Agrostis stolonifera, Fiorin-grass, called in England Joint-grass.
Anthoxanthum odoratum, Sweet Vernal-grass:—in woods and coarse grounds.
Alopecurus geniculatus, Flute Foxtail:—in wet grounds.
Arundo arenaria, Sea Reed:—on the shores.
Alchemilla vulgaris, Ladies Mantle:—a plant of great elegance in high pastures.
Achillea Millefolium, Yarrow:—in pastures on the banks of the Fahan.
Angelica sylvestris, Wild Angelica:—an aromatic plant in woods and moist hedges.
Arenaria peploides, Sea Sand-wort:—an elegant plant, abounding on the coast.
Borago officinalis, Borage:—on the banks of the Bann.
Caltha palustris, Marsh-Marigold:—in most parts.
Campanula rotundifolia, Round-leaved Bell-flower:—on the barren pastures near Downhill.
Convolvulus Sepium, Great Bind-weed:—among plantations near the sea.
Digitalis purpurea, Foxglove:—very common near ditches.
Elymus arenarius, Sea Lime-grass:—on sandy grounds near the sea.
Epilobium angustifolium, Rosebay Willow-herb:—in hedges.
Erica cinerea, Fine Heath:—on moors and wastes.
Erica multiflora, Fir-leaved Heath:—on Magilligan Mountains.
Festuca elatior, Tall Fescue-grass:—in the woods of Aghanloo.
Galium palustre, White Ladies Bed-straw:—in moist meadows, and on the banks of the Bann.
Hypericum pulchrum, Upright St. John's Wort:—an elegant plant in woods and glens.
Iris Pseud-acorus, Common Flag:—a beautiful species in boggy meadows.
Leontodon Taraxacum, Dandelion:—in pastures.
Lychnis Flos Cuculi, Meadow Pink:—in low meadows at Aghanloo.
Melica uniflora, Single Wood-grass:—in wet wooded grounds.
Melampyrum sylvaticum, Wood Cow-weed:—in oak-woods.
NymphÆa alba, White Water-lily:—in lakes and rivers.
Orchis Satyrion, Orchis:—all the varieties to be found in high grounds and wet meadows.
Parnassia palustris, Grass of Parnassus:—in wet grounds.
Potentilla anserina, Silver Weed:—in dry pastures and meadows.
Ranunculus Flammula, Crowfoot:—in wet meadows.
Saponaria officinalis, Soapwort:—in dry ditches, but rare.
Tanacetum vulgare, Yellow Tansey:—in the river Roe, and sandy ditches in Drumbane.
Trifolium alpestre, Long-leaved Trefoil:—amongst the romantic fallen rocks of Bengevenogh.
Veronica maritima, Sea Speedwell:—several varieties on the coast.
Viola odorata, Sweet Violet:—under hedges, bushes, &c.
Zostera marina, Grass-wrack:—on shallow beaches.