2-h@55332-h-8.htm.html#Page_291" class="pginternal">291 Dobroslav, Prince of the Serbs, 34 Doclea, 62, 166; Dominican monastery at Ragusa, 156-7, 304; - paintings in, 363-4;
- at Mezzo, 358
Dominicans at Ragusa, 113; DrPi?, Gjore, 373; Dubrovnik, 18; Dulcigno, 136, 138 Durazzo, 7, 10, 118, 163, 166, 248 DuŠan, Stephen, Tsar of the Serbs, 60, 96-8 Dutch in the Mediterranean, 314-15 Earthquakes at Ragusa, 260, 298-305 Elizabeth, widow of Louis of Hungary, 167, 183 England, trade with, 264; English colony at Ragusa, 275 Epidaurum, 7, 15 Eugene IV., Pope, 228; Fano, treaty with, 55 Ferdinand, Emperor of Germany, 293 Ferrara war, 257-8 Florence, connection with, 118, 272-3 Fo?a, 133, 267 Fonton, Russian consul, 388-93 Forte Molo, 357; Fortifications of Ragusa, 291 Forty Martyrs, feast of, 215-16 Franciscan monastery at Ragusa, 153-6, 304; Franciscans at Ragusa, 113 French occupy Ragusa, 392; - their rule in Ragusa, 396, 401
French party at Ragusa, 387-8, 398 French Revolutionary wars, 333 sq. Galliani, Archbishop of Ragusa, 327 Garagnin, G. D., 401 George Brankovi?, Despot of Servia, 226-7 264-5, 322-4 Morlachs, Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Edinburgh & London |