Henry III, King of France. | Monsieur, his brother. | The Duke of Guise. | Montsurry, a Count. | Bussy D'Ambois. | Barrisor, L'Anou, Pyrhot, | | Courtiers: enemies of D'Ambois. | Brisac, Melynell, | | Courtiers: friends of D'Ambois. | Comolet, a Friar. | Maffe, steward to Monsieur. | Nuncius. | Murderers. | | Behemoth, Cartophylax, Umbra of Friar. | | Spirits.
| | Elenor, Duchess of Guise. | Tamyra, Countess of Montsurry. | Beaupre, niece to Elenor. | Annable, maid to Elenor. | Pero, maid to Tamyra. | Charlotte, maid to Beaupre. | Pyra, a court lady. | Courtiers, Ladies, Pages, Servants, Spirits, &c. | Scene.—Paris[4:2]] FOOTNOTES: