We have a habit, generally, of making the dining-room either English or Colonial in style, I suppose for the reason that we have so many good types of furniture in these two styles that their use makes it easier to obtain an attractive dining-room. The room The plan shows an arrangement for a dining-room about fifteen by sixteen feet, showing suggested positions for the rugs and furniture that is consistent with the scheme A very similar treatment to that described in the article is shown in this room with its high rectangular panel wainscot. Instead of a cornice the sand-finished walls are rounded into the ceiling and the ceiling is lower. An interesting candle fixture is hung above the plain oak table. The picture framed in the paneling is an additional possibility Warm tones are appreciated in a dining-room where the woodwork is all white. Here they are obtained in an Oriental rug of good colors. Chairs are of present-day manufacture, suggested by Sheraton's work The room is 15 × 16 feet in size, opening from a broad hall from which it is shut off with glass doors. The morning sun, a very essential feature in any dining-room, is obtained through the eastern window and through the southern windows in the summer, while the after-glow of the summer sunset comes through the west window, thus insuring a pleasant dining-room at all times. There is nothing so cheerless as a breakfast-room which is cut off from the sun in the winter, by being isolated in the north or northeastern part of the house; it continually exerts a depressing influence on the family at meals. The dining-room is adjoined by the serving-room, which connects with the kitchen, affording a quick and direct line of service. Most dining-rooms need color, which may be introduced in a frieze, as here, or by the use of tapestry. Side fixtures, such as these in duplication of old Colonial lamps, may be purchased for six or seven dollars. The center light is of etched glass It is suggested that the room be wainscoted in oak to a height of seven feet, with rectangular panels formed by very flat rails and stiles, without any panel moldings. A wide plate-rail forms the cap of the wainscot, affording a place to put bits of china and old pieces of pewter or copper. Above the wainscot the plaster is sand-finished, as is also the ceiling, and at the intersection of the ceiling and side walls a cornice is carried around the room. On the north side is a large fireplace, which is a necessity on a rainy day to make breakfast cheerful and the room comfortable. It is built of light gray Caen stone, which has almost the appearance of limestone. It is imported in blocks and is soft enough to be worked into a variety of shapes. The hearth has a curb border, raised an inch or two above the level of the stone hearth in order to retain the ashes better. A heavy carved casing is carried around the stonework of the fireplace, surmounted by a carved shelf supported on heavy brackets. All the furniture necessary beside the chairs and dining-table is a sideboard and a serving-table. The china closet may be dispensed with if a place for decorative china is made on a plate rail. This china closet matches well and seems part of the room French doors are an essential feature in the dining-room because Instead of using the separate pieces of dining-room furniture, two sideboards were built in flanking the fireplace and as an extension of its woodwork. A tapestry paper is used above this wainscot Opposite the fireplace is a position for the sideboard and there is wall space enough for a china-cupboard although I should prefer to omit this cumbersome piece of furniture, which everybody shuns with the admonition of childhood still ringing in his ears, "mustn't touch." Near the door to the serving-room is the proper place for the serving-table, and there remains plenty of wall space for chairs. By referring to the plan the position of these pieces of furniture will be made more clear. A possible variation for the seven-foot wainscot suggested, is the room entirely paneled with cypress finished to show the grain. The French doors in this room are desirable in a dining-room, as they allow plenty of light to enter The decoration of this room is a simple problem. On the floor there should be a rich-colored rug with deep reds in it, strong enough to afford a foundation for the dark sturdy Flemish furniture and the dark finish of the wainscot. Above the wainscot, the sand-finished ceiling and side walls should be sized and painted with three coats of oil paint of a dull golden shade which reflects a warm glow over the room when lighted. The rough texture of the sand-finish is well adapted for such use as this. Of course a frieze of foliated tapestry paper, or real tapestry, could be used with good effect, or even an oil-painted frieze representing a scene from medieval history is permissible. It is safe to say that all of these schemes would be good, though, of course, there would be a great difference in their cost. The radiator under the east window should be painted to match the color of the wainscot. To obtain the correct shade for this wainscot, the wood should go through several processes of staining. The first coat is a deep penetrating stain of burnt Sienna hue to form a mellowing base, similar to the warm colors the old masters used in their paint The woodwork treatment here is much the same as that suggested in the text, but of a Colonial or English style and finished white. A good stenciled frieze is used above it. The chairs are of Chippendale design The furniture should be of the Flemish type, preferably a shade lighter or a shade darker than that of the finish of the woodwork, in order to give contrast. The dining-room table should be a modern extension table with heavy, turned legs, which would of course be repeated in the sideboard, serving-table and chairs. This type of furniture depends entirely for its beauty upon its plain sturdy lines and simple turnings. The chairs should have leather seats and backs, studded with copper nails. The brasses of the fireplace should be of odd design, and the electric lights and fixtures should be of old brass to add a touch of color to the dark wood finish. It seems hardly necessary to mention that the lights of this room should be governed by an electric switch, and an electric bell on the table should ring a buzzer in the serving-room. In the serving-room there is a counter shelf two feet eight inches Still another substitute for the wainscot is the use of wood strips applied in this fashion. The Moravian tiles in the fireplace add welcome color The finish of the room would cost approximately $575 in selected white oak. The mantel alone is worth $80 and the wainscot about $300. The furniture for the room, made from detail drawings, would cost about $450 in oak and leather. A. Raymond Ellis Where the dining-room woodwork shows its natural grain, a specially designed buffet of quartered oak, such as this, proves very attractive and satisfactory The rough plaster walls here are surmounted by a plaster frieze of grapes in color. This design is echoed in the center drop light Flanking china closets, when in perfect balance, form an admirable feature for the decoration of a Colonial room The ladder back design of Chippendale is most attractive. In this room with its white woodwork an attempt has been made to repeat the dominant colors of the rug in the wall paper In this dining-room there is architectural treatment that could by no means find place in any but a large room. Panels at one end of the room are filled with tapestries that give a fine color effect. The scheme is Georgian and the furniture Hepplewhite Having a large quantity of old blue china, the owner of this room selected a brown figured paper that would harmonize with it. The plates have almost the value of a stenciled frieze Two types of modern furniture are shown here. The china closet is unnatural and is of no decorative value and but little usefulness. The table and chairs are of simple design and good, solid workmanship This Colonial room shows an effective panel treatment that can be secured at low cost by applying a molding directly to the plaster and then painting the plaster and the woodwork alike. Good Colonial fixtures are shown above the mantel. Faithfulness to Colonial tradition does not necessarily make the most comfortable room, but the Windsor chairs are serviceable and easy White woodwork in this dining-room permits such a set design as this with the little green bay trees. A gate-legged table is not always the most comfortable thing for a dining-room Furniture, made of applewood, finished with a plain smooth surface and covered with reeds, is especially applicable to the small house and suggests the original home, the English cottage White enameled furniture as well as woodwork is a novel suggestion for the summer home and makes a brilliant, cheery dining-room, especially when accompanied by bright reds or blues in the rugs, chair cushions and curtains In the summer camp little ornamentation is necessary, yet the natural attractiveness of wood finish is both useful and beautiful here In remodeling an old tavern, the taproom with its smoke-blackened beams and dark wainscot was converted into the dining-room. The use of handmade floor tile is particularly interesting This Dutch interior offers a suggestion for a summer camp in the dining-room alcove placed at one end of the living-room Wilton rugs in a single color with a darker toned border serve well for the dining-room. The curtains repeat the color in a figured pattern During house cleaning there are various objections to a plate rail. In this dining-room it was done away with and a frieze was set low and secured by the use of a narrow white molding. If the room were irregular, it would have been almost impossible to locate in this position, but in a rectangular room it is not so difficult. It is in neutral colors and the friezes are in Delft blue with draperies of a darker blue. The furniture is Hepplewhite The combination of gray and white as used here is an effective background for mahogany. The candle sconce fixtures at either side of the sideboard alcove are in good taste Although the furniture need not be permanently fixed to the room it may be planned to accommodate certain spaces, as here. The chairs are reproductions along Colonial lines In a house where there is an additional room, there is a suggestion from the German boudoir. This is really the modern woman's workroom and place of rest and adjoins the sleeping apartment. It is also a place to receive intimate friends |