
§1. We were occupied, during the last chapter, with the examination of a rule, the object of which was to enable us to make inferences about instances as yet unexamined. It was professedly, therefore, a rule of an inductive character. But, in the form in which it is commonly expressed, it was found to fail utterly. It is reasonable therefore to enquire at this point whether Probability is entirely a formal or deductive science, or whether, on the other hand, we are able, by means of it, to make valid inferences about instances as yet unexamined. This question has been already in part answered by implication in the course of the last two chapters. It is proposed in the present chapter to devote a fuller investigation to this subject, and to describe, as minutely as limits will allow, the nature of the connection between Probability and Induction. We shall find it advisable for clearness of conception to commence our enquiry at a somewhat early stage. We will travel over the ground, however, as rapidly as possible, until we approach the boundary of what can properly be termed Probability.

§2. Let us then conceive some one setting to work to investigate nature, under its broadest aspect, with the view of systematizing the facts of experience that are known, and thence (in case he should find that this is possible) discovering others which are at present unknown. He observes a multitude of phenomena, physical and mental, contemporary and successive. He enquires what connections are there between them? what rules can be found, so that some of these things being observed I can infer others from them? We suppose him, let it be observed, deliberately resolving to investigate the things themselves, and not to be turned aside by any prior enquiry as to there being laws under which the mind is compelled to judge of the things. This may arise either from a disbelief in the existence of any independent and necessary mental laws, and a consequent conviction that the mind is perfectly competent to observe and believe anything that experience offers, and should believe nothing else, or simply from a preference for investigations of the latter kind. In other words, we suppose him to reject Formal Logic, and to apply himself to a study of objective existences.

It must not for a moment be supposed that we are here doing more than conceiving a fictitious case for the purpose of more vividly setting before the reader the nature of the inductive process, the assumptions it has to make, and the character of the materials to which it is applied. It is not psychologically possible that any one should come to the study of nature with all his mental faculties in full perfection, but void of all materials of knowledge, and free from any bias as to the uniformities which might be found to prevail around him. In practice, of course, the form and the matter—the laws of belief or association, and the objects to which they are applied—act and react upon one another, and neither can exist in any but a low degree without presupposing the existence of the other. But the supposition is perfectly legitimate for the purpose of calling attention to the requirements of such a system of Logic, and is indeed nothing more than what has to be done at almost every step in psychological enquiry.[1]

§3. His task at first might be conceived to be a slow and tedious one. It would consist of a gradual accumulation of individual instances, as marked out from one another by various points of distinction, and connected with one another by points of resemblance. These would have to be respectively distinguished and associated in the mind, and the consequent results would then be summed up in general propositions, from which inferences could afterwards be drawn. These inferences could, of course, contain no new facts, they would only be repetitions of what he or others had previously observed. All that we should have so far done would have been to make our classifications of things and then to appeal to them again. We should therefore be keeping well within the province of ordinary logic, the processes of which (whatever their ultimate explanation) may of course always be expressed, in accordance with Aristotle's Dictum, as ways of determining whether or not we can show that one given class is included wholly or partly within another, or excluded from it, as the case may be.

§4. But a very short course of observation would suggest the possibility of a wide extension of his information. Experience itself would soon detect that events were connected together in a regular way; he would ascertain that there are ‘laws of nature.’ Coming with no Àpriori necessity of believing in them, he would soon find that as a matter of fact they do exist, though he could not feel any certainty as to the extent of their prevalence. The discovery of this arrangement in nature would at once alter the plan of his proceedings, and set the tone to the whole range of his methods of investigation. His main work now would be to find out by what means he could best discover these laws of nature.

An illustration may assist. Suppose I were engaged in breaking up a vast piece of rock, say slate, into small pieces. I should begin by wearily working through it inch by inch. But I should soon find the process completely changed owing to the existence of cleavage. By this arrangement of things a very few blows would do the work—not, as I might possibly have at first supposed, to the extent of a few inches—but right through the whole mass. In other words, by the process itself of cutting, as shown in experience, and by nothing else, a constitution would be detected in the things that would make that process vastly more easy and extensive. Such a discovery would of course change our tactics. Our principal object would thenceforth be to ascertain the extent and direction of this cleavage.

Something resembling this is found in Induction. The discovery of laws of nature enables the mind to dart with its inferences from a few facts completely through a whole class of objects, and thus to acquire results the successive individual attainment of which would have involved long and wearisome investigation, and would indeed in multitudes of instances have been out of the question. We have no demonstrative proof that this state of things is universal; but having found it prevail extensively, we go on with the resolution at least to try for it everywhere else, and we are not disappointed. From propositions obtained in this way, or rather from the original facts on which these propositions rest, we can make new inferences, not indeed with absolute certainty, but with a degree of conviction that is of the utmost practical use. We have gained the great step of being able to make trustworthy generalizations. We conclude, for instance, not merely that John and Henry die, but that all men die.

§5. The above brief investigation contains, it is hoped, a tolerably correct outline of the nature of the Inductive inference, as it presents itself in Material or Scientific Logic. It involves the distinction drawn by Mill, and with which the reader of his System of Logic will be familiar, between an inference drawn according to a formula and one drawn from a formula. We do in reality make our inference from the data afforded by experience directly to the conclusion; it is a mere arrangement of convenience to do so by passing through the generalization. But it is one of such extreme convenience, and one so necessarily forced upon us when we are appealing to our own past experience or to that of others for the grounds of our conclusion, that practically we find it the best plan to divide the process of inference into two parts. The first part is concerned with establishing the generalization; the second (which contains the rules of ordinary logic) determines what conclusions can be drawn from this generalization.

§6. We may now see our way to ascertaining the province of Probability and its relation to kindred sciences. Inductive Logic gives rules for discovering such generalizations as those spoken of above, and for testing their correctness. If they are expressed in universal propositions it is the part of ordinary logic to determine what inferences can be made from and by them; if, on the other hand, they are expressed in proportional propositions, that is, propositions of the kind described in our first chapter, they are handed over to Probability. We find, for example, that three infants out of ten die in their first four years. It belongs to Induction to say whether we are justified in generalizing our observation into the assertion, All infants die in that proportion. When such a proposition is obtained, whatever may be the value to be assigned to it, we recognize in it a series of a familiar kind, and it is at once claimed by Probability.

In this latter case the division into two parts, the inductive and the ratiocinative, seems decidedly more than one of convenience; it is indeed imperatively necessary for clearness of thought and cogency of treatment. It is true that in almost every example that can be selected we shall find both of the above elements existing together and combining to determine the degree of our conviction, but when we come to examine them closely it appears to me that the grounds of their cogency, the kind of conviction they produce, and consequently the rules which they give rise to, are so entirely distinct that they cannot possibly be harmonized into a single consistent system.

The opinion therefore according to which certain Inductive formulÆ are regarded as composing a portion of Probability, and which finds utterance in the Rule of Succession criticised in our last chapter, cannot, I think, be maintained. It would be more correct to say, as stated above, that Induction is quite distinct from Probability, yet co-operates in almost all its inferences. By Induction we determine, for example, whether, and how far, we can safely generalize the proposition that four men in ten live to be fifty-six; supposing such a proposition to be safely generalized, we hand it over to Probability to say what sort of inferences can be deduced from it.

§7. So much then for the opinion which tends to regard pure Induction as a subdivision of Probability. By the majority of philosophical and logical writers a widely different view has of course been entertained. They are mostly disposed to distinguish these sciences very sharply from, not to say to contrast them with, one another; the one being accepted as philosophical or logical, and the other rejected as mathematical. This may without offence be termed the popular prejudice against Probability.

A somewhat different view, however, must be noticed here, which, by a sort of reaction against the latter, seems even to go beyond the former; and which occasionally finds expression in the statement that all inductive reasoning of every kind is merely a matter of Probability. Two examples of this may be given.

Beginning with the older authority, there is an often quoted saying by Butler at the commencement of his Analogy, that ‘probability is the very guide of life’; a saying which seems frequently to be understood to signify that the rules or principles of Probability are thus all-prevalent when we are drawing conclusions in practical life. Judging by the drift of the context, indeed, this seems a fair interpretation of his meaning, in so far of course as there could be said to be any such thing as a science of Probability in those days. Prof. Jevons, in his Principles of Science (p.197), has expressed a somewhat similar view, of course in a way more consistent with the principles of modern science, physical and mathematical. He says, “I am convinced that it is impossible to expound the methods of induction in a sound manner, without resting them on the theory of Probability. Perfect knowledge alone can give certainty, and in nature perfect knowledge would be infinite knowledge, which is clearly beyond our capacities. We have, therefore, to content ourselves with partial knowledge,—knowledge mingled with ignorance, producing doubt.”[2]

§8. There are two senses in which this disposition to merge the two sciences into one may be understood. Using the word Probability in its vague popular signification, nothing more may be intended than to call attention to the fact, that in every case alike our conclusions are nothing more than ‘probable,’ that is, that they are not, and cannot be, absolutely certain. This must be fully admitted, for of course no one acquainted with the complexity of physical and other evidence would seriously maintain that absolute ideal certainty can be attained in any branch of applied logic. Hypothetical certainty, in abstract science, may be possible, but not absolute certainty in the domain of the concrete. This has been already noticed in a former chapter, where, however, it was pointed out that whatever justification may exist, on the subjective view of logic, for regarding this common prevalence of absence of certainty as warranting us in fusing the sciences into one, no such justification is admitted when we take the objective view.

§9. What may be meant, however, is that the grounds of this absence of certainty are always of the same general character. This argument, if admitted, would have real force, and must therefore be briefly noticed. We have seen abundantly that when we say of a conclusion within the strict province of Probability, that it is not certain, all that we mean is that in some proportion of cases only will such conclusion be right, in the other cases it will be wrong. Now when we say, in reference to any inductive conclusion, that we feel uncertain about its absolute cogency, are we conscious of the same interpretation? It seems to me that we are not. It is indeed quite possible that on ultimate analysis it might be proved that experience of failure in the past employment of our methods of investigation was the main cause of our present want of perfect confidence in them. But this, as we have repeatedly insisted, does not belong to the province of logical, but to that of Psychological enquiry. It is surely not the case that we are, as a rule, consciously guided by such occasional or repeated instances of past failure. In so far as they are at all influential, they seem to do their work by infusing a vague want of confidence which cannot be referred to any statistical grounds for its justification, at least not in a quantitative way. Part of our want of confidence is derived sympathetically from those who have investigated the matter more nearly at first hand. Here again, analysis might detect that a given proportion of past failures lay at the root of the distrust, but it does not show at the surface. Moreover, one reason why we cannot feel perfectly certain about our inductions is, that the memory has to be appealed to for some of our data; and will any one assert that the only reason why we do not place absolute reliance on our memory of events long past is that we have been deceived in that way before?

In any other sense, therefore, than as a needful protest against attaching too great demonstrative force to the conclusions of Inductive Logic, it seems decidedly misleading to speak of its reasonings as resting upon Probability.

§10. We may now see clearly the reasons for the limits within which causation[3] is necessarily required, but beyond which it is not needed. To be able to generalize a formula so as to extend it from the observed to the unobserved, it is clearly essential that there should be a certain permanence in the order of nature; this permanence is one form of what is implied in the term causation. If the circumstances under which men live and die remaining the same, we did not feel warranted in inferring that four men out of ten would continue to live to fifty, because in the case of those whom we had observed this proportion had hitherto done so, it is clear that we should be admitting that the same antecedents need not be followed by the same consequents. This uniformity being what the Law of Causation asserts, the truth of the law is clearly necessary to enable us to obtain our generalizations: in other words, it is necessary for the Inductive part of the process. But it seems to be equally clear that causation is not necessary for that part of the process which belongs to Probability. Provided only that the truth of our generalizations is secured to us, in the way just mentioned, what does it matter to us whether or not the individual members are subject to causation? For it is not in reality about these individuals that we make inferences. As this last point has been already fully treated in ChapterVI., any further allusion to it need not be made here.

§11. The above description, or rather indication, of the process of obtaining these generalizations must suffice for the present. Let us now turn and consider the means by which we are practically to make use of them when they are obtained. The point which we had reached in the course of the investigations entered into in the sixth and seventh chapters was this:—Given a series of a certain kind, we could draw inferences about the members which composed it; inferences, that is, of a peculiar kind, the value and meaning of which were fully discussed in their proper place.

We must now shift our point of view a little; instead of starting, as in the former chapters, with a determinate series supposed to be given to us, let us assume that the individual only is given, and that the work is imposed upon us of finding out the appropriate series. How are we to set about the task? In the former case our data were of this kind:—Eight out of ten men, aged fifty, will live eleven years more, and we ascertained in what sense, and with what certainty, we could infer that, say, John Smith, aged fifty, would live to sixty-one.

§12. Let us then suppose, instead, that John Smith presents himself, how should we in this case set about obtaining a series for him? In other words, how should we collect the appropriate statistics? It should be borne in mind that when we are attempting to make real inferences about things as yet unknown, it is in this form that the problem will practically present itself.

At first sight the answer to this question may seem to be obtained by a very simple process, viz. by counting how many men of the age of John Smith, respectively do and do not live for eleven years. In reality however the process is far from being so simple as it appears. For it must be remembered that each individual thing has not one distinct and appropriate class or group, to which, and to which alone, it properly belongs. We may indeed be practically in the habit of considering it under such a single aspect, and it may therefore seem to us more familiar when it occupies a place in one series rather than in another; but such a practice is merely customary on our part, not obligatory. It is obvious that every individual thing or event has an indefinite number of properties or attributes observable in it, and might therefore be considered as belonging to an indefinite number of different classes of things. By belonging to any one class it of course becomes at the same time a member of all the higher classes, the genera, of which that class was a species. But, moreover, by virtue of each accidental attribute which it possesses, it becomes a member of a class intersecting, so to say, some of the other classes. John Smith is a consumptive man say, and a native of a northern climate. Being a man he is of course included in the class of vertebrates, also in that of animals, as well as in any higher such classes that there may be. The property of being consumptive refers him to another class, narrower than any of the above; whilst that of being born in a northern climate refers him to a new and distinct class, not conterminous with any of the rest, for there are things born in the north which are not men.

§13. When therefore John Smith presents himself to our notice without, so to say, any particular label attached to him informing us under which of his various aspects he is to be viewed, the process of thus referring him to a class becomes to a great extent arbitrary. If he had been indicated to us by a general name, that, of course, would have been some clue; for the name having a determinate connotation would specify at any rate a fixed group of attributes within which our selection was to be confined. But names and attributes being connected together, we are here supposed to be just as much in ignorance what name he is to be called by, as what group out of all his innumerable attributes is to be taken account of; for to tell us one of these things would be precisely the same in effect as to tell us the other. In saying that it is thus arbitrary under which class he is placed, we mean, of course, that there are no logical grounds of decision; the selection must be determined by some extraneous considerations. Mere inspection of the individual would simply show us that he could equally be referred to an indefinite number of classes, but would in itself give no inducement to prefer, for our special purpose, one of these classes to another.

This variety of classes to which the individual may be referred owing to his possession of a multiplicity of attributes, has an important bearing on the process of inference which was indicated in the earlier sections of this chapter, and which we must now examine in more special reference to our particular subject.

§14. It will serve to bring out more clearly the nature of some of those peculiarities of the step which we are now about to take in the case of Probability, if we first examine the form which the corresponding step assumes in the case of ordinary Logic. Suppose then that we wished to ascertain whether a certain John Smith, a man of thirty, who is amongst other things a resident in India, and distinctly affected with cancer, will continue to survive there for twenty years longer. The terms in which the man is thus introduced to us refer him to different classes in the way already indicated. Corresponding to these classes there will be a number of propositions which have been obtained by previous observations and inductions, and which we may therefore assume to be available and ready at hand when we want to make use of them. Let us conceive them to be such as these following:—Some men live to fifty; some Indian residents live to fifty; no man suffering thus from cancer lives for five years. From the first and second of these premises nothing whatever can be inferred, for they are both[4] particular propositions, and therefore lead to no conclusion in this case. The third answers our enquiry decisively.

To the logical reader it will hardly be necessary to point out that the process here under consideration is that of finding middle terms which shall serve to connect the subject and predicate of our conclusion. This subject and predicate in the case in question, are the individual before us and his death within the stated period. Regarded by themselves there is nothing in common between them, and therefore no link by which they may be connected or disconnected with each other. The various classes above referred to are a set of such middle terms, and the propositions belonging to them are a corresponding set of major premises. By the help of any one of them we are enabled, under suitable circumstances, to connect together the subject and predicate of the conclusion, that is, to infer whether the man will or will not live twenty years.

§15. Now in the performance of such a logical process there are two considerations to which the reader's attention must for a moment be directed. They are simple enough in this case, but will need careful explanation in the corresponding case in Probability. In the first place, it is clear that whenever we can make any inference at all, we can do so with absolute certainty. Logic, within its own domain, knows nothing of hesitation or doubt. If the middle term is appropriate it serves to connect the extremes in such a way as to preclude all uncertainty about the conclusion; if it is not, there is so far an end of the matter: no conclusion can be drawn, and we are therefore left where we were. Assuming our premises to be correct, we either know our conclusion for certain, or we know nothing whatever about it. In the second place, it should be noticed that none of the possible alternatives in the shape of such major premises as those given above can ever contradict any of the others, or be at all inconsistent with them. Regarded as isolated propositions, there is of course nothing to secure such harmony; they have very different predicates, and may seem quite out of each other's reach for either support or opposition. But by means of the other premise they are in each case brought into relation with one another, and the general interests of truth and consistency prevent them therefore from contradicting one another. As isolated propositions it might have been the case that all men live to fifty, and that no Indian residents do so, but having recognised that some men are residents in India, we see at once that these premises are inconsistent, and therefore that one or other of them must be rejected. In all applied logic this necessity of avoiding self-contradiction is so obvious and imperious that no one would think it necessary to lay down the formal postulate that all such possible major premises are to be mutually consistent. To suppose that this postulate is not complied with, would be in effect to make two or more contradictory assumptions about matters of fact.

§16. But now observe the difference when we attempt to take the corresponding step in Probability. For ordinary propositions, universal or particular, substitute statistical propositions of what we have been in the habit of calling the ‘proportional’ kind. In other words, instead of asking whether the man will live for twenty years, let us ask whether he will live for one year? We shall be unable to find any universal propositions which will cover the case, but we may without difficulty obtain an abundance of appropriate proportional ones. They will be of the following description:—Of men aged30, 98in 100 live another year; of residents in India a smaller proportion survive, let us for example say 90 in100; of men suffering from cancer a smaller proportion still, let us say 20 in100.

Now in both of the respects to which attention has just been drawn, propositions of this kind offer a marked contrast with those last considered. In the first place, they do not, like ordinary propositions, either assert unequivocally yes or no, or else refuse to open their lips; but they give instead a sort of qualified or hesitating answer concerning the individuals included in them. This is of course nothing more than the familiar characteristic of what may be called ‘probability propositions.’ But it leads up to, and indeed renders possible, the second and more important point; viz. that these various answers, though they cannot directly and formally contradict each other (this their nature as proportional propositions, will not as a rule permit), may yet, in a way which will now have to be pointed out, be found to be more or less in conflict with each other.

Hence it follows that in the attempt to draw a conclusion from premises of the kind in question, we may be placed in a position of some perplexity; but it is a perplexity which may present itself in two forms, a mild and an aggravated form. We will notice them in turn.

§17. The mild form occurs when the different classes to which the individual case may be appropriately referred are successively included one within another; for here our sets of statistics, though leading to different results, will not often be found to be very seriously at variance with one another. All that comes of it is that as we ascend in the scale by appealing to higher and higher genera, the statistics grow continually less appropriate to the particular case in point, and such information therefore as they afford becomes gradually less explicit and accurate.

The question that we originally wanted to determine, be it remembered, is whether John Smith will die within one year. But all knowledge of this fact being unattainable, owing to the absence of suitable inductions, we felt justified (with the explanation, and under the restrictions mentioned in ChapVI.), in substituting, as the only available equivalent for such individual knowledge, the answer to the following statistical enquiry, What proportion of men in his circumstances die?

§18. But then at once there begins to arise some doubt and ambiguity as to what exactly is to be understood by his circumstances. We may know very well what these circumstances are in themselves, and yet be in perplexity as to how many of them we ought to take into account when endeavouring to estimate his fate. We might conceivably, for a beginning, choose to confine our attention to those properties only which he has in common with all animals. If so, and statistics on the subject were attainable, they would presumably be of some such character as this, Ninety-nine animals out of a hundred die within a year. Unusual as such a reference would be, we should, logically speaking, be doing nothing more than taking a wider class than the one we were accustomed to. Similarly we might, if we pleased, take our stand at the class of vertebrates, or at that of mammalia, if zoologists were able to give us the requisite information. Of course we reject these wide classes and prefer a narrower one. If asked why we reject them, the natural answer is that they are so general, and resemble the particular case before us in so few points, that we should be exceedingly likely to go astray in trusting to them. Though accuracy cannot be insured, we may at least avoid any needless exaggeration of the relative number and magnitude of our errors.

§19. The above answer is quite valid; but whilst cautioning us against appealing to too wide a class, it seems to suggest that we cannot go wrong in the opposite direction, that is in taking too narrow a class. And yet we do avoid any such extremes. John Smith is not only an Englishman; he may also be a native of such a part of England, be living in such a Presidency, and so on. An indefinite number of such additional characteristics might be brought out into notice, many of which at any rate have some bearing upon the question of vitality. Why do we reject any consideration of these narrower classes? We do reject them, but it is for what may be termed a practical rather than a theoretical reason. As was explained in the first chapters, it is essential that our series should contain a considerable number of terms if they are to be of any service to us. Now many of the attributes of any individual are so rare that to take them into account would be at variance with the fundamental assumption of our science, viz. that we are properly concerned only with the averages of large numbers. The more special and minute our statistics the better, provided only that we can get enough of them, and so make up the requisite large number of instances. This is, however, impossible in many cases. We are therefore obliged to neglect one attribute after another, and so to enlarge the contents of our class; at the avowed risk of somewhat increased variety and unsuitability in the members of it, for at each step of this kind we diverge more and more from the sort of instances that we really want. We continue to do so, until we no longer gain more in quantity than we lose in quality. We finally take our stand at the point where we first obtain statistics drawn from a sufficiently large range of observation to secure the requisite degree of stability and uniformity.

§20. In such an example as the one just mentioned, where one of the successive classes—man—is a well-defined natural kind or species, there is such a complete break in each direction at this point, that every one is prompted to take his stand here. On the one hand, no enquirer would ever think of introducing any reference to the higher classes with fewer attributes, such as animal or organized being: and on the other hand, the inferior classes, created by our taking notice of his employment or place of residence,&c., do not as a rule differ sufficiently in their characteristics from the class man to make it worth our while to attend to them.

Now and then indeed these characteristics do rise into importance, and whenever this is the case we concentrate our attention upon the class to which they correspond, that is, the class which is marked off by their presence. Thus, for instance, the quality of consumptiveness separates any one off so widely from the majority of his fellow-men in all questions pertaining to mortality, that statistics about the lives of consumptive men differ materially from those which refer to men in general. And we see the result; if a consumptive man can effect an insurance at all, he must do it for a much higher premium, calculated upon his special circumstances. In other words, the attribute is sufficiently important to mark off a fresh class or series. So with insurance against accident. It is not indeed attempted to make a special rate of insurance for the members of each separate trade, but the differences of risk to which they are liable oblige us to take such facts to some degree into account. Hence, trades are roughly divided into two or three classes, such as the ordinary, the hazardous, and the extra-hazardous, each having to pay its own rate of premium.

§21. Where one or other of the classes thus corresponds to natural kinds, or involves distinctions of co-ordinate importance with those of natural kinds, the process is not difficult; there is almost always some one of these classes which is so universally recognised to be the appropriate one, that most persons are quite unaware of there being any necessity for a process of selection. Except in the cases where a man has a sickly constitution, or follows a dangerous employment, we seldom have occasion to collect statistics for him from any class but that of men in general of his age in the country.

When, however, these successive classes are not ready marked out for us by nature, and thence arranged in easily distinguishable groups, the process is more obviously arbitrary. Suppose we were considering the chance of a man's house being burnt down, with what collection of attributes should we rest content in this instance? Should we include all kinds of buildings, or only dwelling-houses, or confine ourselves to those where there is much wood, or those which have stoves? All these attributes, and a multitude of others may be present, and, if so, they are all circumstances which help to modify our judgment. We must be guided here by the statistics which we happen to be able to obtain in sufficient numbers. Here again, rough distinctions of this kind are practically drawn in Insurance Offices, by dividing risks into ordinary, hazardous, and extra-hazardous. We examine our case, refer it to one or other of these classes, and then form our judgment upon its prospects by the statistics appropriate to its class.

§22. So much for what may be called the mild form in which the ambiguity occurs; but there is an aggravated form in which it may show itself, and which at first sight seems to place us in far greater perplexity.

Suppose that the different classes mentioned above are not included successively one within the other. We may then be quite at a loss which of the statistical tables to employ. Let us assume, for example, that nine out of ten Englishmen are injured by residence in Madeira, but that nine out of ten consumptive persons are benefited by such a residence. These statistics, though fanciful, are conceivable and perfectly compatible. John Smith is a consumptive Englishman; are we to recommend a visit to Madeira in his case or not? In other words, what inferences are we to draw about the probability of his death? Both of the statistical tables apply to his case, but they would lead us to directly contradictory conclusions. This does not mean, of course, contradictory precisely in the logical sense of that word, for one of these propositions does not assert that an event must happen and the other deny that it must; but contradictory in the sense that one would cause us in some considerable degree to believe what the other would cause us in some considerable degree to disbelieve. This refers, of course, to the individual events; the statistics are by supposition in no degree contradictory. Without further data, therefore, we can come to no decision.

§23. Practically, of course, if we were forced to a decision with only these data before us, we should make our choice by the consideration that the state of a man's lungs has probably more to do with his health than the place of his birth has; that is, we should conclude that the duration of life of consumptive Englishmen corresponds much more closely with that of consumptive persons in general than with that of their healthy countrymen. But this is, of course, to import empirical considerations into the question. The data, as they are given to us, and if we confine ourselves to them, leave us in absolute uncertainty upon the point. It may be that the consumptive Englishmen almost all die when transported into the other climate; it may be that they almost all recover. If they die, this is in obvious accordance with the first set of statistics; it will be found in accordance with the second set through the fact of the foreign consumptives profiting by the change of climate in more than what might be termed their due proportion. A similar explanation will apply to the other alternative, viz. to the supposition that the consumptive Englishmen mostly recover. The problem is, therefore, left absolutely indeterminate, for we cannot here appeal to any general rule so simple and so obviously applicable as that which, in a former case, recommended us always to prefer the more special statistics, when sufficiently extensive, to those which are wider and more general. We have no means here of knowing whether one set is more special than the other.

And in this no difficulty can be found, so long as we confine ourselves to a just view of the subject. Let me again recall to the reader's mind what our present position is; we have substituted for knowledge of the individual (finding that unattainable) a knowledge of what occurs in the average of similar cases. This step had to be taken the moment the problem was handed over to Probability. But the conception of similarity in the cases introduces us to a perplexity; we manage indeed to evade it in many instances, but here it is inevitably forced upon our notice. There are here two aspects of this similarity, and they introduce us to two distinct averages. Two assertions are made as to what happens in the long run, and both of these assertions, by supposition, are verified. Of their truth there need be no doubt, for both were supposed to be obtained from experience.

§24. It may perhaps be supposed that such an example as this is a reductio ad absurdum of the principle upon which Life and other Insurances are founded. But a moment's consideration will show that this is quite a mistake, and that the principle of insurance is just as applicable to examples of this kind as to any other. An office need find no difficulty in the case supposed. They might (for a reason to be mentioned presently, they probably would not) insure the individual without inconsistency at a rate determined by either average. They might say to him, “You are an Englishman. Out of the multitude of English who come to us nine in ten die if they go to Madeira. We will insure you at a rate assigned by these statistics, knowing that in the long run all will come right so far as we are concerned. You are also consumptive, it is true, and we do not know what proportion of the English are consumptive, nor what proportion of English consumptives die in Madeira. But this does not really matter for our purpose. The formula, nine in ten die, is in reality calculated by taking into account these unknown proportions; for, though we do not know them in themselves, statistics tell us all that we care to know about their results. In other words, whatever unknown elements may exist, must, in regard to all the effects which they can produce, have been already taken into account, so that our ignorance about them cannot in the least degree invalidate such conclusions as we are able to draw. And this is sufficient for our purpose.” But precisely the same language might be held to him if he presented himself as a consumptive man; that is to say, the office could safely carry on its proceedings upon either alternative.

This would, of course, be a very imperfect state for the matter to be left in. The only rational plan would be to isolate the case of consumptive Englishmen, so as to make a separate calculation for their circumstances. This calculation would then at once supersede all other tables so far as they were concerned; for though, in the end, it could not arrogate to itself any superiority over the others, it would in the mean time be marked by fewer and slighter aberrations from the truth.

§25. The real reason why the Insurance office could not long work on the above terms is of a very different kind from that which some readers might contemplate, and belongs to a class of considerations which have been much neglected in the attempts to construct sciences of the different branches of human conduct. It is nothing else than that annoying contingency to which prophets since the time of Jonah have been subject, of uttering suicidal prophecies; of publishing conclusions which are perfectly certain when every condition and cause but one have been taken into account, that one being the effect of the prophecy itself upon those to whom it refers.

In our example above, the office (in so far as the particular cases in Madeira are concerned) would get on very well until the consumptive Englishmen in question found out what much better terms they could make by announcing themselves as consumptives, and paying the premium appropriate to that class, instead of announcing themselves as Englishmen. But if they did this they would of course be disturbing the statistics. The tables were based upon the assumption that a certain fixed proportion (it does not matter what proportion) of the English lives would continue to be consumptive lives, which, under the supposed circumstances, would probably soon cease to be true. When it is said that nine Englishmen out of ten die in Madeira, it is meant that of those who come to the office, as the phrase is, at random, or in their fair proportions, nine-tenths die. The consumptives are supposed to go there just like red-haired men, or poets, or any other special class. Or they might go in any proportions greater or less than those of other classes, so long as they adhered to the same proportion throughout. The tables are then calculated on the continuance of this state of things; the practical contradiction is in supposing such a state of things to continue after the people had once had a look at the tables. If we merely make the assumption that the publication of these tables made no such alteration in the conduct of those to whom it referred, no hitch of this kind need occur.

§26. The assumptions here made, as has been said, are not in any way contradictory, but they need some explanation. It will readily be seen that, taken together, they are inconsistent with the supposition that each of these classes is homogeneous, that is, that the statistical proportions which hold of the whole of either of them will also hold of any portion of them which we may take. There are certain individuals (viz. the consumptive Englishmen) who belong to each class, and of course the two different sets of statistics cannot both be true of them taken by themselves. They might coincide in their characteristics with either class, but not with both; probably in most practical cases they will coincide with neither, but be of a somewhat intermediate character. Now when it is said of any such heterogeneous body that, say, nine-tenths die, what is meant (or rather implied) is that the class might be broken up into smaller subdivisions of a more homogeneous character, in some of which, of course, more than nine-tenths die, whilst in others less, the differences depending upon their character, constitution, profession,&c.; the number of such divisions and the amount of their divergence from one another being perhaps very considerable.

Now when we speak of either class as a whole and say that nine-tenths die, the most natural and soundest meaning is that that would be the proportion if all without exception went abroad, or (what comes to the same thing) if each of these various subdivisions was represented in fair proportion to its numbers. Or it might only be meant that they go in some other proportion, depending upon their tastes, pursuits, and so on. But whatever meaning be adopted one condition is necessary, viz. that the proportion of each class that went at the time the statistics were drawn up must be adhered to throughout. When the class is homogeneous this is not needed, but when it is heterogeneous the statistics would be interfered with unless this condition were secured.

We are here supposed to have two sets of statistics, one for the English and one for the consumptives, so that the consumptive English are in a sense counted twice over. If their mortality is of an intermediate amount, therefore, they serve to keep down the mortality of one class and to keep up that of the other. If the statistics are supposed to be exhaustive, by referring to the whole of each class, it follows that actually the same individuals must be counted each time; but if representatives only of each class are taken, the same individuals need not be inserted in each set of tables.

§27. When therefore they come to insure (our remarks are still confined to our supposed Madeira case), we have some English consumptives counted as English, and paying the high rate; and others counted as consumptives and paying the low rate. Logically indeed we may suppose them all entered in each class, and paying therefore each rate. What we have said above is that any individual may be conceived to present himself for either of these classes. Conceive that some one else pays his premium for him, so that it is a matter of indifference to him personally at which rate he insures, and there is nothing to prevent some of the class (or for that matter all) going to one class, and others (or all again) going to the other class.

So long therefore as we make the logically possible though practically absurd supposition that some men will continue to pay a higher rate than they need, there is nothing to prevent the English consumptives (some or all) from insuring in each category and paying its appropriate premium. As soon as they gave any thought to the matter, of course they would, in the case supposed, all prefer to insure as consumptives. But their doing this would disturb each set of statistics. The English mortality in Madeira would instantly become heavier, so far as the Insurance company was concerned, by the loss of all their best lives; whilst the consumptive statistics (unless all the English consumptives had already been taken for insurance) would be in the same way deteriorated.[5] A slight readjustment therefore of each scale of insurance would then be needed; this is the disturbance mentioned just above. It must be clearly understood, however, that it is not our original statistics which have proved to be inconsistent, but simply that there were practical obstacles to carrying out a system of insurance upon them.

§28. Examples subject to the difficulty now under consideration will doubtless seem perplexing to the student unacquainted with the subject. They are difficult to reconcile with any other view of the science than that insisted on throughout this Essay, viz. that we are only concerned with averages. It will perhaps be urged that there are two different values of the man's life in these cases, and that they cannot both be true. Why not? The ‘value’ of his life is simply the number of years to which men in his circumstances do, on the average, attain; we have the man set before us under two different circumstances; what wonder, therefore, that these should offer different averages? In such an objection it is forgotten that we have had to substitute for the unattainable result about the individual, the really attainable result about a set of men as much like him as possible. The difficulty and apparent contradiction only arise when people will try to find some justification for their belief in the individual case. What can we possibly conclude, it may be asked, about this particular man John Smith's prospects when we are thus offered two different values for his life? Nothing whatever, it must be replied; nor could we in reality draw a conclusion, be it remembered, in the former case, when we were practically confined to one set of statistics. There also we had what we called the ‘value’ of his life, and since we only knew of one such value, we came to regard it as in some sense appropriate to him as an individual. Here, on the other hand, we have two values, belonging to different series, and as these values are really different it may be complained that they are discordant, but such a complaint can only be made when we do what we have no right to do, viz. assign a value to the individual which shall admit of individual justification.

§29. Is it then perfectly arbitrary what series or class of instances we select by which to judge? By no means; it has been stated repeatedly that in choosing a series, we must seek for one the members of which shall resemble our individual in as many of his attributes as possible, subject only to the restriction that it must be a sufficiently extensive series. What is meant is, that in the above case, where we have two series, we cannot fairly call them contradictory; the only valid charge is one of incompleteness or insufficiency for their purpose, a charge which applies in exactly the same sense, be it remembered, to all statistics which comprise genera unnecessarily wider than the species with which we are concerned. The only difference between the two different classes of cases is, that in the one instance we are on a path which we know will lead at the last, through many errors, towards the truth (in the sense in which truth can be attained here), and we took it for want of a better. In the other instance we have two such paths, perfectly different paths, either of which however will lead us towards the truth as before. Contradiction can only seem to arise when it is attempted to justify each separate step on our paths, as well as their ultimate tendency.

Still it cannot be denied that these objections are a serious drawback to the completeness and validity of any anticipations which are merely founded upon statistical frequency, at any rate in an early stage of experience, when but few statistics have been collected. Such knowledge as Probability can give is not in any individual case of a high order, being subject to the characteristic infirmity of repeated error; but even when measured by its own standard it commences at a very low stage of proficiency. The errors are then relatively very numerous and large compared with what they may ultimately be reduced to.

§30. Here as elsewhere there is a continuous process of specialization going on. The needs of a gradually widening experience are perpetually calling upon us to subdivide classes which are found to be too heterogeneous. Sometimes the only complaint that has to be made is that the class to which we are obliged to refer is found to be somewhat too broad to suit our purpose, and that it might be subdivided with convenience. This is the case, as has been shown above, when an Insurance office finds that its increasing business makes it possible and desirable to separate off the men who follow some particular trades from the rest of their fellow-countrymen. Similarly in every other department in which statistics are made use of. This increased demand for specificness leads, in fact, as naturally in this direction, as does the progress of civilization to the subdivision of trades in any town or country. So in reference to the other kind of perplexity mentioned above. Nothing is more common in those sciences or practical arts, in which deduction is but little available, and where in consequence our knowledge is for the most part of the empirical kind, than to meet with suggestions which point more or less directly in contrary directions. Whenever some new substance is discovered or brought into more general use, those who have to deal with it must be familiar with such a state of things. The medical man who has to employ a new drug may often find himself confronted by the two distinct recommendations, that on the one hand it should be employed for certain diseases, and that on the other hand it should not be tried on certain constitutions. A man with such a constitution, but suffering from such a disease, presents himself; which recommendation is the doctor to follow? He feels at once obliged to set to work to collect narrower and more special statistics, in order to escape from such an ambiguity.

§31. In this and a multitude of analogous cases afforded by the more practical arts it is not of course necessary that numerical data should be quoted and appealed to; it is sufficient that the judgment is more or less consciously determined by them. All that is necessary to make the examples appropriate is that we should admit that in their case statistical data are our ultimate appeal in the present state of knowledge. Of course if the empirical laws can be resolved into their component causes we may appeal to direct deduction, and in this case the employment of statistics, and consequently the use of the theory of Probability, may be superseded.

In this direction therefore, as time proceeds, the advance of statistical refinement by the incessant subdivision of classes to meet the developing wants of man is plain enough. But if we glance backwards to a more primitive stage, we shall soon see in what a very imperfect state the operation commences. At this early stage, however, Probability and Induction are so closely connected together as to be very apt to be merged into one, or at any rate to have their functions confounded.

§32. Since the generalization of our statistics is found to belong to Induction, this process of generalization may be regarded as prior to, or at least independent of, Probability. We have, moreover, already discussed (in ChapterVI.) the step corresponding to what are termed immediate inferences, and (in ChapterVII.) that corresponding to syllogistic inferences. Our present position therefore is that in which we may consider ourselves in possession of any number of generalizations, but wish to employ them so as to make inferences about a given individual; just as in one department of common logic we are engaged in finding middle terms to establish the desired conclusion. In this latter case the process is found to be extremely simple, no accumulation of different middle terms being able to lead to any real ambiguity or contradiction. In Probability, however, the case is different. Here, if we attempt to draw inferences about the individual case before us, as often is attempted—in the Rule of Succession for example—we shall encounter the full force of this ambiguity and contradiction. Treat the question, however, fairly, and all difficulty disappears. Our inference really is not about the individuals as individuals, but about series or successions of them. We wished to know whether John Smith will die within the year; this, however, cannot be known. But John Smith, by the possession of many attributes, belongs to many different series. The multiplicity of middle terms, therefore, is what ought to be expected. We can know whether a succession of men, residents in India, consumptives,&c. die within a year. We may make our selection, therefore, amongst these, and in the long run the belief and consequent conduct of ourselves and other persons (as described in ChapterVI.) will become capable of justification. With regard to choosing one of these series rather than another, we have two opposing principles of guidance. On the one hand, the more special the series the better; for, though not more right in the end, we shall thus be more nearly right all along. But, on the other hand, if we try to make the series too special, we shall generally meet the practical objection arising from insufficient statistics.

1 Some of my readers may be familiar with a very striking digression in Buffon's Natural History (Natural Hist. of Man, §VIII.), in which he supposes the first man in full possession of his faculties, but with all his experience to gain, and speculates on the gradual acquisition of his knowledge. Whatever may be thought of his particular conclusions the passage is very interesting and suggestive to any student of Psychology.

2 See also Dugald Stewart (Ed. by Hamilton; VII. pp.115–119).

3 Required that is for purposes of logical inference within the limits of Probability; it is not intended to imply any doubts as to its actual universal prevalence, or its all-importance for scientific purposes. The subject is more fully discussed in a future chapter.

4 As particular propositions they are both of course identical in form. The fact that the ‘some’ in the former corresponds to a larger proportion than in the latter, is a distinction alien to pure Logic.

5 The reason is obvious. The healthiest English lives in Madeira (viz. the consumptive ones) have now ceased to be reckoned as English; whereas the worst consumptive lives there (viz. the English) are now increased in relative numbers.



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