The activity of these radio-active bodies consists in the emission of certain radiations which may be separated into rays and studied through the phenomena which they cause. Ionization of Gases One of these phenomena is the power of forming ions or carriers of electricity by the passage of the rays through a gas, thus ionizing the gas. The details of an experiment will serve to make the meaning of this ionization clear. Fig. 1. Fig. 1.—Ionization of Gases. When this apparatus is set up a minute current will be observed without the introduction of any radio-active matter. This, as Rutherford says, has been found due mainly to a slight natural radio-activity of the matter composing the plates. If radio-active matter According to the theory of ionization, the radiation produces ions at a constant rate. The ions carrying a positive charge are attracted to plate B, while those negatively charged are attracted to plate A, thus causing a current. These ions will recombine and neutralize their charges if the opportunity is given. The number, therefore, increases to a point at which the ions produced balance the number recombining. When an electric field is produced between the plates, the velocity of the ions between the plates is increased in proportion to the strength of the electric field. In a weak field the ions travel so slowly that most of them recombine on the way and consequently the observed current is very small. On increasing the voltage the speed of the ions is increased, fewer recombine, the current increases, and, when the condition for recombination is practically removed, it will have a maximum value. This maximum current is called the saturation current and the value of the potential difference required to give this maximum current is called the saturation P.D. or saturation voltage. The picture, then, is this. The radiations separate Experimental Confirmation This theory of the ionization of gases has been most interestingly confirmed by direct experiment. For instance, the ions may form nuclei for the condensation of water, and in this way the existence of the separate ions in the gas may be shown and the number present actually counted. When air saturated with water vapor is allowed to expand suddenly, the water present forms a mist of small globules. There are always small dust particles in air and around these as nuclei the drops are formed. These drops will settle and thus by repeated small expansions all dust nuclei may be removed and no mist or cloud will be formed by further expansions. If now the radiation from a radio-active body be introduced into the condensation vessel, a new cloud is produced in which the water drops are finer and more numerous according to the intensity of the rays. On passing a strong beam of light through the condensation chamber, the drops can readily be seen. These drops form on the ions produced by the radiation. Application of Electric Field If the condensation chamber has two parallel plates for the application of an electric field like that already Size and Nature of Ions If the drops are counted (there being special methods for this) and the total current carried accurately measured, then the charge carried by each ion may be calculated. This has been determined. The mass of an ion compared with the mass of the molecules of gas in which it was produced can also be approximately estimated. In the study of these ions the view has been held that the charged ion attracted to itself a cluster of molecules which surrounded the charged nucleus and traveled with it. It is roughly estimated that about thirty molecules of the gas cluster around each charged ion. Fig. 2. Fig. 2.—Photograph of the Track of an Ionizing Ray. Photographing the Track of the Ray Utilizing the fact that these ions with their clusters of molecules form nuclei for the condensation of water vapor, C. T. R. Wilson has by instantaneous photography been able to photograph the track of an ionizing ray through air. The number of the ions produced, and hence the number of drops, is so great that the trail is shown as a continuous line. In the copy of this photograph it will be seen Action of Radiations on Photographic Plates Taking up now other means of examining these radiations, it is well to consider their action upon a photographic or sensitive plate. It will be recalled that this was the method by which their existence was originally detected. To illustrate the method, the following account of how one such photograph was taken may be given. The plate was wrapped in two thicknesses of black paper. The objects were placed upon this and the radio-active ore, separated by a board one inch thick, was placed above. The exposure lasted five days. The action is much less rapid and the result not so clearly defined as in the case of photographs taken by X rays. Of course, the removal of the board and the use of more concentrated preparations of radium would give quicker and better results. The method, however, on Discharge of Electrified Bodies The radiations from radio-active bodies can discharge both positively and negatively electrified bodies by making the air surrounding them a conductor of electricity. To demonstrate this, use is made of an electroscope. If the hinged leaf of such an instrument be electrically charged and a radio-active body be brought into its neighborhood, the electricity will be discharged and the leaf return to its original position. The rapidity of this discharge is used to measure the degree of activity of the body giving off the radiation. Fig. 3. Fig. 3—Photograph of Various Objects taken by means of Pitchblende Fig. 4. Fig. 4.—Gold-leaf Electroscope. The gold-leaf L is attached to a flat rod R and is insulated inside the vessel by a piece of amber S supported from the rod P. The system is charged by a bent rod CC' passing through an ebonite stopper. After charging, it is removed from contact with the gold-leaf system. The rods P and C and the cylinder are then connected with the earth. Scintillations on Phosphorescent Bodies It was found by Crookes that a screen covered with phosphorescent zinc sulphide was brightly lighted up when exposed to the radiations. This is due to the bombardment of the zinc sulphide by a type of ray called the alpha ray. Under a magnifying glass this light is seen to be made up of a number of scintillating points of light and is not continuous, each scintillation being of very short duration. By proper subdivision of the field under the lens, the number of scintillations can be counted with close accuracy. A simple form of apparatus called the spinthariscope has been devised to show these scintillations. A zinc sulphide screen is fixed in one end of a small tube and a plate carrying a trace of radium is placed very close to it. The scintillations can be observed through an adjustable lens at the other end of the tube. Outer light should be cut off, as in a dark room. The screen then appears to be covered with brilliant flashes of light. Other phosphorescent substances, such as barium platino-cyanide, may be substituted for the zinc sulphide, but they do not answer so well. Penetrating Power By penetrating power is meant the power exhibited by the rays of passing through solids of different thicknesses and gases of various depths. This power varies with different radiations and with the nature of the solid or gas. For instance, a sheet of metallic foil may be used and the effect of aluminum will differ from that of gold and the different Magnetic Deflection If the radiations are subjected to the action of a strong magnetic field, it is found that part of them are much deflected in the magnetic field and describe circular orbits, part are only slightly deflected and in the opposite direction from the first, and the remaining rays are entirely unaffected. Fig. 5. Fig. 5.—Showing Magnetic Deflection of a, , and ? Rays. Three Types of Rays By the use of these methods of investigation it is learned that the radiations consist of three types of rays. These have been named the alpha, beta, and gamma rays, respectively. Some radio-active bodies emit all three types, some two, and some only one. The distinguishing characteristic of these types of rays may be summed up as follows: Alpha Rays The alpha rays have a positive electrical charge and a comparatively low penetrating power. They are slightly deflected in strong magnetic and electric fields. They have a great ionizing power and a velocity about one-fifteenth that of light. Beta Rays The beta rays are negatively charged and have a greater penetrating power than the alpha rays. They show a strong deflection in magnetic and electric fields, have less ionizing power than the alpha rays, and a velocity of the same order as light. Gamma Rays The gamma rays are very penetrating and are not deflected in the magnetic or electric fields. They have the least ionizing power and a very great velocity. The penetrating power of each type is complex and varies with the source, so the statements given are but generalizations. The alpha rays are projected particles which lose energy in penetrating matter. As to the power of ionizing gases, if that for the a rays is taken as 10,000, then the rays would be approximately 100 and the ? rays 1. Measurement of Radiations The rays are examined and measured in several ways: 1. By their action on the sensitive photographic plates. The use of this method is laborious, consumes time, and for comparative measurements of intensity is uncertain as to effect. 2. By electrical methods, using electroscopes, quadrant 3. By exposure to magnetic and electric fields, noting extent and direction of deflection. 4. By their relative absorption by solids and gases. 5. By the scintillations on a zinc sulphide screen. Identification of the Rays The alpha rays have been identified as similar to the so-called canal rays. These were first observed in the study of the X rays. When an electrical discharge is passed through a vacuum tube with a cathode having holes in it, luminous streams pass through the holes toward the side away from the anode and the general direction of the stream. They travel in straight lines and render certain substances phosphorescent. These rays are slightly deflected by a magnetic field and in an opposite direction from that taken by the cathode rays in their deflection. The rays seem to be positive ions with masses never less than that of the hydrogen atom. Their source is uncertain, but they may be derived from the electrodes. The beta rays are identical in type with the cathode rays and are negative electrons. The gamma rays are analogous to the X rays and are of the order of light. They are in general considerably more penetrating than X rays. For example, the gamma rays sent out by 30 milligrams of radium can be detected by an electroscope after passing through 30 centimeters of iron, a much greater thickness than can be penetrated by the ordinary X rays. |