
? An illustrated descriptive price list of miscellaneous articles, Wigs, Beards, etc., and Scenery, will be sent to any address on receipt of a stamp. ?

Lightning for Private Theatricals $0 25
?Flash Box 50
Colored Tableau Lights 25
??Fire, per lb. 1 75
????by Exp. 1 50
Magnesium Lights 25
Carmine 30
Dutch Pink 25
Ruddy Rouge 30
Mongolian 30
Fuller’s Earth 30
Burnt Cork 40
Paste Powder 30
Nose Putty 25
Lip Rouge, domestic 25
?imported 40
Clown White 40
Dry Whiting 25
Powdered Antimony 30
?Blue 25
Spirit Gum 30
Email Noir 30
Joining Paste 25
Moustache Masks 15
Water Cosmetique 25
Cocoa Butter 25
Multiform Cream 50
?Powder 25
Artist’s Stomps 15
Hares’ Feet 50
Powder Puffs 25
Miniature Puffs 15
India Ink 10
Lining Brushes 5
Cosmetique 25
Rouge de Theatre 25
Blanc de Perle 25
Hair Powder 50
Eyebrow Pencils 25
Bleu pour Veins 75
Fard Indien 75
Make-up Boxes $1.50, 4.00 and 5 00
Grease Paints, 30 tints, 8 in. sticks:
Flesh Colors 35
Lining Colors 20
Grease Paints, set of 9 necessary colors 1 00
Scenery, Printed on Paper, per set $7 50 to 12 00
Scenery, Painted on Canvas, per set $8 00 to 75 00

? Canvas Scenery is delivered by Express only. Paper Scenes and the Make-up Boxes can be sent by mail at a slightly increased expense for postage. ?



Court $6 00
Ringlet 5 50
Frou-Frou 5 50
Bourgeoise 7 50
Peasant Girl 7 50
Mother-in-Law 5 50
Witch 3 75
Short Curly 5 50
?with Parting 6 25
Plain Long Hair 7 50
Wig made up in Present Fashion 5 00
Wench 5 00
Frontals 2 00


Court Wig, with Bag or Tie $4 00
Rip Van Winkle 4 00
Peasant 4 00
Monk 4 00
Judge 7 50
Bald 4 00
Comic Bald 4 00
Chinaman 3 00
Crop 4 00
Dress 4 00
Indian 3 50
Fright 5 00
Irish 4 00
Yankee 4 00
Flow 5 00
Scalp 2 00
Negro 1 00
?Extra Quality 1 50
?White or Grey 1 50
?with Top Knot 1 50


Full Beard, without Moustache, on Wire $1 75
???Ventilated 2 50
?with?on Wire 2 00
???Ventilated 2 75
Side Whiskers and Moustache on Wire 1 50
Short Side Whiskers on Wire 75
???Ventilated 1 00
Mutton Chop Whiskers, Ventilated 1 50
Chin Beard, Ventilated 1 00
Moustaches on Wire 35
?Ventilated 40
Imperials 25
Throat Whiskers 75


For terms and discounts see separate list, which will be mailed to any address on receipt of a stamp.



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