absolute, perfect. abus'd, deceived. additions, titles. admiration, wonder. advis'd, cautious, wary. affect, desire. allow, allow'd, approve, approved. amazes, bewilders. annoy, injure. antickes, buffoons. apishnesse, ridiculous imitation. approves, proves. Argosea, a large trading vessel. arguments, proofs. auchthor, be the agent of. autenticall, legally valid. avise, intelligence. bare, bareheaded. barks, outer coverings. basilisks, fabulous reptiles, whose glance was supposed to be fatal. battailia, order of battle. belly-gods, gluttons. brack, breach. brave, braverie, fine, finery. bumbast, n., padding. bumbasts, vb., stuffs out. case, skin. cast, (1) p. p., cast off, disused; (2) vb., conjecture. censure, judge. challenge, claim. characters, outward symbols. check(e) at, (1) take offence at; (2) go in pursuit of. Used technically of a hawk which turns aside from its proper quarry to follow inferior game. clear, pure, innocent. close, secret. coast, travel in circuitous fashion. colour, pretence. comfortable, comforting. companion, base fellow. conceit, conception, thought. confirm'd, well-regulated. consent, sympathy. contemptfull, contemptible. cries clinke, strikes the favourable hour. curious, careful, scrupulous. decent, appropriate. denizond, naturalized. designements, arrangements. discover, reveal. emply, imply. encompast, taken at a disadvantage. enseame, bring together, introduce. Cf. Spens. F. Q. iv, ii, 35-6, where the word = "includes," "contains together." errant, productive of wandering. events, issues. exhale, draw up, raise. exhalations, meteors (cf. Jul. CÆsar, ii, i, 44). explicate, unfold. expugn'd, taken by storm. exquire, find out. facts, deeds. fautor, patron. fivers, variant of fibres. fleerings, sneers. forfeit, fault. foutre, an exclamation of contempt. fray, frighten. giddinesse, foolhardiness. glorious, swelling, boastful. Gordian, Gordian knot. graduate, rise by steps. grasse, graze. hackster, a prostitute's gallant or protector. haie, a boisterous country dance. heartlesse, cowardly. humourous, full of humours, variable in temper. idols, images, counterfeits. ill-favour'd, of unpleasant appearance. impe, piece out. Used, originally, in hawking, of the process of grafting new feathers on a maimed wing. implide, variant of employed. inennerable, indescribable. informed, moulded, fashioned. ingenuous, discerning; used mistakenly for ingenious. injurious, insulting. innative, native. intelligencers, spies. jealousie, suspicion. jet, strut. jiggs, farces, jocular performances. last, a certain weight or quantity of goods. In the case of powder, it represented twenty-four barrels. let, hinder, prevent. limit, limitation. lucerns, hunting dogs. Used in the same sense by Chapman in trans. of Iliad, xi, 417. The usual meaning of the word is lynx. manlessly, inhumanly. maritorious, over-fond of a husband. mate, match oneself against. meane, moderation. mezel'd, leprous, fr. M. E. mesel, < O. F. mesel, mezel, leper, < M. L. misellus, a wretched person. mere, complete. misers, wretched persons. moon-calves, false conceptions. naps, glossy surfaces on cloth. naturalls, idiots. nice, dainty, scrupulous. nick, notch. novation, revolution. openarses, medlars. ostents, manifestations. part, depart. pedisequus, (Lat.) lackey. peece, firearm, gun. period, conclusion. politicall, scheming. pide, dressed in motley. prevented, anticipated. pricksong, music written down with points. proof, firmness, impenetrability. put-ofs, excuses. queich, thicket. quicke, alive. randon, earlier and more correct form of random, O. F. randon f. randir, to run fast. ready, dressed. rebating, blunting. rebatoes, ruffs. rebutters, rejoinders. reminiscion, remembrance. remission, forgiveness. resolv'd, informed. revoke, call back. rivality, rivalry. scapes, escapades. secureness, carelessness. seres, claws. sensive, endowed with sensation. servant, lover. several, separate. shadowes, sunshades, or broad-brimmed hats. shifters, tricksters, rogues. skittish, changeable, capricious. sooth, confirm, approve of. spice, piece, kind. spinners, spiders. splinted, supported. standish, inkstand. stillado, rare variant of stiletto. still'd, distilled. strappl'd, strapped. successe, result. surcharg'd, overladen, vanquished. swindging, swinging to and fro. tall, excellent, brave. temper, regulate. touch, censure. toy, whim. tracts, tracks, traces. train, stratagem. triumphs, pageants. troe, an exclamation of surprise, added after a question. trumpet, trumpeter. trusse, seize (used specially of birds of prey). warning peece, a shot discharged as a signal. weather, tempestuous commotion. weed, garment. witty, intelligent. wrack, wreck. wreak, revenge. unready, undressed. vennie, bout at fencing. |