? An illustrated descriptive price list of miscellaneous articles, Wigs, Beards, etc., and Scenery, will be sent to any address on receipt of a stamp. ? Lightning for Private Theatricals | $0 25 | ?Flash Box | 50 | Colored Tableau Lights | 25 | ??Fire, per lb. | 1 75 | ????by Exp. | 1 50 | Magnesium Lights | 25 | Carmine | 30 | Dutch Pink | 25 | Ruddy Rouge | 30 | Mongolian | 30 | Fuller’s Earth | 30 | Burnt Cork | 40 | Paste Powder | 30 | Nose Putty | 25 | Lip Rouge, domestic | 25 | ?imported | 40 | Clown White | 40 | Dry Whiting | 25 | Powdered Antimony | 30 | ?Blue | 25 | Spirit Gum | 30 | Email Noir | 30 | Joining Paste | 25 | Moustache Masks | 15 | Water Cosmetique | 25 | Cocoa Butter | 25 | Multiform Cream | 50 | ?Powder | 25 | Artist’s Stomps | 15 | Hares’ Feet | 50 | Powder Puffs | 25 | Miniature Puffs | 15 | India Ink | 10 | Lining Brushes | 5 | Cosmetique | 25 | Rouge de Theatre | 25 | Blanc de Perle | 25 | Hair Powder | 50 | Eyebrow Pencils | 25 | Bleu pour Veins | 75 | Fard Indien | 75 | Make-up Boxes | $1.50, 4.00 and 5 00 | Grease Paints, 30 tints, 8 in. sticks: | Flesh Colors | 35 | Lining Colors | 20 | Grease Paints, set of 9 necessary colors | 1 00 | Scenery, Printed on Paper, per set | $7 50 to 12 00 | Scenery, Painted on Canvas, per set | $8 00 to 75 00 | ? Canvas Scenery is delivered by Express only. Paper Scenes and the Make-up Boxes can be sent by mail at a slightly increased expense for postage. ? THEATRICAL WIGS. LADIES’ WIGS. Court | $6 00 | Ringlet | 5 50 | Frou-Frou | 5 50 | Bourgeoise | 7 50 | Peasant Girl | 7 50 | Mother-in-Law | 5 50 | Witch | 3 75 | Short Curly | 5 50 | ?with Parting | 6 25 | Plain Long Hair | 7 50 | Wig made up in Present Fashion | 5 00 | Wench | 5 00 | Frontals | 2 00 | GENTLEMEN’S WIGS. Court Wig, with Bag or Tie | $4 00 | Rip Van Winkle | 4 00 | Peasant | 4 00 | Monk | 4 00 | Judge | 7 50 | Bald | 4 00 | Comic Bald | 4 00 | Chinaman | 3 00 | Crop | 4 00 | Dress | 4 00 | Indian | 3 50 | Fright | 5 00 | Irish | 4 00 | Yankee | 4 00 | Flow | 5 00 | Scalp | 2 00 | Negro | 1 00 | ?Extra Quality | 1 50 | ?White or Grey | 1 50 | ?with Top Knot | 1 50 | BEARDS, WHISKERS & MOUSTACHES Full Beard, without Moustache, on Wire | $1 75 | ???Ventilated | 2 50 | ?with?on Wire | 2 00 | ???Ventilated | 2 75 | Side Whiskers and Moustache on Wire | 1 50 | Short Side Whiskers on Wire | 75 | ???Ventilated | 1 00 | Mutton Chop Whiskers, Ventilated | 1 50 | Chin Beard, Ventilated | 1 00 | Moustaches on Wire | 35 | ?Ventilated | 40 | Imperials | 25 | Throat Whiskers | 75 | WIGS AND BEARDS TO RENT. For terms and discounts see separate list, which will be mailed to any address on receipt of a stamp.