Adopted fact is always better composed than the real one Advantage that a calm temper gives one over men Art is the chosen truth Artificialities of style of that period Artistic Truth, more lofty than the True As Homer says, "smiling under tears" Difference which I find between Truth in art and the True in fac Happy is he who does not outlive his youth He did not blush to be a man, and he spoke to men with force History too was a work of art In every age we laugh at the costume of our fathers It is not now what it used to be It is too true that virtue also has its blush Lofty ideal of woman and of love Money is not a common thing between gentlemen like you and me Monsieur, I know that I have lived too long Neither idealist nor realist No writer had more dislike of mere pedantry Offices will end by rendering great names vile Princesses ceded like a town, and must not even weep Principle that art implied selection Recommended a scrupulous observance of nature Remedy infallible against the plague and against reserve True talent paints life rather than the living Truth, I here venture to distinguish from that of the True Urbain Grandier What use is the memory of facts, if not to serve as an example Woman is more bitter than death, and her arms are like chains Yes, we are in the way here |