[ ScAEna Tertia.


A Camp near Cambrai.]

Enter Challon with two Souldiers.

Chalon. Come, souldiers: you are downewards fit for lackies;

Give me your pieces, and take you these coates,

To make you compleate foot men, in whose formes

You must be compleate souldiers: you two onely

Stand for our armie.

1[st Soldier.] That were much.

Chal. Tis true; 5

You two must doe, or enter, what our armie

Is now in field for.

2[d Sol.] I see then our guerdon

Must be the deede it selfe, twill be such honour.

Chal. What fight souldiers most for?

1[st Sol.] Honour onely.

Chal. Yet here are crownes beside.

Ambo. We thanke you, Captaine. 10

2[d Sol.] Now, sir, how show wee?

Chal. As you should at all parts.

Goe now to Clermont D'Ambois, and informe him,

Two battailes are set ready in his honour,

And stay his presence onely for their signall,

When they shall joyne; and that, t'attend him hither15

Like one wee so much honour, wee have sent him—

1[st Sol.] Us two in person.

Chal. Well, sir, say it so;

And having brought him to the field, when I

Fall in with him, saluting, get you both

Of one side of his horse, and plucke him downe,20

And I with th'ambush laid will second you.

1[st Sol.] Nay, we shall lay on hands of too much strength

To neede your secondings.

2[d Sol.] I hope we shall.

Two are enough to encounter Hercules.

Chal. Tis well said, worthy souldiers; hast, and hast him. [Exeunt.] 25


Exeunt. Q, Exit.



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