| Page | Robert Vaughn, | 6 | Leaving Home, | 19 | My First View of the Rockies, | 28 | An Indian Grave, | 31 | In the Rockies, | 32 | Nature’s Grand Masonry Work, | 33 | Indian War Dance, | 42 | A Prairie Schooner Crossing the Plains, | 59 | A Scene in the City of Helena, | 61 | Great Falls, Montana, | 78 | Copper Smelter at Great Falls, | 80 | Lewis and Clark Meeting the Mandan Indians, | 81 | A Group of Pioneers, in front of Old Court House, Helena, | 85 | Mrs. James Blood (a Piegan woman), | 111 | Freighting in the Early Days, | 115 | Indians Hunting Buffalo, | 126 | Wolf Voice (Gros Ventres), | 139 | The Piegans Laying their Plans to Steal Horses from the Crows, | 143 | Going Home with the Stolen Horses, | 145 | Father De Smet, | 149 | Little Plume, (Piegan Chief), | 153 | Alone in the Rockies, | 166 | The Mule and Mountain Howitzer, | 195 | Indians with Travois, | 197 | “Then,” Buffaloes; “Now,” Cattle, | 199 | “Then,” Deer; “Now,” Sheep, | 200 | Rev. W. W. Van Orsdel, | 217 | A Mountaineer in his Buckskin Sunday Suit, | 226 | Indian Camp, | 246 | General George Crook, | 299 | General George A. Custer, | 305 | Colonel William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), | 309 | Rain-in-the-face (Sioux War Chief), | 323 | A Crow Scout (winter costume), | 325 | General Sherman, | 331 | General Miles, | 362 | Chief Joseph (Nez Perces), | 363 | Robert S. S. Baden-Powell, | 368 | Sitting Bull (Sioux Chief), | 373 | Agency Indians having their pictures taken, | 387 | Cree Manuscript, | 390 | Mo-See-Ma-Ma-Mos (Young Boy), a Cree Indian, | 391 | Cree Alphabet, |
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