

In 1900, after the customary 11-year period, Paris again prepared for an international exposition, about 5 years too early to take advantage of the great progress made by the electric elevator. When the Roux machines, the weakest element in the Eiffel Tower system, were replaced at this time, it was by other hydraulics. Built by the well known French engineering organization of Fives-Lilles, the new machines were the ultimate in power, control, and general excellence of operation. As in the Otis system, the cars ran all the way to the second platform.

The Fives-Lilles equipment reflected the advance of European elevator engineering in this short time. The machines were rope-geared and incorporated the elegant feature of self-leveling cabins which compensated for the varying track inclination. For the 1900 fair, the Otis elevator in the south pier was also removed and a wide stairway to the first platform built in its place. In 1912, 25 years after Backmann’s startling proposal to use electricity for his system, the remaining Otis elevator was replaced by a small electric one. This innovation was reluctantly introduced solely for the purpose of accommodating visitors in the winter when the hydraulic systems were shut down due to freezing weather. The electric elevator had a short life, being removed in 1922 when the number of winter visitors increased far beyond its capacity. However, the two hydraulic systems were modified to operate in freezing temperatures—presumably by the simple expedient of adding an antifreezing chemical to the water—and operation was placed on a year-round basis.

Today the two Fives-Lilles hydraulic systems remain in full use; and visitors reach the Tower’s summit by Edoux’s elevator (fig. 41), which is all that remains of the original installation.

Balance of the Three Elevator Systems

The Otis System

Negative effect
Weight of cabin: 23,900 lb. × sin 78°9' (incline of upper run) 23,390 lb.
Live load: 40 persons @150 lb. = 6,000 × sin 78°9' 5,872
——— — 29,262 lb.
Positive effect
Counterweight: 55,000 × sin 54°35' (incline of lower run)
3 (rope gear ratio)
14,940 lb.
Weight of piston and chariot: 33,060 × sin 54°35'
12 (ratio)
Power: 156 p.s.i. × 1,134 sq. in. (piston area)
12 (ratio)
14,742 31,927 lb.
Excess to overcome friction 2,665 lb.

The Roux, Combaluzier and Lepape System

Negative effect
Weight of cabin: 14,100 × sin 54°35' 11,500 lb.
Live load: 100 persons @150 lb. = 15,000 × sin 54°35' 12,200
——— — 23,720 lb.
Positive effect
Counterweight: 6,600 × sin 54°35' 5,380
Power: 156 p.s.i. × 2 (pistons) × 1,341.5 sq. in. (piston area)
13 (ratio)
37,576 lb.
Excess to overcome friction 13,856 lb.

The Edoux System

Negative effect
Unbalanced weight of plungers (necessary to raise full lower car and weight
of cables on lower side)
42,330 lb.
Live load: 60 persons @150 lb. 9,000
— 51,330 lb.
Positive effect
Power: 227.5 p.s.i. × 2 (plungers) × 124 sq. in. (plunger area) 56,420 lb.
Excess to overcome friction 5,090 lb.


[1] Translated from Jean A. Keim, La Tour Eiffel, Paris, 1950.

[2] The foundation footings exerted a pressure on the earth of about 200 pounds per square foot, roughly one-sixth that of the Washington Monument, then the highest structure in the world.

[3] A type of elevator known as the “teagle” was in use in some multistory English factories by about 1835. From its description, this elevator appears to have been primarily for the use of passengers, but it unquestionably carried freight as well. The machine shown in figure 7 had, with the exception of a car safety, all the features of later systems driven from line shafting—counterweight, control from the car, and reversal by straight and crossed belts.

[4] The Otis safety, of which a modified form is still used, consisted essentially of a leaf wagon spring, on the car frame, kept strained by the tension of the hoisting cables. If these gave way, the spring, released, drove dogs into continuous racks on the vertical guides, holding the car or platform in place.

[5] A notable exception was the elevator in the Washington Monument. Installed in 1880 for raising materials during the structure’s final period of erection and afterwards converted to passenger service, it was for many years the highest-rise elevator in the world (about 500 feet), and was certainly among the slowest, having a speed of 50 feet per minute.

[6] Today, although not limited by the machinery, speeds are set at a maximum of about 1,400 feet per minute. If higher speeds were used, an impractically long express run would be necessary for starting and stopping in order to prevent an acceleration so rapid as to be uncomfortable to passengers and a strain on the equipment.

[7] Two machines, by Otis, in the Demarest Building, Fifth Avenue and 33d Street, New York. They were in use for over 30 years.

[8] Although the eventually successful application of electric power to the elevator did not occur until 1904, and therefore goes beyond the chronological scope of this discussion, it was of such importance insofar as current practice is concerned as to be worthy of brief mention. In that year the first gearless traction machine was installed by Otis in a Chicago theatre. As the name implies, the cables were not wrapped on a drum but passed, from the car, over a grooved sheave directly on the motor shaft, the other ends being attached to the counterweights. The result was a system of beautiful simplicity, capable of any rise and speed with no proportionate increase in the number or size of its parts, and free from any possibility of car or weights being drawn into the machinery. This system is still the only one used for rises of over 100 feet or so. By the time of its introduction, motor controls had been improved to the point of complete practicability.

[9] Mechanical transmission of power by wire rope was a well developed practice at this time, involving in many instances high powers and distances up to a mile. To attempt this system in the Eiffel Tower, crowded with structural work, machinery and people, was another matter.

[10] According to Otis Elevator Company, the final price, because of extras, was $30,000.

[11] In Pall Mall Gazette, as quoted in The Engineering and Building Record and the Sanitary Engineer, May 25, 1889, vol. 19, p. 345.

[12] From speech at annual summer meeting of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Paris, 1889. Quoted in Engineering, July 5, 1889, vol. 48, p. 18.

[13] Located near the Tower, built for the Paris fair of 1878.

[14] Improved oil-well drilling techniques were influential in the intense but short burst of popularity enjoyed by direct plunger systems in the United States between 1899 and 1910. In New York, many such systems of 200-foot rise, and one of 380 feet, were installed.

[15] An obvious question arises here: What prevents a plunger 200 or 300 feet long and no more than 16 inches in diameter from buckling under its compressive loading? The answer is simply that most of this length is not in compression but in tension. The Edoux rams, when fully extended, virtually hung from the upper car, sustained by the weight of 500 feet of cable on the other side of the sheaves. As the upper car descended this effect diminished, but as the rams moved back into the cylinders their unsupported length was correspondingly reduced.

[16] M. A. Ansaloni, “The Lifts in the Eiffel Tower,” quoted in Engineering, July 5, 1889, vol. 48, p. 23. The strength of steel when drawn into wire is increased tremendously. Breaking stresses of 140,000 p.s.i. were not particularly high at the time. Special cables with breaking stresses of up to 370,000 p.s.i. were available.

Text figure 19

Morse, Williams & Co.,


Write us for Circulars and Prices.

Main Office and Works, 1105 Frankford Avenue,

New York Office, 108 Liberty Street.
New Haven Office 82 Church Street.
Pittsburg Office 413 Fourth Avenue.
Boston Office 19 Pearl Street.
Baltimore Office Builders’ Exchange.
Scranton Office 425 Spruce Street.

Text figure 20

Stores, Hotels, Warehouses, Factories, Sugar Refineries, Packing Houses, Mills, Docks, Mines, &c.
Sole Agents for the New England States.

The above Engraving illustrates a very superior Hoisting Machine, designed for Store and Warehouse Hoisting. It is very simple in its construction, compact, durable, and not liable to get out of order. An examination of the Engraving will convince any one who has any knowledge of Machinery, that the screw is the only safe principle on which to construct a Hoisting Machine or Elevator.

Transcriber’s Notes:

The original text was printed with two columns per page.

Images have been moved from the middle of a paragraph to the closest paragraph break, so the placement of page numbers in this text does not exactly match the original in some cases.



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