
§1. If the reader will recall to mind the fundamental postulate of the Science of Probability, established and explained in the first few chapters, and so abundantly illustrated since, he will readily recognize that the two opposite characteristics of individual irregularity and average regularity will naturally be differently estimated by different minds. To some persons the elements of uncertainty may be so painful, either in themselves or in their consequences, that they are anxious to adopt some means of diminishing them. To others the ultimate regularity of life, at any rate within certain departments, its monotony as they consider it, may be so wearisome that they equally wish to effect some alteration and improvement in its characteristics. We shall discuss briefly these mental tendencies, and the most simple and obvious modes of satisfying them.

To some persons, as we have said, the world is all too full of change and irregularity and consequent uncertainty. Civilization has done much to diminish these characteristics in certain directions, but it has unquestionably aggravated them in other directions, and it might not be very easy to say with certainty in which of these respects its operation has been, at present, on the whole most effective. The diminution of irregularity is exemplified, amongst other things, in the case of the staple products which supply our necessary food and clothing. With respect to them, famine and scarcity are by comparison almost unknown now, at any rate in tolerably civilized communities. As a consequence of this, and of the vast improvements in the means of transporting goods and conveying intelligence, the fluctuations in the price of such articles are much less than they once were. In other directions, however, the reverse has been the case. Fashion, for instance, now induces so many people in every large community simultaneously to desire the same thing, that great fluctuations in value may ensue. Moreover a whole group of causes (to enter upon any discussion of which would be to trench upon the ground of Political Economy) combine to produce great and frequent variations in matters concerning credit and the currency, which formerly had no existence. Bankruptcy, for instance, is from the nature of the case, almost wholly a creation of modern times. We will not attempt to strike any balance between these opposite results of modern civilization, beyond remarking that in matters of prime importance the actual uncertainties have been probably on the whole diminished, whereas in those which affect the pocket rather than the life, they have been rather increased. It might also be argued with some plausibility that in cases where the actual uncertainties have not become greater, they have for all practical purposes done so, by their consequences frequently becoming more serious, or by our estimate of these consequences becoming higher.

§2. However the above question, as to the ultimate balance of gain or loss, should be decided, there can be no doubt that many persons find the present amount of uncertainty in some of the affairs of life greater than suits their taste. How are they to diminish it? Something of course may be done, as regards the individual cases, by prudence and foresight. Our houses may be built with a view not to take fire so readily, or precautions may be taken that there shall be fire-engines at hand. In the warding off of death from disease and accident, something may be done by every one who chooses to live prudently. Precautions of the above kind, however, do not introduce any questions of Probability. These latter considerations only come in when we begin to invoke the regularity of the average to save us from the irregularities of the details. We cannot, it is true, remove the uncertainty in itself, but we can so act that the consequences of that uncertainty shall be less to us, or to those in whom we are interested. Take the case of Life Insurance. A professional man who has nothing but the income he earns to depend upon, knows that the whole of that income may vanish in a moment by his death. This is a state of things which he cannot prevent; and if he were the only one in such a position, or were unable or unwilling to combine with his fellow-men, there would be nothing more to be done in the matter except to live within his income as much as possible, and so leave a margin of savings.

§3. There is however an easy mode of escape for him. All that he has to do is to agree with a number of others, who are in the same position as himself, to make up, so to say, a common purse. They may resolve that those of their number who live to work beyond the average length of life shall contribute to support the families of those who die earlier. If a few only concurred in such a resolution they would not gain very much, for they would still be removed by but a slight step from that uncertainty which they are seeking to escape. What is essential is that a considerable number should thus combine so as to get the benefit of that comparative regularity which the average, as is well known, almost always tends to exhibit.

§4. The above simple considerations really contain the essence of all insurance. Such points as the fact that the agreement for indemnity extends only to a certain definite sum of money; and that instead of calling for an occasional general contribution at the time of the death of each member they substitute a fixed annual premium, out of the proceeds of which the payment is to be made, are merely accidents of convenience and arrangement. Insurance is simply equivalent to a mutual contract amongst those who dread the consequences of the uncertainty of their life or employment, that they will employ the aggregate regularity to neutralize as far as possible the individual irregularity. They know that for every one who gains by such a contract another will lose as much; or if one gains a great deal many must have lost a little. They know also that hardly any of their number can expect to find the arrangement a ‘fair’ one, in the sense that they just get back again what they have paid in premiums, after deducting the necessary expenses of management; but they deliberately prefer this state of things. They consist of a body of persons who think it decidedly better to leave behind them a comparatively fixed fortune, rather than one which is extremely uncertain in amount; although they are perfectly aware that, owing to the unavoidable expenses of managing the affairs of such a society, the comparatively fixed sum, so to be left, will be a trifle less than the average fortunes which would have been left had no such system of insurance been adopted.

As this is not a regular treatise upon Insurance no more need be said upon the exact nature of such societies, beyond pointing out that they are of various different kinds. Sometimes they really are what we have compared them with, viz. mutual agreements amongst a group of persons to make up each other's losses to a certain extent. Into this category fall the Mutual Insurance Societies, Benefit Societies, Trades Unions (in respect of some of their functions), together with innumerable other societies which go by various names. Sometimes they are companies worked by proprietors or shareholders for a profit, like any other industrial enterprise. This is the case, I believe, with the majority of the ordinary Life Insurance Societies. Sometimes, again, it is the State which undertakes the management, as in the case of our Post Office Insurance business.

§5. It is clear that there is no necessary limit to the range of application of this principle.[1] It is quite conceivable that the majority of the inhabitants of some nation might be so enamoured of security that they should devise a grand insurance society to cover almost every concern in life. They could not indeed abolish uncertainty, for the conditions of life are very far from permitting this, but they could without much difficulty get rid of the worst of the consequences of it. They might determine to insure not merely their lives, houses, ships, and other things in respect of which sudden and total loss is possible, but also to insure their business; in the sense of avoiding not only bankruptcy, but even casual bad years, on the same principle of commutation. Unfamiliar as such an aim may appear when introduced in this language, it is nevertheless one which under a name of suspicious import to the conservative classes has had a good deal of attention directed to it. It is really scarcely anything else than Communism, which might indeed be defined as a universal and compulsory[2] insurance society which is to take account of all departments of business, and, in some at least of its forms, to invade the province of social and domestic life as well.

Although nothing so comprehensive as this is likely to be practically carried out on any very large scale, it deserves notice that the principle itself is steadily spreading in every direction in matters of detail. It is, for instance, the great complaint against Trades Unions that they too often seek to secure these results in respect of the equalization of the workmen's wages, thus insuring to some degree against incompetence, as they rightly and wisely do against illness and loss of work. Again, there is the Tradesman's Mutual Protection Society, which insures against the occasional loss entailed by the necessity of having to conduct prosecutions at law. There are societies in many towns for the prosecution of petty thefts, with the object of escaping the same uncertain and perhaps serious loss. Amongst instances of insurance for the people rather than by them, there is of course the giant example of the English Poor Law, in which the resemblance to an initial Communistic system becomes very marked. The poor are insured against loss of work arising not only from illness and old age, but from any cause except wilful idleness. They do not, it is true, pay the whole premium, but since they mostly bear some portion of the burden of municipal and county taxation they must certainly be considered as paying a part of the premium. In some branches also of the public and private services the system is adopted of deducting a percentage from the wage or salary, for the purpose of a semi-compulsory insurance against death, illness or superannuation.

§6. Closely connected with Insurance, as an application of Probability, though of course by contrast, stands Gambling. Though we cannot, in strictness, term either of these practices the converse of the other, it seems nevertheless correct to say that they spring from opposite mental tendencies. Some persons, as has been said, find life too monotonous for their taste, or rather the region of what can be predicted with certainty is too large and predominant in their estimation. They can easily adopt two courses for securing the changes they desire. They may, for one thing, aggravate and intensify the results of events which are comparatively incapable of prevision, these events not being in themselves of sufficient importance to excite any strong emotions. The most obvious way of doing this is by betting upon them. Or again, they may invent games or other pursuits, the individual contingencies of which are entirely removed from all possible human prevision, and then make heavy money consequences depend upon these contingencies. This is gambling proper, carried on mostly by means of cards and dice and the roulette.

The gambling spirit, as we have said, seeks for the excitement of uncertainty and variety. When therefore people make a long continued practice of playing, especially if the stakes for which they play are moderate in comparison with their fortune, this uncertainty from the nature of the case begins to diminish. The thoroughly practised gambler, if he possesses more than usual skill (in games where skill counts for something), must be regarded as a man following a profession, though a profession for the most part of a risky and exciting kind, to say nothing of its ignoble and often dishonest character. If, on the other hand, his skill is below the average, or the game is one in which skill does not tell and the odds are slightly in favour of his antagonist, as in the gaming tables, one light in which he can be regarded is that of a man who is following a favourite amusement; if this amusement involves a constant annual outlay on his part, that is nothing more than what has to be said of most other amusements.

§7. We cannot, of course, give such a rational explanation as the above in every case. There are plenty of novices, and plenty of fanatics, who go on steadily losing in the full conviction that they will eventually come out winners. But it is hard to believe that such ignorance, or such intellectual twist, can really be so widely prevalent as would be requisite to constitute them the rule rather than the exception. There must surely be some very general impulse which is gratified by such resources, and it is not easy to see what else this can be than a love of that variety and consequent excitement which can only be found in perfection where exact prevision is impossible.

It is of course very difficult to make any generalization here as to the comparative prevalence of various motives amongst mankind; but when one considers what is the difference which most quiet ordinary whist players feel between a game for ‘love’ and one in which there is a small stake, one cannot but assign a high value to the influence of a wish to emphasize the excitement of loss and gain.

I would not for a moment underrate the practical dangers which are found to attend the practice of gambling. It is remarked that the gambler, if he continues to play for a long time, is under an almost irresistible impulse to increase his stakes, and so re-introduce the element of uncertainty. It is in fact this tendency to be thus led on, which makes the principal danger and mischief of the practice. Risk and uncertainty are still such normal characteristics of even civilized life, that the mere extension of such tendencies into new fields does not in itself offer any very alarming prospect. It is only to be deprecated in so far as there is a danger, which experience shows to be no trifling one, that the fascination found in the pursuit should lead men into following it up into excessive lengths.[3]

§8. The above general treatment of Gambling and Insurance seems to me the only rational and sound principle of division;—namely, that on which the different practices which, under various names, are known as gambling or insurance, are arranged in accordance with the spirit of which they are the outcome, and therefore of the results which they are designed to secure. If we were to attempt to judge and arrange them according to the names which they currently bear, we should find ourselves led to no kind of systematic division whatever; the fact being that since they all alike involve, as their essential characteristic, payments and receipts, one or both of which are necessarily uncertain in their date or amount, the names may often be interchanged.

For instance, a lottery and an ordinary insurance society against accident, if we merely look to the processes performed in them, are to all intents and purposes identical. In each alike there is a small payment which is certain in amount, and a great receipt which is uncertain in amount. A great many persons pay the small premium, whereas a few only of their number obtain a prize, the rest getting no return whatever for their outlay. In each case alike, also, the aggregate receipts and losses are intended to balance each other, after allowing for the profits of those who carry on the undertaking. But of course when we take into account the occasions upon which the insurers get their prizes, we see that there is all the difference in the world between receiving them at haphazard, as in a lottery, and receiving them as a partial set-off to a broken limb or injured constitution, as in the insurance society.

Again, the language of betting may be easily made to cover almost every kind of insurance. Indeed DeMorgan has described life insurance as a bet which the individual makes with the company, that he will not live beyond a certain age. If he dies young, he is pecuniarily a gainer, if he dies late he is a loser.[4] Here, too, though the expression is technically quite correct (since any such deliberate risk of money, upon an unproductive venture, may fall under the definition of a bet), there is the broadest distinction between betting with no other view whatever than that of risking money, and betting with the view of diminishing risk and loss as much as possible. In fact, if the language of sporting life is to be introduced into the matter, we ought, I presume, to speak of the insurer as ‘hedging’ against his death.

§9. Again, in Tontines we have a system of what is often called Insurance, and in certain points rightly so, but which is to all intents and purposes simply and absolutely a gambling transaction. They have been entirely abandoned, I believe, for some time, but were once rather popular, especially in France. On this plan the State, or whatever society manages the business, does not gain anything until the last member of the Tontine is dead. As the number of the survivors diminishes, the same sum-total of annuities still continues to be paid amongst them, as long as any are left alive, so that each receives a gradually increasing sum. Hence those who die early, instead of receiving the most, as on the ordinary plan, receive the least; for at the death of each member the annuity ceases absolutely, so far as he and his relations are concerned. The whole affair therefore is to all intents and purposes a gigantic system of betting, to see which can live the longest; the State being the common stake-holder, and receiving a heavy commission for its superintendence, this commission being naturally its sole motive for encouraging such a transaction. It is recorded of one of the French Tontines[5] that a widow of97 was left, as the last survivor, to receive an annuity of 73,500 livres during the rest of the life which she could manage to drag on after that age;—she having originally subscribed a single sum of 300 livres only. It is obvious that such a system as this, though it may sometimes go by the name of insurance, is utterly opposed to the spirit of true insurance, since it tends to aggravate existing inequalities of fortune instead of to mitigate them. The insurer here bets that he will die old; in ordinary insurance he bets that he will die young.

Again, to take one final instance, common opinion often regards the bank or company which keeps a rouge et noir table, and the individuals who risk their money at it, as being both alike engaged in gambling. So they may be, technically, but for all practical purposes such a bank is as sure and safe a business as that of any ordinary insurance society, and probably far steadier in its receipts than the majority of ordinary trades in a manufacturing or commercial city. The bank goes in for many and small transactions, in proportion to its capital; their customers, very often, in proportion to their incomes go in for very heavy transactions. That the former comes out a gainer year after year depends, of course, upon the fact that the tables are notoriously slightly in their favour. But the steadiness of these gains when compared with the unsteadiness of the individual losses depends simply upon,—in fact, is merely an illustration of,—the one great permanent contrast which lies at the basis of all reasoning in Probability.

§10. We have so far regarded Insurance and Gambling as being each the product of a natural impulse, and as having each, if we look merely to experience, a great mass of human judgment in its favour. The popular moral judgment, however, which applauds the one and condemns the other rests in great part upon an assumption, which has doubtless much truth in it, but which is often interpreted with an absoluteness which leads to error in each direction;—the duty of insurance being too peremptorily urged upon every one, and the practice of gambling too universally regarded as involving a sacrifice of real self-interest, as being in fact little better than a persistent blunder. The assumption in question seems to be extracted from the acknowledged advantages of insurance, and then invoked to condemn the practice of gambling. But in so doing the fact does not seem to be sufficiently recognized that the latter practice, if we merely look to the extent and antiquity of the tacit vote of mankind in its favour, might surely claim to carry the day.

It is of course obvious that in all cases with which we are concerned, the aggregate wealth is unaltered; money being merely transferred from one person to another. The loss of one is precisely equivalent to the gain of another. At least this is the approximation to the truth with which we find it convenient to start.[6] Now if the happiness which is yielded by wealth were always in direct proportion to its amount, it is not easy to see why insurance should be advocated or gambling condemned. In the case of the latter this is obvious enough. I have lost£50, say, but others (one or more as the case may be) have gained it, and the increase of their happiness would exactly balance the diminution of mine. In the case of Insurance there is a slight complication, arising from the fact that the falling in of the policy does not happen at random (otherwise, as already pointed out, it would be simply a lottery), but is made contingent upon some kind of loss, which it is intended as far as possible to balance. I insure myself on a railway journey, break my leg in an accident, and, having paid threepence for my ticket, receive say £200 compensation from the insurance company. The same remarks, however, apply here; the happiness I acquire by this £200 would only just balance the aggregate loss of the 16,000 who have paid their threepences and received no return for them, were happiness always directly proportional to wealth.

§11. The practice of Insurance does not, I think, give rise to many questions of theoretic interest, and need not therefore detain us longer. The fact is that it has hardly yet been applied sufficiently long and widely, or to matters which admit of sufficiently accurate statistical treatment, except in one department. This, of course, is Life Insurance; but the subject is one which requires constant attention to details of statistics, and is (rightly) mainly carried out in strict accordance with routine. As an illustration of this we need merely refer to the works of DeMorgan,—a professional actuary as well as a writer on the theory of Probability,—who has found but little opportunity to aid his speculative treatment of Probability by examples drawn from this class of considerations.

With Gambling it is otherwise. Not only have a variety of interesting single problems been discussed (of which the Petersburg problem is the best known) but several speculative questions of considerable importance have been raised. One of these concerns the disadvantages of the practice of gambling. There have been a number of writers who, not content with dwelling upon the obvious moral and indirect mischief which results, in the shape of over-excitement, consequent greed, withdrawal from the steady business habits which alone insure prosperity in the long run, diversion of wealth into dishonest hands,&c., have endeavoured to demonstrate the necessary loss caused by the practice.

§12. These attempts may be divided into two classes. There are (1)those which appeal to merely numerical considerations, and (2)those which introduce what is called the ‘moral’ as distinguished from the mathematical value of a future contingency.

(1) For instance, an ingenious attempt has been made by Mr Whitworth to prove that gambling is necessarily disadvantageous on purely mathematical grounds.

When two persons play against each other one of the two must be ruined sooner or later, even though the game be a fair one, supposing that they go on playing long enough; the one with the smaller income having of course the worst chance of being the lucky survivor. If one of them has a finite, and the other an infinite income, it must clearly be the former who will be the ultimate sufferer if they go on long enough. It is then maintained that this is in fact every individual gambler's position, “no one is restricted to gambling with one single opponent; the speculator deals with the public at large, with a world whose resources are practically unlimited. There is a prospect that his operations may terminate to his own disadvantage, through his having nothing more to stake; but there is no prospect that it will terminate to his advantage through the exhaustion of the resources of the world. Every one who gambles is carrying on an unequal warfare: he is ranged with a restricted capital against an adversary whose means are infinite.”[7]

In the above argument it is surely overlooked that the adversaries against whom he plays are not one body with a common purse, like the bank in a gambling establishment. Each of these adversaries is in exactly the same position as he himself is, and a precisely similar proof might be employed to show that each of them must be eventually ruined which is of course a reduction to absurdity. Gambling can only transfer money from one player to another, and therefore none of it can be actually lost.

§13. What really becomes of the money, when they play to extremity, is not difficult to see. First suppose a limited number of players. If they go on long enough, the money will at last all find its way into the pocket of some one of their number. If their fortunes were originally equal, each stands the same chance of being the lucky survivor; in which case we cannot assert, on any numerical grounds, that the prospect of the play is disadvantageous to any one of them. If their fortunes were unequal, the one who had the largest sum to begin with can be shown to have the best chance, according to some assignable law, of being left the final winner; in which case it must be just as advantageous for him, as it was disadvantageous for his less wealthy competitors.

When, instead of a limited number of players, we suppose an unlimited number, each as he is ruined retiring from the table and letting another come in, the results are more complicated, but their general tendency can be readily distinguished. If we supposed that no one retired except when he was ruined, we should have a state of things in which all the old players were growing gradually richer. In this case the prospect before the new comers would steadily grow worse and worse, for their chance of winning against such rich opponents would be exceedingly small. But as this is an unreasonable supposition, we ought rather to assume that not only do the ruined victims retire, but also that those who have gained fortunes of a certain amount retire also, so that the aggregate and average wealth of the gambling body remains pretty steady. What chance any given player has of being ruined, and how long he may expect to hold out before being ruined, will depend of course upon the initial incomes of the players, the rules of the game, the stakes for which they play, and other considerations. But it is clear that for all that is lost by one, a precisely equal sum must be gained by others, and that therefore any particular gambler can only be cautioned beforehand that his conduct is not to be recommended, by appealing to some such suppositions as those already mentioned in a former section.

§14. As an additional justification of this view the reader may observe that the state of things in the last example is one which, expressed in somewhat different language and with a slight alteration of circumstances, is being incessantly carried on upon a gigantic scale upon every side of us. Call it the competition of merchants and traders in a commercial country, and the general results are familiar enough. It is true that in so far as skill comes into the question, they are not properly gamblers; but in so far as chance and risk do, they may be fairly so termed, and in many branches of business this must necessarily be the case to a very considerable extent. Whenever business is carried on in a reckless way, the comparison is on general grounds fair enough. In each case alike we find some retiring ruined, and some making their fortunes; and in each case alike also the chances, coeteris paribus, lie with those who have the largest fortunes. Every one is, in a sense, struggling against the collective commercial world, but since each of his competitors is doing the same, we clearly could not caution any of them (except indeed the poorer ones) that their efforts must finally end in disadvantage.

§15. If we wish to see this result displayed in its most decisive form we may find a good analogy in a very different class of events, viz. in the fate of surnames. We are all gamblers in this respect, and the game is carried out to the last farthing with a rigour unknown at Newmarket or Monte Carlo. In its complete treatment the subject is a very intricate one,[8] but a simple example will serve to display the general tendency. Suppose a colony comprising 1000 couples of different surnames, and suppose that each of these has four children who grow up to marry. Approximately, one in16 of these families will consist of girls only; and therefore, under ordinary conventions, about 62of the names will have disappeared for ever after the next generation. Four again out of16 will have but one boy, each of whom will of course be in the same position as his father, viz. the sole representative of his name. Accordingly in the next generation one in16 of these names will again drop out, and so the process continues. The number which disappears in each successive generation becomes smaller, as the stability of the survivors becomes greater owing to their larger numbers. But there is no check to the process.

§16. The analogy here is a very close one, the names which thus disappear corresponding to the gamblers who retire ruined and those which increase in number corresponding to the lucky winners. The ultimate goal in each case alike,—of course an exceedingly remote one,—is the exclusive survival of one at the expense of all the others. That one surname does thus drop out after another must have struck every one who has made any enquiry into family genealogy, and various fanciful accounts have been given by those unfamiliar with the theory of probability. What is often apt to be overlooked is the extreme slightness of what may be termed the “turn of the tables” in favour of the survival at each generation. In the above numerical example we have made an extravagantly favourable supposition, by assuming that the population doubles at every generation. In an old and thickly populated country where the numbers increase very slowly, we should be much nearer the mark in assuming that the average effective family,—that is, the average number of children who live to marry,—was only two. In this case every family which was represented at any time by but a single male would have but three chances in four of surviving extinction, and of course the process of thinning out would be a more rapid one.

§17. The most interesting class of attempts to prove the disadvantages of gambling appeal to what is technically called ‘moral expectation’ as distinguished from ‘mathematical expectation.’ The latter may be defined simply as the average money value of the venture in question; that is, it is the product of the amount to be gained (or lost) and the chance of gaining (or losing) it. For instance, if I bet four to one in sovereigns against the occurrence of ace with a single die there would be, on the average of many throws, a loss of four pounds against a gain of five pounds on each set of six occurrences; i.e. there would be an average gain of three shillings and fourpence on each throw. This is called the true or mathematical expectation. The so-called ‘moral expectation’, on the other hand, is the subjective value of this mathematical expectation. That is, instead of reckoning a money fortune in the ordinary way, as what it is, the attempt is made to reckon it at what it is felt to be. The elements of computation therefore become, not pounds and shillings, but sums of pleasure enjoyed actually or in prospect. Accordingly when reckoning the present value of a future gain, we must now multiply, not the objective but the subjective value, by the chance we have of securing that gain.

With regard to the exact relation of this moral fortune to the physical various more or less arbitrary assumptions have been made. One writer (Buffon) considers that the moral value of any given sum varies inversely with the total wealth of the person who gains it. Another (D.Bernoulli) starting from a different assumption, which we shall presently have to notice more particularly, makes the moral value of a fortune vary as the logarithm of its actual amount.[9] A third (Cramer) makes it vary with the square root of the amount.

§18. Historically, these proposals have sprung from the wish to reconcile the conclusions of the Petersburg problem with the dictates of practical common sense; for, by substituting the moral for the physical estimate the total value of the expectation could be reduced to a finite sum. On this ground therefore such proposals have no great interest, for, as we have seen, there is no serious difficulty in the problem when rightly understood.

These same proposals however have been employed in order to prove that gambling is necessarily disadvantageous, and this to both parties. Take, for instance, Bernoulli's supposition. It can be readily shown that if two persons each with a sum of £50 to start with choose to risk, say, £10 upon an even wager there will be a loss of happiness as a result; for the pleasure gained by the possessor of£60 will not be equal to that which is lost by the man who leaves off with£40.[10]

§19. This is the form of argument commonly adopted; but, as it stands, it does not seem conclusive. It may surely be replied that all which is thus proved is that inequality is bad, on the ground that two fortunes of£50 are better than one of£60 and one of£40. Conceive for instance that the original fortunes had been £60 and £40 respectively, the event may result in an increase of happiness; for this will certainly be the case if the richer man loses and the fortunes are thus equalized. This is quite true; and we are therefore obliged to show,—what can be very easily shown,—that if the other alternative had taken place and the two fortunes had been made still more unequal (viz. £65 and £35 respectively) the happiness thus lost would more than balance what would have been gained by the equalization. And since these two suppositions are equally likely there will be a loss in the long run.

The consideration just adduced seems however to show that the common way of stating the conclusion is rather misleading; and that, on the assumption in question as to the law of dependence of happiness on wealth, it really is the case that the effective element in rendering gambling disadvantageous is its tendency to the increase of the inequality in the distribution of wealth.

§20. This raises two questions, one of some speculative interest in connection with our subject, and the other of supreme importance in the conduct of life. The first is this: quite apart from any particular assumption which we make about moral fortunes or laws of variation of happiness, is it the fact that gambling tends to increase the existing inequalities of wealth? Theoretically there is no doubt that this is so. Take the simplest case and suppose two people tossing for a pound. If their fortunes were equal to begin with there must be resultant inequality. If they were unequal there is an even chance of the inequality being increased or diminished; but since the increase is proportionally greater than the decrease, the final result remains of the same kind as when the fortunes were equal.[11] Taking a more general view the same conclusion underlies all our reasoning as to the averages of large numbers, viz. that the resultant divergencies increase absolutely (however they diminish relatively) as the numbers become greater. And of course we refer to these absolute divergencies when we are talking of the distribution of wealth.

§21. This is the theoretic conclusion. How far the actual practice of gambling introduces counteracting agencies must be left to the determination of those who are competent to pronounce. So far as outsiders are authorised to judge from what they read in the newspapers and other public sources of information, it would appear that these counteracting agencies are very considerable, and that in consequence it is a rather insecure argument to advance against gambling. Many a large fortune has notoriously been squandered on the race-course or in gambling saloons, and most certainly a large portion, if not the major part, has gone to swell the incomes of many who were by comparison poor. But the solution of this question must clearly be left to those who have better opportunities of knowing the facts than is to be expected on the part of writers on Probability.

§22. The general conclusion to be drawn is that those who invoked this principle of moral fortune as an argument against gambling were really raising a much more intricate and far-reaching problem than they were aware of. What they were at work upon was the question, What is the distribution of wealth which tends to secure the maximum of happiness? Is this best secured by equality or inequality? Had they really followed out the doctrine on which their denunciation of gambling was founded they ought to have adopted the Socialist's ideal as being distinctly that which tends to increase happiness. And they ought to have brought under the same disapprobation which they expressed against gambling all those tendencies of modern civilized life which work in the same direction. For instance; keen competition, speculative operations, extended facilities of credit, mechanical inventions, enlargement of business operations into vast firms:—all these, and other similar tendencies too numerous to mention here, have had some influence in the way of adding to existing inequalities. They are, or have been, in consequence denounced by socialists: are we honestly to bring them to this test in order to ascertain whether or not they are to be condemned? The reader who wishes to see what sort of problems this assumption of ‘moral fortune’ ought to introduce may be recommended to read Mr F.Y. Edgeworth's Mathematical Psychics, the only work with which I am acquainted which treats of these questions.

1 The question of the advisability of inoculation against the small-pox, which gave rise to much discussion amongst the writers on Probability during the last century, is a case in point of the same principles applied to a very different kind of instance. The loss against which the insurance was directed was death by small-pox, the premium paid was the illness and other inconvenience, and the very small risk of death, from the inoculation. The disputes which thence arose amongst writers on the subject involved the same difficulties as to the balance between certain moderate loss and contingent great loss. In the seventeenth century it seems to have been an occasional practice, before a journey into the Mediterranean, to insure against capture by Moorish pirates, with a view to secure having the ransom paid. (See, for an account of some extraordinary developments of the insurance principle, Walford's Insurance Guide and Handbook. It is not written in a very scientific spirit, but it contains much information on all matters connected with insurance.)

2 All that is meant by the above comparison is that the ideal aimed at by Communism is similar to that of Insurance. If we look at the processes by which it would be carried out, and the means for enforcing it, the matter would of course assume a very different aspect. Similarly with the action of Trades Unionism referred to in the next paragraph.

3 One of the best discussions that I have recently seen on these subjects, by a writer at once thoroughly competent and well informed, is in Mr Proctor's Chance and Luck. It appears to me however that he runs into an extreme in his denunciation not of the folly but of the dishonesty of all gambling. Surely also it is a strained use of language to speak of all lotteries as ‘unfair’ and even ‘swindling’ on the ground that the sum-total of what they distribute in prizes is less than that of what they receive in payments. The difference, in respect of information deliberately withheld and false reports wilfully spread, between most of the lotteries that have been supported, and the bubble companies which justly deserve the name of swindles, ought to prevent the same name being applied to both.

4 “A fire insurance is a simple bet between the office and the party, and a life insurance is a collection of wagers. There is something of the principle of a wager in every transaction in which the results of a future event are to bring gain or loss.” Penny CyclopÆdia, under the head of Wager.

5 EncyclopÉdie Methodique, under the head of Tontines.

6 Of course, if we introduce considerations of Political Economy, corrections will have to be made. For one thing, every Insurance Office is, as DeMorgan repeatedly insists, a Savings Bank as well as an Insurance Office. The Office invests the premiums, and can therefore afford to pay a larger sum than would otherwise be the case. Again, in the case of gambling, a large loss of capital by any one will almost necessarily involve an actual destruction of wealth; to say nothing of the fact that, practically, gambling often causes a constant transfer of wealth from productive to unproductive purposes.

7 Choice and Chance, Ed.II. p.208.

8 It was, I believe, first treated as a serious problem by Mr Galton. (See the Journal Anthrop. Inst. Vol.IV. 1875, where a complete mathematical solution is indicated by Mr H.W. Watson.)

9 Bernoulli himself does not seem to have based his conclusions upon actual experience. But it is a noteworthy fact that the assumption with which he starts, viz. that the subjective value of any small increment(dx) is inversely proportional to the sum then possessed(x), and which leads at once to the logarithmic law above mentioned, is identical with one which is now familiar enough to every psychologist. It is what is commonly called Fechner's Law, which he has established by aid of an enormous amount of careful experiment in the case of a number of our simple sensations. But I do not believe that he has made any claim that such a law holds good in the far more intricate dependence of happiness upon wealth.

10 The formula expressive of this moral happiness is c logx/a; where xstands for the physical fortune possessed at the time, and afor that small value of it at which happiness is supposed to disappear: cbeing an arbitrary constant. Let two persons, whose fortune isx, risky on an even bet. Then the balance, as regards happiness, must be drawn between

c logx/a and 1/2c logx+y/a+1/2c logx-y/a,

or logx2 and log(x+y)(x-y),
or x2 and x2-y2, the former of which is necessarily the greater.

11 This may be seen more clearly as follows. Suppose two pair of gamblers, each pair consisting of men possessing £50 and £30 respectively. Now if we suppose the richer man to win in one case and the poorer in the other these two results will be a fair representation of the average; for there are only two alternatives and these will be equally frequent in the long run. It is obvious that we have had two fortunes of£50 and two of£30 converted into one of£20, two of£40, and one of£60. And this is clearly an increase of inequality.



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