uare, S.W., 296 Belgrave Street, S.W., 296 Belgravia, 149 Bell, The, 84 Belleisle, 57 Bell the Cat, 246 Beloochistan, 36 Belvedere, The, 192 Benchers, 209 Benedictines, 102 Bennett Street, W., 280 Bentinck Street, W., 284 Berkeley Place, W., 286 Berkeley Square, W., 279 Berkeley Street, W., 279 Berkeley Street, E.C., 291 Berkshire, 135 Berlin Blue, 146 Bermondsey, 160 Bermuda Islands, 55 Bernardines, 103 Berners Street, W., 283 Bethlehem, 219 Bethlehem Hospital, 219 Bethlemites, 69 Bethnal Green, 152 Bevis Marks, E.C., 267 Bible, 122 BidËford Postman, The, 131 Billingsgate, 217 Billiter Street, E.C., 265 Birchin Lane, E.C., 267 Birdcage Walk, S.W., 297 Birds of Paradise, 97 Bishops’ Bible, 123 Bishopsgate Street, E.C., 267 Bishop’s Wood, 155 Black Agnes, 195 Black Bear, The, 84 Blackbird, 97 Black Bull, The, 78 Black Cloaks, 114 Black Douglas, 246 Black Friars, 101 Blackfriars Bridge, 260 Blackfriars Road, S.E., 260 Blackguard, 237 Blackheath, 161 Black Jack, The, 85 Blackleg, 237 Black Posts, The, 189 Black Prince, Edward the, 88 Black Sea, 49 Blandford Square, N.W., 286 Blandford Street, N.W., 286 Blankets, 178 Blenheim Street, W., 282 Blind Chapel Court, E.C., 265 Bloody Butcher, The, 45 Canary, 99 Canary Islands, 253 Duchess Street, W., 284 Duck-bill, 98 Duck’s Foot Lane, E.C., 264 Dudley Diamond, 245 Duenna, 228 Duke of Cambridge, The, 86 Duke of Connaught, The, 86 Duke of Edinburgh, The, 86 Duke’s Place, E.C., 266 Duke Street, W., 278, 284, 285 Duke Street, E.C., 269 Duke Street, W.C., 275 Dulwich, 161 Dun, 235 Duodecimo, 110 Durham, 133 Dutchman, 239 Dye, 146 Dyers’ Buildings, E.C., 271 E. Eagle, The, 80 Earl of March, The, 80 Earl Street, S.W., 299 Earls’ Court Road, W., 295 Earls’ Court, 295 Eastcheap, E.C., 265 Easter, 169 Easter Island, 54 Eaton Square, S.W., 297 Ebury Square, S.W., 296 Ebury Street, S.W., 296 Eccleston Square, S.W., 296 Eccleston Street, S.W., 296 Ecuador, 44 Eden Street, N.W., 288 Edgar Atheling, 87 Edmonton, 153 Edmund Ironsides, 87 Edward Longshanks, 88 Edward Street, W., 284 Edward Street, N.W., 287 Edward the Black Prince, 88 Edward the Confessor, 87 Edward the Martyr, 87 Effra Road, S.E., 300 EgalitÉ Philippe, 91 Egypt, 42 Egyptian Hall, 225 Elephant-paper, 104 Elephant and Castle, The, 188 Elia, 182 Eltham, 161 Ely Place, E.C., 270 Ember Days, 171 Ember Weeks, 171 Embroidery, 179 Emerald, 258 Gloucester Road, W., 295 Gloucestershire, 134 Globe, The, 84 Gnostics, 65 Goat and Compasses, The, 83 Gobelin Tapestry, 179 Gold Coast, 42 Golden Cross, The, 81 Golden Lane, E.C., 292 Golden Square, W., 282 Goldfinch, 96 Goldylocks, 121 Golgotha, 216 Good Friday, 169 Goodge Street, W., 283 Good Hope, Cape of, 43 Goodman’s Fields, 151 Good Queen Bess, 90 Good Templars, 234 Goodwood Races, 210 Gordon Square, W.C., 289 Gospellers, 68 Gospel Oak, 155 Gothland, 57 Government Stock, 256 Gracechurch Street, E.C., 264 Grafton Street, W., 283 Granby Street, N.W., 288 Grand Old Man, The, 202 Grange Road, S.E., 301 Grange Walk, S.E., 301 Grapes, The, 84 Grass-cloth, 178 Grass Widow, 228 Gray’s Inn, 208 Gray’s Inn Road, W.C., 271 Great Bear Lake, 48 Great Bible, 123 Great College Street, N.W., 288 Great Coram Street, W.C., 289 Great Dover Street, S.E., 300 Great George Street, S.W., 298 Great Marlborough Street, W., 282 Great Ormond Street, W.C., 290 Great Peter Street, S.W., 299 Great Portland Street, W., 284 Great Queen Street, W.C., 272 Great Russell Street, W.C., 289 Great St. Helen’s, E.C., 267 Great Salt Lake, 48 Great Stanhope Street, W., 278 Great Suffolk Street, S.E., 300 Great Titchfield Street, W., 283 Great Turnstile, W.C., 272 Great Winchester Street, E.C., 269 Great Windmill Street, W., 276 Greece, Jewin Street, E.C., 286 Jig, 145 Jingo, 117 Jingoes, 117 Jingo Party, 117 Joachim’s Thaler, 255 Johannisberg, 127 John Bull, 94 John Chinaman, 94 John Lackland, 88 John of Gaunt, 89 Johnson’s Court, E.C., 259 John Street, W., 279 John Street, W.C., 275 Joiner, 230 Journeyman, 235 Juan Fernandez, 54 Jubilee Plunger, The, 205 Judaism, 63 Judd Street, W.C., 289 Judges’ Walk, N.W., 293 Juggler, 237 June, 59 July, 59 Justice Walk, S.W., 296 Jutland, 40 K. Kaffraria, 36 Kansas, 47 Kennington, 162 Kensington, 158 Kensington Gore, S.W., 294 Kent, 134 Kentish Town, 155 Kent Street, S.E., 300 Kentucky, 47 Keppel Street, S.W., 296 Kersey, 177 Kew, 157 Keystone State, The, 46 Kilburn, 156 King Edward Street, E.C., 269 Kingfisher, 97 King James’s Bible, 123 King Maker, The, 247 King of Bath, The, 199 King’s Arms, The, 82 King’s Bench Avenue, N.W., 293 King’s Cross, 154 Kingsgate Street, W.C., 290 King’s Head, The, 86 Kingsland, 153 King’s Road, S.W., 295 Kingston, 158 King Street, S.W., 277, 298 King Street, W.C., 274 King Street, E.C., 262 King William Street, W.C., 276 King William Street, E.C., Manitoba, 45 Manlius Torquatus, 246 Man of Ross, The, 200 Man of Straw, 235 Mansfield Street, W., 285 Mansion House, The, 227 Map, 106 Marble Arch, 278 March, 59 Margaret Street, W., 284 Marigold, 121 Market Street, W., 279 Mark Lane, E.C., 265 Mark Twain, 183 Marlborough House, 220 Marlborough Road, S.W., 296 Marlborough Road, S.E., 299 Marlborough Square, S.W., 296 Marlborough Street, W., 282 Marmora, Sea of, 50 Marquis of Granby, The, 85 Marshal Forward, 248 Marshalsea Prison, 216 Marsham Street, S.W., 299 Martel, 246 Martin, 98 Martinmas Day, 166 Martlemas Day, 166 Martyr, 87 Maryland, 47 Marylebone, 156 Masaccio, 206 Masher, 233 Massachusetts, 47 Master of Arts, 232 Materialism, 62 Mattan Diamond, 244 Maunday Thursday, 169 Mauritius, 53 May, 59 Mayfair, 150 Mayflower, 120 Mazarin Bible, 124 Mazarine, 147 Mazourka, 143 Mecklenburgh Square, W.C., 290 Mediterranean Sea, 49 Memorial Hall, Congregational, 217 Memory-Corner Thompson, 204 Memory Woodfall, 204 Mentor, 231 Merino, 177 Merioneth, 137 Merry Andrew, 236 Merry Monarch, The, 90 Methodists, 75 Mexico, 45 Michaelmas Day, 166 Michigan, Paraguay, 43 Parchment, 104 Paris Garden, S.E., 300 Parker Street, S.W., 298 Parnellites, 112 Park Lane, W., 278 Park Street, N.W., 287 Parry Islands, 54 Parliamentarians, 111 Parsees, 64 Parson’s Green, 159 Partridge Day, 175 Passenger-pigeon, 98 Passion-flower, 121 Passionists, 103 Passion Sunday, 169 Passion Week, 169 Passover, 170 Pat, 94 Patagonia, 43 Paternoster Row, E.C., 261 Pathfinder, The, 207 Paul’s Chain, E.C., 261 Paul Veronese, 206 Peacock, The, 81 Pearl, 245 Pearl Bible, 124 Peckham, 162 Peckham Rye, 221 Peculiar People, 72 Pedlar, 236 Pedro the Cruel, 91 Peelers, 232 Peep o’ Day Boys, 111 Peewit, 96 Pembroke, 137 Pennsylvania, 46 Penny, 253 Pentateuch, 125 Pentecost, 170 Penton Street, W.C., 291 Pentonville Road, N., 291 People’s Friend, The, 200 Percy Cross, 159 Perfectionists, 73 Pernambuco, 44 Persia, 36 Peru, 43 Perugino, Il, 206 Peterborough House, 223 Peter Street, Great, S.W., 299 Petrel, 99 Petticoat Lane, E.C., 267 Phaeton, 138 Pharisees, 65 Pheasant, The, 81 Pfennig, 253 Philippic, 132 Philippe EgalitÉ, Ritualists, 76 Robert le Diable, 246 Robert Street, N.W., 287 Robert Street, W.C., 275 Robert the Devil, 246 Robin Hood, 197 Rock Day, 167 Rochester Row, S.W., 298 Rogation Days, 171 Rogation Sunday, 171 Roger de Coverley, 143 Rolls Chapel, 221 Roman Catholic Church, 67 Romeo Coates, 199 Romney Street, S.W., 299 Rood Lane, E.C., 265 Rose, The, 80 Rose and Crown, The, 80 Rose-Noble, 254 Rosoman Street, E.C., 291 Rosslyn Hill Park, 223 Rosslyn House, 223 Rotherhithe, 160 Rotten Row, 278 Roumania, 41 Roundheads, 111 Royal Exchange, 226 Royalists, 111 Royal Oak, The, 85 Royal Oak Day, 173 Ruby, 245 Rufus, 88 Rum, 257 Running Footman, The, 189 Russell Square, W.C., 289 Russell Street, W.C., 274 Russell Street, S.E., 301 Russia, 37 Rutland, 136 Rutland Gate, W., 278 Rye, 221 Rye House, 221 Rye Lane, S.E., 299 S. Sabbatarians, 71 Sack, 129 Sackville Street, W., 281 Sacramentarians, 72 Saddlers’ Arms, The, 82 Sadler’s Wells, 192 Saffron Hill, E.C., 270 Sahara, 42 Sailor King, The, 90 St. Andrew Undershaft, Church of, 214 St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 219 St. Bride’s Church, 214 St. Bride Street, E.C., 259 St. Catherine Coleman, Church of, 213 St. Catherine Cree, Church of, 213 134 Sussex House, 223 Surrey, 10, 134 Surrey Street, W.C., 273 Sutton Place, N., 292 Swallow Street, W., 281 Swan Alley, E.C., 264 Swan, The, 81 Swan with Two Necks, The, 187 Swedish Nightingale, 196 Sweepstake, 211 Sweetbriar, 118 Switzerland, 41 Sydenham, 161 T. Tabard, The, 187 Taffeta, 177 Taffety, 177 Taffy, 94 Tailor, 231 Tailor-bird, 98 Talbot, The, 79 Talbotype, 185 Tally, 256 Tally Ho! The, 80 Tallyman, 256 Tammany Ring, 116 Tankard, The, 85 Tapestry, 179 Tarantella, 143 Tarantula Spider, 143 Tarlatan, 176 Tasmania, 52 Tattersall’s, 226 Tavern, 76 Tavistock Place, W.C., 289 Tavistock Square, W.C., 289 Tavistock Street, W.C., 274 Taylor, the Water Poet, 131 T-cloth, 178 Tearless Victory, The, 163 Teetotaler, 234 Temple, The, 208, 212 Temple Bar, 216 Tennessee, 47 Tent Wine, 128 Terpsichorean Art, 142 Texas, 47 Thaler, 255 Thanet Place, W.C., 273 Thames, 149 Thavie’s Inn, 209 Theist, 61 Theobald’s Road, W.C., 290 Theocracy, 61 Thomas Street, S.E., 301 Thomists, 71 Thirteen Cantons, The, 190 Thistle, The, 212 Westmoreland, 133 Westwood, 161 Weymouth Street, W., 294 Wheelwright, 230 Whig, 109 Whigamore Raid, 109 Whig Bible, 124 Whip-poor-Will, 96 Whisky, 257 White Boys, 111 Whitechapel, 151 White Conduit House, 191 White Conduit Tavern, 192 Whitecross Street, E.C., 268 White Friars, 101 Whitefriars Street, E.C., 260 Whitehall, 220 White Hart, The, 79 White Hart Street, W.C., 272 White Lion, The, 79 White Quakers, 71 White Queen, The, 89 White Sea, 49 White Sunday, 165 White Swan, The, 79 White Swan and Antelope, The, 9 White Tower, 215 Whit Sunday, 165 Whitsuntide, 165 Whittington Stone, The, 190 Wicked Bible, 124 Widow, 228 Widow-bird, 98 Wife, 228 Wigmore Street, W., 284 William Rufus, 88 William Street, N.W., 287 William the Conqueror, 88 William the Lion, 88 Willis’s Rooms, 225 Will Scarlet, 197 Wilton, 135 Wiltshire, 135 Wimbledon, 159 Wimpole Street, W., 285 Winchester House, 268 Winchester Yard, S.E., 300 Windmill Street, W., 282 Windmill Street, E.C., 291 Wine, 129 Wine Office Court, E.C., 259 Winnipeg, Lake, 48 Wisconsin, 47 Witanagemotes, 165 Wizard of the North, The, 131 Woodcock, 99 Wood Green, 153 Woodpecker, UNWIN BROTHERS, THE GRESHAM PRESS, CHILWORTH AND LONDON. Select Books PUBLISHED BY Mr. T. Fisher Unwin London: Paternoster Square. MDCCCXCII.