Lotus Blossom is the dearest little girl in the world. I beg your pardon—I mean in the Eastern world, for she lives far away across the Pacific, on one of the beautiful islands of Japan. Lotus Blossom is very pretty. She has a round face, with a clear, yellow skin, and her teeth are like little pearls. Her black hair is cut square across the forehead and braided behind. It is never done up in curl-papers or twisted over a hot iron; the little girl's mamma would think that very untidy. Lotus Blossom does not smile very often, yet she is always happy. She does not remember crying once in her life. Why should children feeding birds TOYO FEEDING THE PIGEONS. Besides all these things which help to make The little Japanese girl's clothes are pretty as well as comfortable. It is not possible for pins to prick her tender flesh, because they are never used about her dress. In summer she wears a silk or linen garment made very much like your papa's dressing-gown, except that it has immense sleeves. Beautiful scarlet flowers are embroidered all over it, and a wide sash is wound around her waist and tied in a big, flat bow behind. She is very fond of red, so she has a bow of red crape in her hair, and a small red bag is fastened to her belt in front. What do you suppose she carries in the bag? Paper handkerchiefs! Not linen ones like yours, which are washed when they get soiled, but rather of soft, pretty paper. As soon as each one is used it is thrown away. Don't you think that is a very nice and cleanly custom? Indeed, there are many things about Lotus Blossom carries another bag at her belt, filled with amulets. These are charms to keep away any evil spirits that might do her harm. In the bag with the charms, there is a brass plate, which tells her name and where she lives. So if she should get lost, her mother need not worry, for she will be brought safely home without loss of time. But what can be the use of such big sleeves? When her mamma cut them, she made them long enough to nearly reach the floor. Then they were doubled up inside and fastened in front so that they could serve as pockets. How you would laugh to see Lotus Blossom and her brother tuck away their playthings in their big sleeves when their mother calls them away to do something for her! It is The little girl's life is like a long playtime. In the first place, she lives in a sort of play-house. There is nothing to get out of order; no chairs in the way, no table-scarfs to pull down, no ink-wells to tip over. There is only one big room in the house, but there are many beautiful paper screens, so her mamma can divide the house just as she pleases by moving the screens about. If company should arrive suddenly, there need be no question whether there is a guest-room or not. One can be made with screens in a moment. Even the front of the house is made of screens, which can be closed at night, and folded away in the morning to open up the whole house to the fresh air and sunshine. The only tables are six inches high. They are pretty and delicate, and are highly lacquered. When Lotus Blossom has nothing else to do, she likes to look at the pictures on these little stands. But where are the stoves? How do the people keep warm in the cold winter days? And where is all the cooking done? In the picture do you see a little box with smoke rising from it? It is lined with metal, and charcoal is burned in it. All the food is prepared over these little fire-boxes. If any one is cold, he Tea! you say. That little girl, nine years old, drinking tea? Yes, we have to admit that the Japanese child drinks tea at a very early age; and with no milk or sugar, either. But then the cups are so tiny they do not hold much. They are no bigger than those in a doll's china set. How quickly the little tea-table is set at meal times. Each member of the family has one all to himself. There is no table-cloth, no knife, or fork, or spoon; instead of these one sees a pair of chop-sticks, a small cup and saucer, and a plate from which he eats the steaming rice and the minced fish. But suppose that the tea or rice should be spilled on the beautiful table? Please don't imagine such a thing. Japanese Where does our little Japanese cousin sleep in this funny house? There are no bedsteads, or mattresses, or blankets, or sheets. When bedtime comes, her papa and mamma move the screens around so as to shut themselves off from the rest of the house. Then they go to a cupboard and take down some wadded quilts and queer wooden blocks, whose tops are slightly curved. A quilt is spread on the floor, and a wooden block serves as a pillow. Some paper is laid on it so that it may be kept clean. And now, you think, Lotus Blossom may get into her bed after she has undressed and put on her night-dress. Not so, however. She must bathe in a tub of such hot water that it would turn your body When Lotus Blossom was two years old her brother Toyo was born. How the family rejoiced at having a little son! When he was only seven days old a very important ceremony was performed. He had to receive a name. His papa, who believes in the religion of Shintoism, fully wrote out five of his favourite names on pieces of paper. Then he took his baby in his arms, and, carrying the papers, he went to the temple where he worshipped. The papers were handed to the priest, who placed them in a bowl. After All this time Toyo's head was kept perfectly smooth. In fact, his first visit to the barber was very important, for all his hair was shaved off then except a little fringe at the back and sides. When he was four months old another important ceremony was held. Toyo left off baby clothes and was given his first solid food. That was rice, of course, Toyo and Lotus Blossom are always happy together. His sister was the first one to help Toyo squat on his little heels. Japanese babies never creep. The little brother had no baby-carriage or cradle, but he never missed them. He was always such a happy little fellow; never perched up in a high-chair with his body fastened in by a wooden tray, but always moving around, sometimes on the floor, sometimes fastened on mamma's or nurse's back, again on the older children's backs, when Lotus Blossom was out playing in the garden with them. When he got tired he would simply go to sleep, while the children would keep on with their play. But when he woke up, he would look about with a dear little smile, as much as to say: "I'm all right, thank you, don't fret about me." It was a most important time when he cut Almost the first words that Toyo learned to speak were, "Thank you," and "If you please." Don't think for a moment that he ever did such a rude thing in his life as to answer "no" or "yes" without some very polite expression with it. For instance, if his mamma asked him a question, he would answer with his baby lips, "No, thank you, If her little brother should step on Lotus Blossom's doll and break its arm, what would she do? Give him a slap and say, "Oh, you bad, bad boy?" By no means. A slap is unknown in her land. The little woman would not even let herself look cross or unhappy, while Toyo would spend five minutes in telling her how unutterably sad and broken-hearted he was made by his cruel, ungentlemanly carelessness. And then, to make them But perhaps Lotus Blossom is tired of playthings, so she and Toyo run out in the garden to have a frolic with their pets. They have new ones nearly every day, for they are fond of every creature that is alive. To-day they are going to hunt for some big beetles, as Toyo has planned a little carriage which he will make out of paper, with pasteboard wheels and reins of silk thread for the paper doll. The beetles will be harnessed, and the children will train them to draw the carriage. Jolly fun! The whole afternoon is spent in finding some black beauties and playing with them. Another day the children will catch some grasshoppers and tame them. Toyo will make a pretty paper cage to hold them, while both he and Lotus Blossom will be very careful to feed them regularly on the dainties Lotus Blossom has a globe full of gold-fish different from any you have ever seen. Their tails are fan-shaped, and are as long as their bodies. During the long summer days the globe of fish is set out on the broad balcony, and many children stop to watch them as they pass. Toyo loves his little dog more than all his other pets. He is the dearest little fellow, and wishes to follow his young master wherever he goes. He looks somewhat like a spaniel, except that he is white. His nose is turned up at the end, so that he looks all the time as if he would say, "Humph! I am very wise. You poor people don't know much." And he looks all this in such a I know you will be disappointed when you learn that Lotus Blossom's dear little kitten cannot play with her tail. No fun for her, poor kitty, you are thinking. But why is it? Because she has no tail, or at least only the stub of one. So of course she is quite calm and solemn—that is, for a kitten. But then she lives in Japan, and so she ought to be more dignified than kittens of other lands. Don't you think so? Girl asleep on floor "SHE IS SOON SOUND ASLEEP." We must leave all these pets now and go to church, or rather to the temple, with Toyo, Lotus Blossom, and their parents. There is no set day for worship, for there is no such thing as Sunday in Japan. The temples are always open, and the children are fond of The inside of the building is almost bare. There are no statues of gods or goddesses, no ornaments,—nothing except an altar with some queer sticks standing upon it. Festoons of white paper hang from these wands, or "gohei," as the Japanese call them. A priest After our little cousins have said their prayers and given their money, they go to a dance-hall in another part of the temple. You know by this time that the Japanese like to enjoy themselves. But isn't it a strange idea to have dancing, praying, and feasting in the same place? The dancers are dressed like butterflies. They have beautiful red and gold wings. They are very graceful, but the music is unpleasant to us. Toyo thinks it is fine, and wishes he could play as well. Now for a good dinner in the restaurant in the next hall, for the boy's father has promised to treat his family to all the dainties of One morning not long after this, poor little Lotus Blossom woke up with a bad pain in her stomach. Her face and hands were hot. She was not able to get up and go to school. Mamma felt very sad, and at once sent to ask the priest for something to make her little daughter well. You say at once, "Is the priest in Japan a doctor? And will he prepare medicine marked in some such way as this: 'One teaspoonful to be taken each hour?'" No, indeed. Lotus Blossom's mamma received from her queer physician two "moxas," with orders that one of them should be placed on the back of the sick child, and the other on her foot. The direction of the priest was followed, although it made Lotus Blossom very unhappy. I think you would not like No doubt you wonder at it, as I do myself, but Lotus Blossom got well enough in two or three days to sit up and be dressed. But she did not care for her dolls or games; she felt tired all the time. Her loving and most honoured father said a change of air would It will take only an hour to carry the children to their aunt's, if they do not stop on the way. But there are so many things to see to-day that Lotus Blossom forgets all about her sickness and burns, and wants her man sitting by candy cart THE CANDY MAN. But look! Here is a man standing in the middle of the street, dancing and singing a funny song. The sober Japanese who are passing stop and laugh. The man has a little stand by his side, and on this stand are a dish of wheat-gluten and a bamboo reed. As Lotus Blossom and Toyo draw near, the man ends his song and calls out, "Now who wants me to blow him a candy dog? Or shall it be a monkey eating a nut? You, my most honoured little lady, want one surely." This he said to Lotus Blossom, who was sitting up straight in the jinrikisha, full of interest. She thought a moment or two, and They came soon to another crowd of boys and girls gathered about a batter-cake man. He had a little stand on which a pan of charcoal was burning. A large griddle rested over the coal, and a tiny little urchin was standing on his tiptoes and baking cakes. The man cut them out for him in pretty shapes. See the pleasure on the youngster's face! All this fun for ten yen, or one cent. The other children But let us return to Turtle Street and find out what is now attracting the attentions of our little cousins. Would you believe it? They can't be in very much of a hurry to get to aunty's, for they have stopped again. You would also stop if you saw what they do. A travelling street show is entertaining numbers of men, women, and children. Babies are on the backs of some of them, laughing and crowing, too. See that clever fellow in the middle. He is making butterflies of coloured paper and blowing them up into the air. He keeps them flying about, now in one direction, now in another, by waving his fan. It seems as though they must be alive, he does this so cleverly. That yellow butterfly pond with lilies and pagoda AUNT OCHO'S GARDEN. After the butterfly show another man performs some wonderful tricks with a ladder. He places the ladder upright on the ground without any support; he climbs it, rung by rung, keeping its balance all the time. Finally he reaches the very top and stands on one foot, bowing and gracefully waving a fan. There is not time to tell you all the wonderful feats of the Japanese. Toyo and Lotus Blossom are delighted, although they have seen performances like these many times before. But they must really hasten on their journey, for aunty will be expecting them, and it will soon be sunset. In a few moments they leave the city behind and are out in the beautiful At last Uncle Oto's rice plantation is reached. The children draw up in front of a large, low house with wide verandas. It is more beautiful than their own home. The roof is magnificent with carvings, and must have cost a great deal of money. It is the pride of Aunt Ocho. The gardens contain the choicest plants and trees, besides a pond and an artificial waterfall. Lotus Blossom and Time passes by. The children have been back in their own home a long time. They are now looking forward to New Year's day. Everything is excitement about the house. Mamma has hired an extra servant to help clean the house from right to left; not from top to bottom, as we say, for there are no stairways or rooms overhead. Everything is on one floor, remember. The screens are carefully wiped, the mats receive an extra shaking, and then mamma brings out her choicest vase from the storehouse and places it on a beautiful, ebony stand in the place of honour. The Japanese are not at all like us. They are so simple in their tastes, and love beautiful things so much, that they have only one or two pieces, at the most, on view at a The most honoured father orders some workmen to come and set up some tall pine branches in front of the gateway. One is of black, the other of red pine, and tall bamboo reeds are placed beside them. A grass rope is stretched from one reed to the other, and some funny strips of white paper are hung on it. You saw many of these papers at the temple where the children worship. This work is very important to the childlike people. They think that the rope, with papers fastened to it, will keep away all the evil spirits that are ever ready to spoil the happiness of human beings. They are demons, who take the shape of foxes, badgers, and wolves, and are frightful enough to the imagination of Lotus Blossom and her brother. Of course, the children are glad that the evil spirits are to be surely kept away. Other things are hung on the rope for good luck. There is a piece of charcoal and some seaweed, and a "lucky bag" filled with chestnuts, a bit of herring and some dried fruit. All these things will make the gods understand they are not forgotten. The day before New Year's some men come to the house with an oven and proceed to make the grand New Year's cake. It must not be eaten, however, until the 11th of January. The children stand around and watch the men pound the sticky rice-paste with a heavy mallet. At last it is smooth enough, and then it is cut into rounds and built up into a pyramid. I hear you say, "Well, I'd rather have my mother's plum-cake, any time." But not so with Lotus Blossom and Toyo. They watch their mother anxiously as she places it with great care on a lacquered stand, to remain until the time comes to eat it. Now they are allowed to put on their clogs and go to buy the "harvest ship," which they will hang up in the house instead of the holly and evergreens you like to see at Christmas time. The Japanese believe that on New Year's eve a wonderful ship comes sailing into port. Of course, it is sent by the gods. No one has ever really seen it. That does not matter; there are pictures of it, nevertheless, and no New Year's decorations are complete without a miniature harvest ship. The shops are as full of them as our markets are of evergreen trees at Christmas time. They are made of grasses and trimmed with gaily coloured papers. The selection of this ship is a very exciting event, not only for Lotus Blossom and Toyo, but also for their mother. How anxiously they look at one after another as the shopkeeper shows them. Finally one is chosen that suits the children's mother as to price and beauty. But the shopping is by And now, children of America, please don't get envious of all the pretty things which your cousins can buy for a few pennies. Lotus Blossom and Toyo have been saving money for a long time. Each has a number of square copper coins strung on a string. They are not like our pennies, for they are larger and thinner, and each one has a square hole in the centre. Ten of these are equal in value to one of our cents, and there are many pretty things that Japanese children can buy for a yen, as this piece of money is called. Such pretty picture-books made of the lovely Japanese paper! Dolls that are dressed in the same fashion as the two children, only the dresses are of paper; pictures of the Japanese gods and goddesses; games and tops and candies. At length the shopping is over and the last yen has been spent. The family are glad On New Year's morning Lotus Blossom and her brother receive their own presents, and although they do not shout and jump up and down as you do when you are very happy, they are much pleased. Toyo has a drum, some lovely books and a new game of battledore and shuttlecock, which is the game of all games to be played at New Year's. The shuttlecock is a large gilded seed with feathers stuck all around it; the battledore is a bat, flat on one side to strike with, while the other side has a raised figure of a beautiful dancing-girl. Lotus Blossom has, among other things, a doll which her mother has dressed in flowered silk, and a set of lacquered drawers in which to keep her ornaments. But the greatest surprise to the children is a white rabbit. These little creatures are the dearest of all pets in Japan, because they are so rare. It cost the loving Lotus Blossom's mamma has spent many weeks in embroidering gowns for each member of the family. They are of silk, and are worn for the first time on New Year's day. This good mamma has had her hair arranged for the grand occasion with the greatest of care. You would hardly believe it, but the hair-dresser spent hours upon it, rolling it up in wonderful shapes, sticking it in place with a kind of paste, and fastening many ornaments in it. It was done two days ago, and you may be sure that the Japanese lady placed her head very carefully on the pillow every night so that nothing should disarrange it. She has had her teeth blackened afresh for the greatest holiday of the year, while both she and her little daughter paint their necks and faces white and their cheeks red before their toilets are finished. I believe I have not yet told you that the And now the New Year's calls begin. What a bowing and bending! Men, women, and children are all calling and lavishing many-worded compliments on each other. Refreshments are passed, and then there is a "show" to amuse everybody. Some men have been hired to come to the house. They dance and sing many songs. After this comes the funny part of the entertainment. One man puts on a mask and makes believe he is an animal. He rolls around on the floor at the ladies' feet, makes queer noises, and everybody laughs and is delighted. The big folks like it as much as the children. Perhaps the funny man will now put on two masks and represent different things at the same time,—on Night comes to very tired and happy people, but it does not end the fun by any means. Lotus Blossom's papa will not do any business for a week at least, and there will be new pleasures each day that he is at home with his wife and children. After the festival is over, the family settle down to their daily work until the coming of another holiday. The children go to school again, but that does not trouble them. They love their teacher and try to please him. The school is closed at noon. Lotus Blossom and Toyo start out every morning with little satchels over their backs. In these they carry their books, a cake of India ink, and a paint-brush. And now they enter the schoolroom. But what a schoolroom! No desks, no platform, no seats! The teacher sits down upon a mat with a small lacquered stand beside him. The children squat on the floor around him and begin to study. What queer letters in the books! You would not be able to read one word. Lotus Blossom and Toyo have already learned their alphabets. You smile, perhaps, and think, "H'm! that isn't much." Well, just wait till I tell you there are forty-seven different characters in one alphabet, while in another there are several times as many. The Japanese books are printed very differently from ours. The lines run up and down the page, and keep the eyes of the reader busily moving. The children don't have many examples to perform, for the Japanese do not consider arithmetic so important as Americans do. Do you sigh now, and wish you could get your education in that far-away land where long division is not a daily trial? But wait till I tell you about the writing, or rather painting, lessons. You will certainly be envious. When the schoolmaster gives the signal, the children take the brushes and the cakes of India ink from their satchels. They mix a little of the ink with water, and then are ready to paint their words on the beautiful paper made in their country. Many people It would make you laugh if I should tell you how the teacher directs the children to write letters to their friends. They must begin by writing something very poetical about the weather. They must then compose some very flowery compliments to the friend who is addressed; a sheet or two, at least, must be used in this way before they are allowed to tell the news, etc. But throughout the letter, as in fact in all conversations, Lotus Blossom and Toyo are taught to speak of themselves as very mean and humble creatures. Their kind school-teacher ends the morning lessons with proverbs. You know what these are, of course, but the ones which our Japanese cousins learn are especially about duty to their parents, and kindness to all living creatures. It would be a great sin for Toyo to tease little girl and woman on floor with vase of flowers between them A LESSON IN ARRANGING FLOWERS. "How about punishment in the Japanese school?" I hear a little boy ask. My dear child, it is hardly ever needed, but when it does come, it is not being kept after school; it is not a whipping. The child is burned! The teacher takes a moxa, which I told you is a kind of pith, and sticks it on the naughty child's hand. He then sets the moxa on fire to burn slowly. It is a long, sad punishment for any one who is so bad as to deserve it. It does not need to be given every day. Lotus Blossom and Toyo, as well as their little schoolmates, are very attentive to their work, and try their hardest to please the teacher. When school is done, what will the children do throughout the long afternoon? Lotus Blossom must work a certain time in embroidery, and take a short lesson with her mamma While his sister is doing her work, Toyo is practising on his koto. This is a musical instrument of which the Japanese are very fond. It looks much like a harp. Toyo strikes the strings with pieces of ivory fastened on his finger-tips. Listen! Do you call those sounds music? It is enough to set one's teeth on edge. Yet Toyo's music-teacher says that he is doing finely and shows great talent. If that is so, I fear we would not Hurrah! The children are now ready for play, and there are so many nice things to do. If it is winter and there is snow on the ground, Lotus Blossom and Toyo gather together with their little friends to make a snow man. Not an Irish gentleman with a pipe in his mouth, such as you like to build, but a figure of Daruma, who was a disciple of Buddha. It is easy to make this, for it is believed that Daruma lost his legs from sitting too long in one position. So the snow man has no legs. When it is made, the children knock it down with snow-balls, just as you do. Spring comes, and with it, tops, and kites, and stilts. The stilts are very high, and Toyo puts his toes through parts of the wooden lifts. He and the other boys run races and even play games on stilts, and think it great Toyo sometimes wrestles with the other boys, but they are not rough and noisy about it. They wrestle gently, if you can imagine such a thing. They have often seen the trained wrestlers at the shows; such big, fat men. They must weigh at least three hundred pounds. The fat fairly hangs upon them. The Japanese people are generally slim and rather small, but if a man is going to train himself to be a wrestler, he eats everything that will help to make him fat. I should think they could not get hurt, for they look as though they were cushioned in fat. The boys of Japan have marbles and tops, just as you do; in fact, nearly all the games which you like best were played by your far-away cousins long before there was a white child on this great continent of ours. "Blind How many holidays have we in a whole year? Stop and count. Not a great number, we must admit. Lotus Blossom and Toyo have so many that they can count on their fingers the number of days between any two of them. Next best to New Year's, our little girl cousin likes the Feast of Dolls. It comes on the third day of the third month. At that time the stores are filled with dolls,—big dolls, little dolls, dolls dressed like princesses with flounced silk gowns, dolls made up as servants, as dancing-girls, and On this great occasion there is a dinner-party for the whole family of dolls. Lotus Blossom and her little friends, as well as her father and mother, are quite busy serving their guests with rice, fish, soup, and all kinds of sweet dainties. Somehow or other, all these nice things are eaten. What wonderful dolls they have in Japan, don't they? Toyo enjoys the day as well as Lotus Blossom, but still he is looking forward to the fifth of May. That will be his favourite time of all the year. By that time the girls' dolls will be put away, and the stores will be filled with boys' playthings,—soldiers, tents, armour, etc. Toyo's father will place a tall bamboo pole in front of the house, and hang an immense paper fish on the top of it. The When Toyo was a baby his father bought him a banner stand. It has been kept very carefully, and is now put in the place where the doll's throne stood a little while ago. The banners of great generals are hung up, and figures of soldiers are placed on the stand. You see Toyo has dolls as well as his sister. Everything is done to remind boys of war at this Festival of Banners. They have processions in the streets. They play a game in which they form armies against each other. Every boy carries a flag, and those of one company try to seize the flags of the boys in the other. Of course the side wins which first succeeds in gaining the flags of the other. A festival which everybody loves is the Feast of Lanterns. It is in the summer time, and the children are dressed in their gayest clothes. They form processions and march through the streets singing with all their might. Every child carries a large paper lantern and keeps it swinging all the time. It is such a pretty sight in the evening light,—the bright dresses, the graceful figures, the gorgeous lanterns. Oh, Japan is the land of happy children, young and old. One pleasant summer afternoon, as Lotus Blossom and Toyo were playing on their veranda, they noticed some one stopping at the gateway and then coming up the walk to the house. It was the man-servant who worked at the home of a friend of theirs, whose father was very rich. Toyo whispered, "Oh, Lotus Blossom, I believe he's bringing us an invitation to Chrysanthemum's party. You know she is going to have one on her All was made ready, and Thursday came at last. The children were sent to the party in jinrikishas, so that they should not get dusty. They looked very pretty. Their little hostess and her mamma received the guests with smiles and with many long phrases of politeness. Lacquered trays were brought in and placed in front of each one. On these were beautiful china cups with no handles. What do you think was served in them? Don't get up your hopes now and say "lemonade," or "sherbet," for you will surely be disappointed. It was tea,—simply tea, without milk or sugar. The children drank it in honour of their hostess and her mamma. But something better still was to come. The tea was removed, and fresh trays, Now for games! Proverbs come first of all. It is played very much like the American game of "Authors," and is a great favourite with both old and young in Japan. Next comes blind man's buff, but you would hardly know the game, it is played so much more quietly and slowly than you are in the habit of playing it. Wine-cakes, dainties, and tea are served next, and then the best part of the fun arrives. The screens are moved aside, and the children behold a little stage. They sit, or rather squat, down on the mats about the room while The time to leave comes all too soon. The jinrikisha men arrive, and after assuring their hostess that they never had had so lovely a time before, Lotus Blossom and Toyo make two deep bows and return home very happy. I believe you would not object to a party like that yourself, would you? Among all the joyous festivals of the year, I must not forget to tell you of the plum-viewing. The winter season is very short in Japan, and the houses are not built to keep out the cold very well, as you must have already perceived. When the spring days arrive and the blossoms begin to appear, the child people are very happy. If they are happy, of course they must show it. How The people write poems about them, and pin them on the branches, to show how much they appreciate the beautiful sight which Nature has given them. Tea-drinking, story-telling, and the entertainments of travelling showmen take up the day. Sunset bids them leave the beautiful scene and go back to home and work. And now, children, we must bid these dear cousins good-bye for a little while. Although they worship in strange ways, and read their books upside down, besides doing many other things in a manner that seems strange to us, yet we can learn much from their A charming and wholesome story for girls, handled with unusual charm and skill, which was issued serially in the Youth's Companion. 'Tilda Jane is a runaway orphan from a Maine asylum, who wanders over the Canadian border into the settlements of the habitants. The simple lives of the peasants, their fine characters and racial traits give a characteristic charm to the story, and the delightful girl heroine will endear herself to young and old readers. SEND FOR CIRCULARS, ETC. NEW JUVENILES THE Rosamond Tales By CUYLER REYNOLDS With many full-page illustrations from original photographs by the author, together with a frontispiece from a drawing by Maud Humphreys. Large 12mo, cloth, $1.50 leaf These are just the bedtime stories that children always ask for, but do not always get. Rosamond and Rosalind are the hero and heroine of many happy adventures in town and on their grandfather's farm; and the happy listeners to their story will unconsciously absorb a vast amount of interesting knowledge of birds, animals, and flowers, just the things about which the curiosity of children from four to twelve years old is most insatiable. The book will be a boon to tired mothers, as a delight to wide-awake children. SEND FOR CIRCULARS, ETC. NEW JUVENILES Prince Harold A FAIRY STORY By L. F. BROWN With ninety full-page illustrations Large 12mo, cloth, $1.50 leaf A delightful fairy tale for children, dealing with the life of a charming young Prince, who, aided by the Moon Spirit, discovers, after many adventures, a beautiful girl whom he makes his Princess. He is so enamored that he dwells with his bride in complete seclusion for a while, entrusting the conduct of his kingdom meantime to his monkey servant, Longtail. The latter marries a monkey princess from Amfalulu, and their joint reign is described with the drollest humor. The real rulers finally return and upset the reign of the pretenders. An original and fascinating story for young people. SEND FOR CIRCULARS, ETC. NEW JUVENILES THE Woodranger Tales Volume III. The Hero of the Hills By G. WALDO BROWNE Volume I. The Woodranger By G. WALDO BROWNE Volume II. The Young Gunbearer By G. WALDO BROWNE Each large 12mo, cloth, fully illustrated, $1.00 leaf There is the reality of history behind these stories, the successful series of "Woodranger Tales," the scope and trend of which are accurately set forth in the title. While full of adventure, the interest in which sometimes rises to the pitch of excitement, the stories are not sensational, for Mr. Browne writes with dignity, if with liveliness. The books will not fail to interest any lively, wholesome-minded boy. SEND FOR CIRCULARS, ETC. NEW JUVENILES Our Devoted Friend the Dog By SARAH K. BOLTON AUTHOR OF "GIRLS WHO HAVE BECOME FAMOUS," ETC. Fully illustrated with many reproductions from original photographs 1 vol., small quarto, $1.50 leaf This book of the dog and his friends does for the canine member of the household what Helen M. Winslow's book, "Concerning Cats," did for the feline. No one who cares for dogs—and that class includes nearly all who do not care for cats, and some who do—will admit that the subject of Mrs. Bolton's book is a less felicitous choice than that of its predecessor; while the author's well-known ability as a writer and lecturer, as well as her sympathy with her subject, are a sufficient guarantee of a happy treatment. SEND FOR CIRCULARS, ETC. NEW JUVENILES THE Cosy Corner Series A SERIES OF CHARMING ILLUSTRATED JUVENILES BY WELL-KNOWN AUTHORS We shall issue ten new volumes in this well-known series of child classics, and announce four as follows: A Little Puritan Pioneer By EDITH ROBINSON Author of "A Loyal Little Maid," "A Little Puritan's First Christmas," etc. Madam Liberality By MRS. EWING Author of "Jackanapes," "A Great Emergency," "Story of a Short Life," etc., etc. A Bad Penny By JOHN T. WHEELWRIGHT The other seven will include new stories by Louise de la RamÉe, Miss Mulock, Nellie Hellis, Will Allen Dromgoole, etc., etc. Forty-four volumes previously published SEND FOR CIRCULARS, ETC. L. C. Page & Company's Cosy Corner Series OF Charming Juveniles leaf Each one volume, 16mo, cloth, Illustrated, 50 cents leaf Ole Mammy's Torment. By Annie Fellows-Johnston. Author of "The Little Colonel," etc. The Little Colonel. By Annie Fellows-Johnston. Author of "Big Brother." Big Brother. By Annie Fellows-Johnston. Author of "The Little Colonel," etc. The Gate of the Giant Scissors. By Annie Fellows-Johnston. Author of "The Little Colonel," etc. Two Little Knights of Kentucky, who were "The Little Colonel's" neighbors. By Annie Fellows-Johnston. A sequel to "The Little Colonel." The Story of Dago. By Annie Fellows-Johnston. Author of "The Little Colonel," etc. Farmer Brown and the Birds. By Frances Margaret Fox. A little story which teaches children that the birds are man's best friends. Story of a Short Life. By Juliana Horatia Ewing. This beautiful and pathetic story is a part of the world's literature and will never die. Jackanapes. By Juliana Horatia Ewing. A new edition, with new illustrations, of this exquisite and touching story, dear alike to young and old. The Little Lame Prince. By Miss Mulock. A delightful story of a little boy who has many adventures by means of the magic gifts of his fairy godmother. The Adventures of a Brownie. By Miss Mulock. The story of a household elf who torments the cook and gardener, but is a constant joy and delight to the children. His Little Mother. By Miss Mulock. Miss Mulock's short stories for children are a constant source of delight to them, and "His Little Mother," in this new and attractive dress, will be welcomed by hosts of readers. Little Sunshine's Holiday. By Miss Mulock. "Little Sunshine" is another of those beautiful child-characters for which Miss Mulock is so justly famous. Wee Dorothy. By Laura Updegraff. A story of two orphan children, the tender devotion of the eldest, a boy, for his sister being its theme. Rab and His Friends. By Dr. John Brown. Doctor Brown's little masterpiece is too well known to need description. The Water People. By Charles Lee Sleight. Relating the further adventures of "Harry," the little hero of "The Prince of the Pin Elves." The Prince of the Pin Elves. By Chas. Lee Sleight. A fascinating story of the underground adventures of a sturdy, reliant American boy among the elves and gnomes. Helena's Wonderworld. By Frances Hodges White. A delightful tale of the adventures of a little girl in the mysterious regions beneath the sea. For His Country. By Marshall Saunders. A beautiful story of a patriotic little American lad. A Little Puritan's First Christmas. By Edith Robinson. A Little Daughter of Liberty. By Edith Robinson. Author of "A Loyal Little Maid," "A Little Puritan Rebel," etc. A true story of the Revolution. A Little Puritan Rebel. By Edith Robinson. An historical tale of a real girl, during the time when the gallant Sir Harry Vane was governor of Massachusetts. A Loyal Little Maid. By Edith Robinson. A delightful and interesting story of Revolutionary days, in which the child heroine, Betsey Schuyler, renders important services to George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. A Dog of Flanders. A Christmas Story. By Louise de la RamÉe (Ouida). The Nurnberg Stove. By Louise de la RamÉe (Ouida). This beautiful story has never before been published at a popular price. The King of the Golden River. A Legend of Stiria. By John Ruskin. Written fifty years or more ago, this little fairy tale soon became known and made a place for itself. La Belle Nivernaise. The Story of An Old Boat and Her Crew. By Alphonse Daudet. It has been out of print for some time, and is now offered in cheap but dainty form in this new edition. The Young King. The Star Child. Two stories chosen from a recent volume by a gifted author, on account of their rare beauty, great power, and deep significance. A Great Emergency. By Mrs. Ewing. The Trinity Flower. By Juliana Horatia Ewing. In this little volume are collected three of Mrs. Ewing's best short stories for the young people. The Adventures of Beatrice and Jessie. By Richard Mansfield. A bright and amusing story of the strange adventures of two little girls in the "realms of unreality." A Child's Garden of Verses. By R. L. Stevenson. This little classic is undoubtedly the best of all volumes of poetry for children. Little King Davie. By Nellie Hellis. It is sufficient to say of this book that it has sold over 110,000 copies in England, and consequently should well be worthy of a place in "The Cosy Corner Series." Little Peterkin Vandike. By Charles Stuart Pratt. The author's dedication furnishes a key to this charming story. "I dedicate this book, made for the amusement of the boys who may read it, to the memory of one boy, who would have enjoyed as much as Peterkin the plays of the Poetry Party." The Making of Zimri Bunker. A Tale of Nantucket. By W. J. Long. The story deals with a sturdy American fisher lad during the war of 1812. The Fortunes of the Fellow. By Will Allen Dromgoole. A sequel to "The Farrier's Dog and His Fellow." The Farrier's Dog and His Fellow. By Will Allen Dromgoole. This story, written by the gifted young Southern woman, will appeal to all that is best in the natures of her many admirers. The Sleeping Beauty. A Modern Version. By Martha B. Dunn. A charming story of a little fishermaid of Maine, intellectually "asleep," until she meets the "Fairy Prince." The Young Archer. By Charles E. Brimblecom. A strong and wholesome story of a boy who accompanied Columbus on his voyage to the New World. Selections from L. C. Page & Company's Books for Young People leaf Old Father Gander; or, The Better-Half of Mother Goose. Rhymes, Chimes, and Jingles scratched from his own goose-quill for American Goslings. Illustrated with impossible Geese, hatched and raised by Walter Scott Howard. 1 vol., oblong quarto, cloth decorative $2.00 The illustrations are so striking and fascinating that the book will appeal to the young people aside from the fact even of the charm and humor of the songs and rhymes. There are thirty-two full-page plates, of which many are in color. The color illustrations are a distinct and successful departure from the old-fashioned lithographic work hitherto invariably used for children's books. The Crock of Gold: A New Book of Fairy Tales. By S. Baring Gould. Author of "Mehalah," "Old Country Life," "Old English Fairy Tales," etc. With twenty-five full-page illustrations by F. D. Bedford. 1 vol., tall 12mo, cloth decorative, gilt top $1.50 This volume will prove a source of delight to the children of two continents, answering their always increasing demand for "more fairy stories." Shireen and Her Friends: The Autobiography of a Persian Cat. By Gordon Stables. Illustrated by Harrison Weir. 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative $1.25 A more charming book about animals Dr. Stables himself has not written. It is similar in character to "Black Beauty," "Beautiful Joe," and other books which teach us to love and protect the dumb animals. Bully, Fag, and Hero. By Charles J. Mansford. With six full-page illustrations by S. H. Vedder. 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative, gilt top $1.50 An interesting story of schoolboy life and adventure in school and during the holidays. The Adventures of a Boy Reporter in the Philippines. By Harry Steele Morrison. Author of "A Yankee Boy's Success." 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth, illustrated $1.25 A true story of the courage and enterprise of an American lad. It is a splendid boys' book, filled with healthy interest, and will tend to stimulate and encourage the proper ambition of the young reader. Tales Told in the Zoo. By F. C. Gould. With many illustrations from original drawings. 1 vol., large quarto $2.00 A new book for young people on entirely original lines. The tales are supposed to be told by an old adjutant stork in the Zoological Gardens to the assembled birds located there, and they deal with legendary and folk-lore stories of the origins of various creatures, mostly birds, and their characteristics. Philip: The Story of a Boy Violinist. By T. W. O. 1 vol., 12mo, cloth $1.00 The life-story of a boy, reared among surroundings singular enough to awaken interest at the start, is described by the present author as it could be described only by one thoroughly familiar with the scene. The reader is carried from the cottages of the humblest coal-miners into the realms of music and art; and the finale of this charming tale is a masterpiece of pathetic interest. Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse. By Anna Sewell. New Illustrated Edition. With twenty-five full-page drawings by Winifred Austin. 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative, gilt top $1.25 There have been many editions of this classic, but we confidently offer this one as the most appropriate and handsome yet produced. The illustrations are of special value and beauty, and should make this the standard edition wherever illustrations worthy of the story are desired. L. C. Page & Company's Gift Book Series FOR Boys and Girls leaf Each one volume, tall 12mo, cloth, Illustrated, $1.00 leaf The Little Colonel's House Party. By Annie Fellows-Johnston. Author of "Little Colonel," etc. Illustrated by E. B. Barry. Mrs. Johnston has endeared herself to the children by her charming little books published in the Cosy Corner Series. Accordingly, a longer story by her will be eagerly welcomed by the little ones who have so much enjoyed each story from her pen. Chums. By Maria Louise Pool. Author of "Little Bermuda," etc. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. "Chums" is a girls' book, about girls and for girls. It relates the adventures, in school, and during vacation, of two friends. Three Little Crackers. From Down in Dixie. By Will Allen Dromgoole. Author of "The Farrier's Dog." A fascinating story for boys and girls, of the adventures of a family of Alabama children who move to Florida and grow up in the South. Miss Gray's Girls; or, Summer Days in the Scottish Highlands. By Jeannette A. Grant. A delightfully told story of a summer trip through Scotland, somewhat out of the beaten track. A teacher, starting at Glasgow, takes a lively party of girls, her pupils, through the Trossachs to Oban, through the Caledonian Canal to Inverness, and as far north as Brora. King Pippin: A Story for Children. By Mrs. Gerard Ford. Author of "Pixie." One of the most charming books for young folks which has been issued for some time. The hero is a lovable little fellow, whose frank and winning ways disarm even the crustiest of grandmothers, and win for him the affection of all manner of unlikely people. Feats on the Fiord: A Tale of Norwegian Life. By Harriet Martineau. This admirable book, read and enjoyed by so many young people, deserves to be brought to the attention of parents in search of wholesome reading for their children to-day. It is something more than a juvenile book, being really one of the most instructive books about Norway and Norwegian life and manners ever written. Songs and Rhymes for the Little Ones. Compiled by Mary Whitney Morrison (Jenny Wallis). New edition, with an introduction by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. No better description of this admirable book can be given than Mrs. Whitney's happy introduction: "One might almost as well offer June roses with the assurance of their sweetness, as to present this lovely little gathering of verse, which announces itself, like them, by its own deliciousness. Yet, as Mrs. Morrison's charming volume has long been a delight to me, I am only too happy to declare that it is to me—and to two families of my grandchildren—the most bewitching book of songs for little people that we have ever known." The Young Pearl Divers: A Story of Australian Adventure by Land and by Sea. By Lieut. H. Phelps Whitmarsh. This is a splendid story for boys, by an author who writes in vigorous and interesting language, of scenes and adventures with which he is personally acquainted. The Woodranger. By G. Waldo Browne. The first of a series of five volumes entitled "The Woodranger Tales." Although based strictly on historical facts the book is an interesting and exciting tale of adventure, which will delight all boys, and be by no means unwelcome to their elders. Three Children of Galilee: A Life of Christ for the Young. By John Gordon. There has long been a need for a Life of Christ for the young, and this book has been written in answer to this demand. That it will meet with great favor is beyond question, for parents have recognized that their boys and girls want something more than a Bible story, a dry statement of facts, and that, in order to hold the attention of the youthful readers, a book on this subject should have life and movement as well as scrupulous accuracy and religious sentiment. Little Bermuda. By Maria Louise Pool. Author of "Dally," "A Redbridge Neighborhood," "In a Dike Shanty," "Friendship and Folly," etc. The adventures of "Little Bermuda" from her home in the tropics to a fashionable American boarding-school. The resulting conflict between the two elements in her nature, the one inherited from her New England ancestry, and the other developed by her West Indian surroundings, gave Miss Pool unusual opportunity for creating an original and fascinating heroine. The Wild Ruthvens: A Home Story. By Curtis York. A story illustrating the mistakes, failures, and successes of a family of unruly but warm-hearted boys and girls. They are ultimately softened and civilized by the influence of an invalid cousin, Dick Trevanion, who comes to live with them. The Adventures of a Siberian Cub. Translated from the Russian of Slibitski by Leon Golschmann. This is indeed a book which will be hailed with delight, especially by children who love to read about animals. The interesting and pathetic adventures of the orphan bear, Mishook, will appeal to old and young in much the same way as have "Black Beauty" and "Beautiful Joe." Timothy Dole. By Juniata Salsbury. The youthful hero, and a genuine hero he proves to be, starts from home, loses his way, meets with startling adventures, finds friends, kind and many, and grows to be a manly man. It is a wholesome and vigorous book, that boys and girls, and parents as well, will read and enjoy. The Young Gunbearer. By G. Waldo Browne. This is the second volume of "The Woodranger Tales." The new story, while complete in itself, continues the fortunes and adventures of "The Woodranger's" young companions. A Bad Penny. By John T. Wheelright. A dashing story of the New England of 1812. In the climax of the story the scene is laid during the well-known sea-fight between the Chesapeake and Shannon, and the contest is vividly portrayed. The Fairy Folk of Blue Hill: A Story of Folk-lore. By Lily F. Wesselhoeft. A new volume by Mrs. Wesselhoeft, well known as one of our best writers for the young, and who has made a host of friends among the young people who have read her delightful books. This book ought to interest and appeal to every child who has read her earlier works. End of Project Gutenberg's Our Little Japanese Cousin, by Mary Hazelton Wade *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK OUR LITTLE JAPANESE COUSIN *** ***** This file should be named 43833-h.htm or 43833-h.zip ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /4/3/8/3/43833/ Produced by Emmy, Beth Baran and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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