Through the twilight streets I hastened, and Naumoff followed, calling me by my name; but I did not answer him. Through the long Road of the Cross I hurried silently, and out through the Golden Gate, and on, down dusty solitary streets, past the Church of All Saints, until at last I stood before the cemetery where my mother is laid to rest. “Where are we going?” asked Naumoff. “Why have you come here?” But without answering him I threw a ruble to the gatekeeper and entered the silent pathways of the churchyard. The sky was still light in the west, but the paths were gloomy in the shadow of willow and cypress trees. Hastening on between the double rows of flower-decked graves, and the monuments that gleamed whitely in the twilight, I reached my mother's tomb. I knelt and kissed the great marble cross that stands so heavily above her frail brow. And the thought of her lying there, so desolate and alone, abandoned to the rains and the “Speak to me, mother,” I whispered to her. “Tell me what I am to do. You who know all—all about the vow and little Tioka, and the terrible things that are in my life—tell me, mother, must Paul Kamarowsky die?” My mother did not answer. “Tell me, tell me, mother! Is he to die?” My mother was silent. But the evening breeze passed over the delicate flowers, the lilies and campanulas which cover her grave; and they all nodded their heads, saying: “Yes, yes, yes.” “Did you see?” I whispered to Naumoff. But he only looked at me with bewildered eyes. And I drew him away. “We must go quickly,” I said. Now it was growing dark. I hastened along the winding narrow pathways until in a deserted corner I found what I was seeking: a neglected grave marked by a gray stone bearing a name and a date. As I gazed at that mound of earth, on which a long-since withered wreath spoke of forgetfulness, a wave of desolation swept over my heart. How sad and empty and useless was everything! Life and hope and love and desire—all empty, all unavailing.... Something stirred. Perhaps it was only the dry leaves of the withered wreath, but I was afraid—afraid that I should see Stahl suddenly move and rise up, covered with mold, to answer to his name. “Vladimir Stahl...” whispered Naumoff again, raising his haggard boyish face and gazing at me, “Mura, Mura, I see you encompassed by the dead.” Doubtless he meant the tombs which spread around me in a livid semicircle; but to me it seemed that he could discern standing behind me all my dead—my mother and Stahl, and Bozevsky and little Peter.... I uttered a scream as I looked fearfully behind me. “Why do you scream?” gasped Naumoff; and he also turned and looked round. Then he pointed to the grave in front of us. “Who was this?” he asked in a low voice. “Did he love you?” His eyes flickered strangely. There was horror and lust and frenzy in the gaze he fixed upon me. I was silent. “Did he love you? Did he love you?” He Then I bent towards him, and a thrill such as I have never felt passed through me. “Swear—on the dead—that you will kill that man.” “I swear it,” he gasped. “Terrible woman that you are, I swear it.” “Go,” I whispered. “Go ... at once.” But he sprang towards me and fastened his lips upon mine. Amid all the horrors that haunt my memory, all the spectral visions which drift darkly through the labyrinth of my life, that frenzied embrace among the tombs in the crepuscular cemetery, still rises before me—a ghost of darkness and of shame. He turned and left me. I heard his footsteps running along the gravel path, I saw his tall shadowy figure vanish in the gloom.... He was gone. I was alone in the nocturnal churchyard, alone by Stahl's desolate grave. “Nicolas Naumoff!” I cried. But no one answered me, and fear ran into my heart with thudding steps. I hurried forward, down the narrow path bordered with tombs and turned to the right, down another wider avenue among other endless ········ A breath of soft morning air awoke me. I opened my eyes. Elise was bending over me with “Elise!”... Elise Perrier clasped her hands. “Thank God!” she murmured. “I feared you would never wake again.” Her face worked strangely, and she burst into tears. “Elise—what has happened? What is to-day?” Before she could answer, another question sprang to my lips: “Where is Naumoff?” “He has left, my lady,” whispered Elise in awestruck tones. “Left?” A long silence held us. “Left? Where has he gone?” Elise looked down at me with blanched and quivering countenance. “To Venice,” she said in low tones. I started up. “To Venice?” To Venice! My memory darted to and fro like a child playing hide and seek. “Elise! Elise! Elise!” I stretched out my hands like one sinking and drowning in the darkness. Elise wept. I watched the strange faces that Elise always made when she wept: funny, pitiful grimaces with puckered brow and chin. “To Venice.” My memory flickers like a feeble light, then blazes into sudden flames that sear my “It is impossible, my lady.” Yes, it is impossible. (By this time the train which is carrying Naumoff on his mission of death has passed Warsaw and is hastening towards BrÜnn; hastening, ever hastening through the dawning hours and the noonday sunshine, hastening on into the twilight—and at dusk it rumbles and pants into the station at Vienna.) I fall fainting back upon my pillows, and all through the day and the night I dream that I am speeding after the rushing train, catching up with it and losing it again, sweeping through the air, tearing along the unending rails, reaching it at last, and being struck down and crushed under its rolling wheels. Day dawns once more. “Elise, Elise, bring Naumoff back. Telegraph to him. Elise, for heaven's sake, bring him back!” “It is hopeless, my lady.” Yes, it is hopeless. (At this hour the train is hurrying from Bozen to Verona, from Verona to Vicenza, from Vicenza to Padua.) Night falls on my despair. “Elise, Elise! Where are you? What is the time?” “It is nearly dawn, my lady.” “Elise, what day is this?” “It is the third day of September.” The third day of September! “Elise,” I scream suddenly, “Elise! Telegraph to Kamarowsky. Warn him.... Quickly, oh, quickly! Why, why did we not do so before?” “Hush, my lady, hush! You were delirious; you could only rave and weep.” “Elise, Elise, telegraph to Kamarowsky....” “It is too late, my lady.” Yes, it is too late. (At this very hour of dawn the train has reached Venice. Nicolas Naumoff is hastening from the Riva degli Schiavoni, across the empty piazza and the deserted streets. He hails a gondola. “Campo Santa Maria del Giglio!” And the gondola, with soft plash of oar, glides slowly towards the doomed sleeper. “Santa Maria del Giglio.” Nicolas Naumoff springs from the gondola, crosses the empty Campo and reaches the house. He ascends the steps quickly, knocks, enters—and closes the door behind him.) Yes, it is too late. I hear myself shrieking with laughter as I fall back on my pillows. Soon I am surrounded by strangers who hold me down, who thrust opiates between my lips, who lay soothing hands and cooling compresses on my brow. Then I know nothing more. ········ Elise Perrier's terrified face surges out of the darkness: she is speaking quickly, she is bending over me, imploring and urging.... What does she say? She weeps despairingly, and ever through her tears she speaks, urging and imploring. Finally, in her thin arms, she drags me from my Suddenly I struggle to my feet: “Paul!...” As I scream the name Elise springs upon me, covering my mouth with her cotton glove, pressing my head to her breast. “Silence! hush, hush, for the love of heaven! They will hear you. Hush!” “Is he dead, Elise, is he dead?” “No, no, he is not dead,” gasps Elise in a toneless whisper, “he is not dead. We are going to him. He is wounded ... he has been telegraphing to you for three days, begging you to come. And you would not move, you would not understand....” Elise is crying again. But perfect peace has descended into my soul. Paul is not dead. He lives! he lives! Nothing else matters but this—he lives. The train still rushes along, beating rhythmic time to many tunes that are in my head; I gaze out of the window, at the whirling landscape that swings past like a giant chess-board, at the telegraph Elise is hurriedly collecting cloaks and satchels. “Where are we, Elise? Are we in Venice?” “Not yet; not yet. We are in Vienna.” As I step from the train, two men whom I do not know approach me. One of them asks me if I am the Countess Tarnowska. He has not taken his hat off, and I do not deign to reply. As I am about to pass him he lays his hand on my arm. The other man also comes forward, and, one on each side, they conduct me along the platform. I notice many people stopping to look at me. Nothing seems to matter. I do not remember why we are in Vienna, nor whither we are bound. I notice that it is a bright, hot day, and I feel that I am walking in a dream.... I find myself thinking of Vassili; I wish he would come, and send these men away and take me home. I shall be glad when I am at home with Vassili and the children and Aunt Sonia.... Safely at home! IN THE PRISON CELL Then I remember—I have no home. I am a forsaken, demented creature whom Vassili cares for no longer. But where am I going? I am going to Paul Kamarowsky, who lives and loves me!... Now I am in a carriage driving through the streets of Vienna; and the two strange men are still with me. They are taking me to a hotel. We arrive. I pass through a large doorway and along some passages. Then I notice that it is not a hotel. It is a vast, bare room with wooden benches round the wall. Some men in uniform stand at the door, and I notice that they do not salute me when I enter. Neither does an elderly man who is sitting at the desk rise or come to meet me. He looks at me steadily and asks me many questions; but I pay no heed to him. The windows are open; I can hear the sound of a piano very far away; somebody is practising a romance by Chaminade that I used to play at Otrada.... How sad a piano sounds when played by an unseen hand in the silence of a sunlit street! The man at the desk speaks in German to the uniformed men; they take my golden wristbag from me, and conduct me out of the bare room down a long passage. As I go slowly forward between the two men I notice that from the far end of the passage a group of people are coming towards us. In the center of the group walks a He sees me. A wave of livid pallor overspreads his face. Then he bends forward towards me and makes a movement with his lips, pressing them tightly together and shaking his head; he is trying to make me understand something. As they notice this the men at my side grasp my arm and make me turn quickly down another corridor. But I hear Prilukoff's voice shouting after me. He utters a Russian word: “Molci!” (Be silent). The men thrust me rudely into an empty cell. I sit down on a bench fixed in a corner under the small, barred window and lean my head against the wall. I feel neither unhappy nor afraid; only weary, unspeakably weary; and almost at once I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. Never since I was a child at Otrada have I known such perfect rest—such utter oblivion poured upon such limitless weariness. Suddenly my door is opened abruptly and one of the men enters; he takes me by the arm, and conducts me back to the large, bare room, where the elderly official still sits at his desk. And there, standing before him, I see Elise. She is weeping bitterly. I see her making those comical The man at my side is dragging me roughly forward. The elderly official at the desk has beckoned to me, and as I stand before him in a line with Elise he reads aloud from a sheet of foolscap. Suddenly I hear the words: “Complicity in the murder of Count Paul Kamarowsky....” The murder? The murder! Two of the uniformed men hold my arms. “But,” I try to say, with chattering teeth, “Count Kamarowsky lives ... he will recover.” The man replies, “Count Kamarowsky is dead.” |