Tabley, q. v.
Landon, L. E., 52, 53.
Landor, Life of, 141.
Lane, E. W., 212.
La Saisiaz, 228, 229, 232.
Last Confession, A, 242.
Last Chronicle of Barset, The, 272.
Last Days of Pompeii, The, 72.
Last Essays on Church and Religion, 203.
Last of the Barons, The, 72, 73.
Last Tournament, The, 224.
Latin Christianity, History of, 127.
Latter-Day Pamphlets, 15, 16, 30, 32.
Lavengro, 212.
Lawrence, G. A., 273.
Layard, Sir A. H., 211.
Lay of Elena, The, 63.
Lay of the Brown Rosary, The, 236.
Lays of Ancient Rome, 119.
Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, 58, 246.
Lear, Edward, 259.
Legendary and Historic Ballads, 261.
Legend of Jubal, The, 264, 265.
Legends of the Madonna, 193.
Legends of the Monastic Orders, 193.
Letters of Matthew Arnold, 40, 122, 205.
Letters to a Young Friend, 124.
Lever, Charles James, 99-100.
Lewes, George Henry, 169;
and George Eliot, 263-264.
Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 120, 169-170.
Liberty, 161, 165.
Life and Death of Jason, The, 255.
Life Drama, A, 249-250.
Life of Jesus, The, 263.
Lilliput LevÉe, 210.
Limits of Religious Thought, The, 168.
Livingstone, David, 212.
Locker-Lampson, F., 57.
Lockhart, J. G., 39, 136-139.
Locksley Hall, 42, 226.
Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, 226.
London Magazine, 55.
Lord of Burleigh, The, 236.
Loss and Gain, 269.
Lost Days, 243.
Lost Mistress, The, 49.
Lothair, 76.
Lotos-Eaters, The, 40, 225.
Lovel the Widower, 91, 93.
Lover, Samuel, 99.
Love’s Meinie, 196.
Lucile, 253.
Lucretius, 224.
Luggie, The, 258.
Luria, 45.
Lycus the Centaur, 55.
Lyell, Sir Charles, 177-178;
and Darwin, 178.
Lyra Apostolica, 147.
Lytton, Edward Bulwer, first Lord, 47, 71-75;
and Byron, 72;
and Charles Reade, 73;
Lytton, Edward Robert, Earl of (‘Owen Meredith’), 75, 123.
Nigger Question, The, 15, 21, 32.
Noctes AmbrosianÆ, 80.
Nonsense Rhymes, 259.
North and South, 107.
Northern Cobbler, The, 225.
Northern Farmer, The, 225.
Norton, the Hon. Mrs., 260.
Notes and Emendations to the Plays of Shakespeare, 193.
Novum Organum Renovatum, 166.
Obermann Once More, 215, 216.
Oceana, 131.
Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, 221-222.
Odes and Addresses to Great People, 55.
Ode to the North-East Wind, 270.
Old Red Sandstone, The, 179.
Oliver Twist, 84.
‘O lyric love,’ 230.
Omar KhayyÁm, 237, 238-239;
and Horace, 238-239;
and Burns, 239.
One Word More, 230.
Orestes, 253.
Origin of Species, The, 178, 180, 181, 182-185.
Our Dogs, 210.
Our Mutual Friend, 90.
Outram, George, 61.
Owen, Sir Richard, 180.
Oxford Movement, The, 9, 144.
Pageant, A, 244.
Palace of Art, The, 40.
Palgrave, Sir Francis, 142.
Paracelsus, 7, 44, 45, 50, 248.
Paris Sketch-Book, The, 91.
Parleyings with certain People of Importance, 232.
Passing of Arthur, The, 222, 224.
Past and Present, 15, 30, 31.
Patmore, Coventry, 251-252.
Paton, Sir J. Noel, 240.
Pattison, Mark, 158.
Pauline, 44, 45.
Peg Woffington, 274.
Pelham, 72.
Pendennis, 91, 97.
Periodicals, 5-6.
Phantasmion, 61.
Phases of Faith, 146.
Phil Fogarty, 94.
Philip van Artevelde, 36, 62-63.
Philoctetes, 253.
Philosophy of the Conditioned, The, 168.
Physiology of Common Life, The, 169.
Pickwick, 84.
Pippa Passes, 46, 50.
PlanchÉ, James R., 47.
Plato and the other Companions of Socrates, 125.
Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, The, 55.
Pleasures of England, The, 196.
Poems, by C. E. and A. Bell, 101.
Poems (1833, by Tennyson), 39.
Poems (1842, by Tennyson), 39.
Poems and Ballads, 254.
Poems by Two Brothers, 37, 38, 53.
Poems, chiefly Lyrical, 38.
Poems Dramatic and Lyrical, 253-254.
Poems, Legendary and Historical, 58.
Political Economy (Mill’s), 161, 164.
Pope, The, 229, 230.
Popular Government, 135.
Praed, W. M., 54, 57-58.
Praeterita, 253.
Pre-Raphaelites, The, 10, 213, 240.
Pre-Raphaelitism, 195.
Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, 232.
Prince’s Progress, The, 244.
Princess, The, 39, 42-43, 221, 224.
Principles of Biology, 172.
Principles of Ethics, 173.
Principles of Geology, 177-178.
Principles of Psychology, 172.
Principles of Sociology, 172.
Principles of Taste, 140.
Private of the Buffs, The, 258.
Problems of Life and Mind, 169.
Procter, Adelaide Anne, 260.
Professor, The, 101, 103.
Prolegomena Logica, 168.
Prometheus Unbound, 46.
Promise of May, The, 227.
Prophetical Office of the Church, The, 147.
Proverbial Philosophy, 64.
Province of Jurisprudence Determined, The, 161.
Pusey, E. B., 153-155;
Pius IX. on, 154;
Put Yourself in his Place, 275.
Qua Cursum Ventus, 219.
Queen Mary, 226.
Queens of England, Lives of the, 142.
Queens of Scotland, Lives of the, 142.
Quest of the Sangraal, The, 259.
Rab and his Friends, 210.
Rabbi Ben Ezra, 229, 230.
Rands, W. B., 210.
Ranke’s History of the Popes, Macaulay’s essay on, 115.
Ravenshoe, 271.
Rawlinson, Sir H. C., 211-212.
Reade, Charles, 73, 262, 273-276.
Rebecca and Rowena, 94.
Red Fisherman, The, 58.
Red Thread of Honour, The, 258.
Rehearsals, 253.
Reign of Queen Anne, History of the, 142.
Reliques of Father Prout, 70.
Reminiscences, by Carlyle, 16, 20.
Rephan, 233.
Representative Government, Considerations on, 162, 165, 166.
Resignation, 215, 217.
Revenge, The, 221, 225, 260.
Reynolds, John Hamilton, 55.
Rhyme of the Duchess May, The, 236.
Ring and the Book, The, 45, 49, 50, 229-230, 231.
Rizpah, 226.
Robertson, F. W., 155, 157.
Roman, The, 247.
Romance of War, The, 273.
Romans under the Empire, History of the, 127.
Romany Rye, The, 212.
Romaunt of Margret, The, 236.
Rome, History of, 122-123.
Romola, 264, 266.
Roscoe, William Caldwell, 260.
Rose Mary, 243.
Rossetti, Christina, 234, 242, 244-246;
and Mrs. Browning, 245;
and D. G. Rossetti, 245.
Rossetti, D. G., 240-244;
his sensuousness, 241-242;
his treatment of nature, 243;
his ballads, 243;
and Christina Rossetti, 245.
Roundabout Papers, 93, 97.
RubÁiyÁt of Omar KhayyÁm, 237, 238-239.
Rugby Chapel, 216.
Ruskin, John, 153, 194-202;
his art criticism, 196-199;
his style, 199-200;
his social theories, 200-202.
Ruth, 56.
Sacred and Legendary Art, 193.
St. Clement’s Eve, 62.
Ste. Beuve, 192.
St. Mark’s Rest, 196.
St. Paul and Protestantism, 203.
Saint’s Tragedy, The, 271.
SalÁmÁn and AbsÁl, 237.
Sand, George, quoted, 107;
Sands of Dee, The, 270.
Sartor Resartus, 12, 13, 15, 19, 23-26, 34, 35.
Scenes of Clerical Life, 262, 264, 266, 267.
Scherer, Edmond, on George Eliot, 265.
Schiller, Life of, 13, 22, 34.
Schleiermacher, 123.
Scholar Gipsy, The, 215,64.
Turner, Charles Tennyson, 38, 53-54.
Two Chiefs of Dunboy, The, 131.
Ulysses, 224.
Unknown Eros, The, 251-252.
Utilitarianism, 162.
Vanitas Vanitatum, 98.
Vanity Fair, 91, 97.
Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, The, 185, 188.
Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, The Formation of, 187.
Velasquez and his Work, 142.
Venetia, 76.
Verses and Translations, 257.
Vestiges of Creation, 179, 180, 188.
Vicar, The, 57.
Villette, 101, 103.
Virginians, The, 93.
Vision of Sin, The, 42.
Vivian Grey, 75.
Vivia Perpetua, 256.
Wade, Thomas, 66.
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 180;
and Darwin, 183, 186;
Ward, W. G., 146, 219.
Ward’s English Poets, 207.
War in Afghanistan, History of the, 142.
War of the Succession in Spain, History of the, 142.
Warren, J. B. L. See De Tabley, Lord.
Warren Hastings, 115.
Warren, Samuel, 81.
Water Babies, The, 271.
Watson, Mr. William, 62.
Westward Ho!, 270.
Whately, Richard, 144.
What will He do with It? 73.
Whewell, William, 166.
Whims and Oddities, 55.
Whitehead, Charles, 66.
White Ship, The, 243.
Whyte-Melville, G. J., 273.
Wilberforce, Samuel, 155, 184.
Wilhelm Meister, Carlyle’s translation of, 13.
Williams, Rowland, 124.
Wilson, Life of Bishop, 145.
Witness, The, 178.
Wives and Daughters, 107.
Woman in White, The, 273.
Wondrous Tale of Alroy, The, 76.
Wood, Mrs. Henry, 269.
Woodland Grave, A, 254.
Woolner, Thomas, 240.
Wordsworth, William, and Matthew Arnold, 216-217;
Wright, W. Aldis, 193.
Wuthering Heights, 102, 103, 104.
Yeast, 269, 270.
Yellowplush Papers, The, 91.
Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion, The, 249.
Zanoni, 73, 74.
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[1] In later times this has been confused with the very different doctrine that there is a domain of authority within the domain of reason.
[2] I.e., if Ainsworth was the author of Sir John Chiverton.
[3] The ‘Young Friend’ to whom these remarkable letters are addressed is now Lady Hills-Johnes, of Dolancothy, Carmarthenshire.
[4] One early criticism was that the book was suspiciously teres atque rotundus.
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