MORRIS MAITLAND.—Act II.—Plain dark suit, white cravat, long haired gray wig, quarter bald, close shaven face; change coat for long wrapper in 3d Scene. Acts IV. and V.—Plain gray business suit, light slouch hat. REGINALD MAITLAND.—Act I.—Black dress suit, black slouch hat. Act II.—Dark traveling suit. Acts III., IV. and V.—Uniform of a Private, U. S. A. Cloak to throw over uniform in 4th Act. HENRY LOWVILLE.—Act I.—Rich hunting suit, gun, game bag, etc. Act II.—Uniform of a Recruiting Officer, U. S. A. Acts III. and V.—Uniform of a Captain, U. S. A. RALPH MURDELL.—Act I.—Black dress suit, silk hat. Act II.—Genteel sack suit, derby hat. Acts III., IV. and V.—Uniform of a Major, U. S. A. COLONEL MORRELL.—Uniform of a Colonel, U. S. A. GEO. WASHINGTON DOLLERCLUTCH.—Acts I. and II.—Dark pants, dark cutaway coat, white vest, high collar and cravat, white silk hat, nose glasses, black crop wig, bald, close shaven face. Acts III., IV. and V.—Uniform of a Private, U. S. A. A cloak to throw over uniform in 4th Act. SAMMY DEWDROP.—Act I.—Dark foppish suit, showy jewelry, stand-up collar and flashy necktie, cane, glasses, silk hat with narrow brim, red crop wig, close shaven face. Act II.—White linen suit, small brimmed straw hat with white band. ADOLPHUS SOFTHEAD.—Act I.—Dark frock suit, small derby hat, very large stud in shirt front, heavy watch chain, large bouquet in button-hole, blonde crop wig, close shaven face. Act II.—Light sack suit, straw hat with blue band. Acts III. and V.—Uniform of a Private, U. S. A. Change coat and cap in 3d Act for a Rebel’s. CORIOLANUS WELLINGTON.—Act I.—Very seedy suit, À la shabby genteel, long haired black wig. Change in last scene to tight-fitting black suit, ruffled collar and cravat, white shoe guards, black square-crowned hat. Act II.—Same as second change in 1st Act, but change necktie during Act to a ridiculously large red necktie. Acts III. and V.—Uniform of a Private, U. S. A. ADRIENNE LOWVILLE.—Act I.—Rich evening dress. Act II.—Handsome traveling dress. Acts IV. and V.—Plain white morning dress. HILDA WALLACE.—Act I.—Very plain black cloth dress, no jewelry or ornaments, derby hat; change in last scene to white apron and frilled cap. Act II.—Same as 1st, and change as before in last scene. Act IV.—Same as before, with slight changes. Act V.—Plain silk dress. ANASTASIA MAITLAND.—Acts I. and II.—Old-fashioned black silk dress, large bonnet, large parasol and fan, wig with curls. Change bonnet in 2d Act for a frilled cap. Acts IV. and V.—Same as before with some changes. |