The object of this work is to give in the plainest possible manner all instructions, rules, and tables necessary for the location, construction, equipment, and management of railroads. As a general thing, American engineers are not educated for their business; and when they do possess a knowledge of pure science, they are at a loss how to apply it. The reader is presumed acquainted with the elements of arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and mechanics: being thus provided, he will, by a perusal of what follows, be enabled to correctly proportion bridges, of wood, stone, and iron: abutments, piers, retaining walls, superstructure, and locomotive engines; and to plan and lay out, execute, and estimate any description of work occurring upon railroads. As the object has been more to be useful than original, the best engineering writers and experimenters have been consulted; among whom are,—Gauthey, Navier, Vieat, If assumptions take the place of demonstration, it will be on good authority. Readers will bear in mind that the work is a “handbook,” and not a “treatise.” It is intended more as an office companion than as a text-book for students. It will give in all cases the actual numerical result needed, whether it be the scantling of a bridge chord, the thickness of a wall, or the dimensions of a locomotive boiler. In connection, it will be found convenient to use the works of Trautwine and Henck, on Field Work: of Lieutenant Smith, on Topography; Davies, on Surveying; and Gurley, on the Use of Instruments. Any one wishing a complete treatise on the principles of bridge construction is referred to the excellent work of Hermann Haupt. I take this opportunity of heartily thanking the engineers who in many ways have aided in making the work, as it is believed, of some worth. G. L. V. |