Allen, Grant: Belgium: Its Cities. Altmeyer: Des Causes de la DÉcadence du Comptoir hansÉatique de Bruges. Armstrong, Edward: Emperor Charles V. Balau, S.: Soixante-dix Ans d’Histoire contemporaine de Belgique. Boulger, Demetrius C.: Belgian Life in Town and Country. Bumpus, T. F.: Cathedrals and Churches of Belgium. Charriant, H.: La Belgique Moderne. Christyn, J. B.: Les DÉlices des Pays-Bas. Conscience, Henri (or Hendryk): De Kerels van Vlaanderen (The Lion of Flanders). Conway: Early Flemish Artists. Crowe, Sir J. A. and Cavalcaselle, C. B.: The Early Flemish Painters, Notices of their lives and work. De Flou, Charles: Promenades dans Bruges. Delepierre, Octave: Annales de Bruges. DestrÉe, J. and Van Den Ven, P.: Tapisseries des MusÉes Royaux du Cinquantenaire À Bruxelles. DestrÉe, Oliver Georges: The Renaissance of Sculpture in Belgium. Duclos, Ad.: Bruges, Histoire et Souvenirs. Edwards, George Wharton: Some Old Flemish Towns. Fris, Victor: Histoire de Gand. Froissart, Sir John: Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Adjoining Countries. Fromentin, EugÈne: The Old Masters of Belgium and Holland (Les maÎtres d’autrefois). GÉnard, P.: Anvers À travers les Ages. Geffroy, Gustave: Les MusÉes d’Europe: La Belgique. Gilliat-Smith, Ernest: The Story of Bruges. Gordon, Pryse L.: Belgium and Holland. Griffis, W. E.: Belgium the Land of Art. Haggard, A. C. P.: Louis XI and Charles the Bold. Havard, Henry: La Flandre a vol d’oiseau. Holland, Clive: Belgians at Home. Hymans, Henri: Anvers, in Les Villes d’Art cÉlÈbres. Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell: Sacred and Legendary Art. Kervyn de Lettenhove: Huguenots et Gueux. Kintschots, L.: Anvers et ses Faubourgs. Kirk, J. F.: History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. Klingenstein, L.: The Great Infanta Isabel. Mac Donnell, John de Courcy: Belgium, her Kings, Kingdom and People. Michiels, A.: Rubens et l’École d’Anvers. Motley, John Lothrop: The Rise of the Dutch Republic. NamÉche: Histoire Nationale de la Belgique. Omond, George W. T.: Brabant and East Flanders. Pirenne, H.: Histoire de la Belgique. Reiffenburg: MÉmoire sur le Commerce des Pays-Bas au XVe et au XVIe SiÈcle. Robertson, William: History of the Reign of the Emperor, Charles the Fifth. Robinson, Wilfrid C.: Antwerp, an Historical Sketch. Rooses, Max: Art in Flanders. Royal Academy of Belgium: Biographie Nationale. Schayes, A. G. B.: Histoire de Architecture en Belgique. Scott, Sir Walter: Quentin Durward. Scudamore, Cyril: Belgium and the Belgians. Singleton, Esther: Art of the Belgian Galleries. Skrine, Francis Henry: Fontenoy and the War of the Austrian Succession. Smythe, C.: The Story of Belgium. Stephens, F. G.: Flemish Relics. Strada, Famiano: De Bello Belgico (in French, Histoire de la Guerre de Flandre). Thorpe, Benjamin: Netherlandish Traditions, in his Northern Mythology. Tremayne, Eleanor E.: The First Governess of the Netherlands, Margaret of Austria. Van de Vyvere, Paul: Audenaerde et ses Monuments. Vilbort, Joseph: Renaissance de la LittÉrature flamande, les Romans non traduits de Henri Conscience. Waagen: Handbook of Painting in the German, Flemish and Dutch Schools. Wauters, Professor A. J.: The Flemish School of Painting. Zimmern, H.: The Hansa Towns.