Actus tertii ScAEna prima.


[A Parade-Ground near Cambrai.]

A march of Captaines over the Stage.

Maillard, Chalon, Aumall following with Souldiers.

Maillard. These troopes and companies come in with wings:

So many men, so arm'd, so gallant horse,

I thinke no other government in France

So soone could bring together. With such men

Me thinkes a man might passe th'insulting Pillars5

Of Bacchus and Alcides.

Chalon. I much wonder

Our Lord Lieutenant brought his brother downe

To feast and honour him, and yet now leaves him

At such an instance.

Mail. Twas the Kings command;

For whom he must leave brother, wife, friend, all things.10

Aumale. The confines of his government, whose view

Is the pretext of his command, hath neede

Of no such sodaine expedition.

Mail. Wee must not argue that. The Kings command

Is neede and right enough: and that he serves,15

(As all true subjects should) without disputing.

Chal. But knowes not hee of your command to take

His brother Clermont?

Mail. No: the Kings will is

Expressely to conceale his apprehension

From my Lord Governour. Observ'd yee not?20

Againe peruse the letters. Both you are

Made my assistants, and have right and trust

In all the waightie secrets like my selfe.

Aum. Tis strange a man that had, through his life past,

So sure a foote in vertue and true knowledge25

As Clermont D'Ambois, should be now found tripping,

And taken up thus, so to make his fall

More steepe and head-long.

Mail. It is Vertues fortune,

To keepe her low, and in her proper place;

Height hath no roome for her. But as a man30

That hath a fruitfull wife, and every yeere

A childe by her, hath every yeere a month

To breathe himselfe, where hee that gets no childe

Hath not a nights rest (if he will doe well);

So, let one marry this same barraine Vertue,35

She never lets him rest, where fruitfull Vice

Spares her rich drudge, gives him in labour breath,

Feedes him with bane, and makes him fat with death.

Chal. I see that good lives never can secure

Men from bad livers. Worst men will have best40

As ill as they, or heaven to hell they'll wrest.

Aum. There was a merit for this, in the fault

That Bussy made, for which he (doing pennance)

Proves that these foule adulterous guilts will runne

Through the whole bloud, which not the cleare can shunne.45

Mail. Ile therefore take heede of the bastarding

Whole innocent races; tis a fearefull thing.

And as I am true batcheler, I sweare,

To touch no woman (to the coupling ends)

Unlesse it be mine owne wife or my friends;50

I may make bold with him.

Aum. Tis safe and common.

The more your friend dares trust, the more deceive him.

And as through dewie vapors the sunnes forme

Makes the gay rainebow girdle to a storme,

So in hearts hollow, friendship (even the sunne55

To all good growing in societie)

Makes his so glorious and divine name hold

Collours for all the ill that can be told. Trumpets within.

Mail. Harke! our last troopes are come.

Chal. (Drums beate.) Harke! our last foote.

Mail. Come, let us put all quickly into battaile,60

And send for Clermont, in whose honour all

This martiall preparation wee pretend.

Chal. Wee must bethinke us, ere wee apprehend him,

(Besides our maine strength) of some stratageme

To make good our severe command on him,65

As well to save blood as to make him sure:

For if hee come on his Scotch horse, all France

Put at the heeles of him will faile to take him.

Mail. What thinke you if wee should disguise a brace

Of our best souldiers in faire lackies coates,70

And send them for him, running by his side,

Till they have brought him in some ambuscado

We close may lodge for him, and sodainely

Lay sure hand on him, plucking him from horse?

Aum. It must be sure and strong hand; for if once75

Hee feeles the touch of such a stratageme,

Tis not choicest brace of all our bands

Can manacle or quench his fiery hands.

Mail. When they have seaz'd him, the ambush shal make in.

Aum. Doe as you please; his blamelesse spirit deserves80

(I dare engage my life) of all this, nothing.

Chal. Why should all this stirre be, then?

Aum. Who knowes not

The bumbast politie thrusts into his gyant,

To make his wisedome seeme of size as huge,

And all for sleight encounter of a shade,85

So hee be toucht, hee would have hainous made?

Mail. It may be once so; but so ever, never.

Ambition is abroad, on foote, on horse;

Faction chokes every corner, streete, the Court;

Whose faction tis you know, and who is held90

The fautors right hand: how high his aymes reach

Nought but a crowne can measure. This must fall

Past shadowes waights, and is most capitall.

Chal. No question; for since hee is come to Cambray,

The malecontent, decaid Marquesse Renel,95

Is come, and new arriv'd; and made partaker

Of all the entertaining showes and feasts

That welcom'd Clermont to the brave virago,

His manly sister. Such wee are esteem'd

As are our consorts. Marquesse malecontent100

Comes where hee knowes his vaine hath safest vent.

Mail. Let him come at his will, and goe as free;

Let us ply Clermont, our whole charge is hee. Exeunt.


Trumpets within. Drums beate. In Q these directions follow instead of precede l. 59.

Exeunt. Q, Exit.


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