- Accenting bands in wood, 105
- Accentuation of functional parts, 79
- Adapting data to material, 127
- Analogous hues, 203
- Analysis, intelligent, 7
- Andiron design, 53
- Aniline wood dyes, 199
- Appendage design, 43-49
- Appendage, use of, 43
- Appendages, 43
- Appendages and primary mass, 45
- Appendages, contour enrichment of, 88
- Appendages, design violations, 43
- Appendages in clay, 47
- Appendages, industrial applications, 47
- Appendages, influence of tools and materials, 53
- Appendages in metal, 51
- Appendages in wood, 45
- Artificial objects, 129
- Architectural, horizontal divisions for, 21
- Bands, wood inlay, 105
- Backgrounds, 113, 201
- Base metals, enrichment of, 87
- Base and precious metals, surface enrichment of, 160, 163, 165, 167
- Borders for wood, 107
- Building, 165
- Candlesticks, 81
- Carving, 103
- Carving and piercing, 141
- Carving, design steps for, 105
- Ceilings, 202-205
- Center zone enrichment, 121
- Chasing, 163
- Chip carving, 115
- Chroma, 197
- Chromatic intensity, full, 195
- Clay, coloring for underglaze, 151
- Clay, decorative processes, 145
- Clay, incising, 147
- Clay, inlay, 149
- Clay, introduction of pigments, 149
- Clay, modeling, 147
- Clay, piercing, 147
- Clay, slip painting, 149
- Clay, surface enrichment for, 145
- Clay, surface enrichment, structural classification for, 151
- Clay, underglaze painting, 151
- Color for clay enrichment, 209
- Color for small areas, 210
- Color harmony, 201
- Color pigments, 194
- Color pigments, application of, 194
- Color symbols, 198
- Color systems, 194
- Commercial pottery, 158
- Complementary hues, 214
- Conservative use of orname
- Contour versus surface enrichment, 185
- Corners, contour enrichment of, 88
- Correlation, ideal, 11
- Covers, design for, 49
- Criticism, clear, 7
- Criticism, non-technical, 7
- Curve of beauty, 91
- Curve of force, 61
- Curve of force, approximate, 61
- Curves for contour enrichment, 59
- Curves, grouping of, 63
- Curves of extravagance, 73
- Dependent surface enrichment, 167
- Details, contour enrichment of, 93
- Design evolution, major divisions, 9
- Design evolution, steps in, 11
- Design, preliminary thought, 17
- Dominant hue, 204
- Dynamic curves and areas, 111
- Edges, contour enrichment of, 87
- Elements, 157
- Enameling, 163, 212, 213, 215
- Enrichment for small metal areas, 179
- Enrichment, need and value of, 57
- Enrichment of large metal areas, 179, 183
- Enrichment, types of, 57
- Essentials of good surface enrichment, 179
- Exposures, 206, 207
- Flat surfaces in base and precious metal, 185
- Fobs, design of, 169
- Four vertical minor divisions, 139
- Free balance, 129
- Free enrichment, 121
- Free minor division treatment, 141
- Free ornament, 117
- Freehand curves, 30, 51, 63
- Full size drawing, value of, 23
- Functional parts, enrichment of, 88
- Glazes for pottery, 149
- Glazes related to interior decoration, 214
- Glazes, stains for, 209
- Greek scroll, 93
- Handles, design for, 49
- Harmonious color, need of, 194
- Harmony of color, 210
- High cylindrical forms in clay, 157
- High cylindrical forms in metal, 191
- Historic ornament in hardware, 186
- Horizontal and vertical minor divisions, 137
- Horizontal divisions, architectural precedent, 25
- Horizontal divisions, nature and need of, 19
- Horizontal divisions, steps in designing, 21
- Horizontal minor divisions, 139
- Hue and hue rectangles, 195
- Hue groupings, 203
- Industrial problems, requirements of, 9
- Inceptive axes, 107, 121, 161
- Inceptive axes for marginal enrichment, 119
- Inlaying, 101-103
- Intermediate points, contour enrichment of, 89
- Ionic volute, 91
- Leading lines, curved, 108
- Links, 45
- Links, contour enrichment of, 93
- Low cylindrical forms in clay, 157
- Low cylindrical forms in metal, 187
- Major design division, first, 9
- Major design division, second, 9
- Major design division, third, 11
- Marginal zone enrichment, 118
- Material, adapting data to, 127
- Material, economy of, 161
- Material, relation to surface enrichment, 101
- Metallic oxides, 210
- Methods, architectural design, 13
- Methods, industrial design, 13
- Minor details, 141
- Minor subdivisions in wood, 133
- Moorish ornament, 107
- Mouldings, 61
- One vertical division, 35
- Outlines, free and dependent, 87, 91 (See Contours.)
- Oxidation, 213
- Panels, 117, 123, 125, 127, 129
- Panel design, steps in, 125
- Parts differing in function, 77
- Pendants and chains, design of, 173
- Pierced enrichment, 123
- Pigment table, 195
- Pigments, wall and ceiling, 205
- Pins and brooches, design of, 167
- Point of concentration, 115, 161
- Point of concentration for marginal enrichment, 119
- Porcelain painting, 151
- Pourers, 81
- Precious metals, processes of enrichment, 161, 163, 165, 169
- Primary hues, 198
- Primary masses, 13
- Primary mass, drawing of, 15
- Primary mass, divisions of, 19
- Primary masses, vertical and horizontal, 15
- Primary masses, proportions of, 15
- Proportionate distribution, 210
- Ratios, unsatisfactory, 17
- Rectangular panels, 127
- Rings, design of, 169
- Sequential progression, 135
- Service, influence of, 9, 13, 15
- Sets, designing of, 83
- Shades, 197
- Shallow circular forms in clay, 155
- Shallow circular forms in metal, 187
- Side walls, 202-205
- Silver, color for, 215
- Silver, contour enrichment of, 93
- Silver, free outline enrichment, 97
- Silver, motives for contour enrichment, 97
- Spouts, design of, 49
- Square and rectangular areas in clay, 153
- Square panels, 125
- Standard hues, 195
- Standard hues, locating, 196
- Stones, cutting, 95
- Stones, relation to contour, 95
- Stones, relation to metal, 173
- Structural forms, classification, 160
- Structural forms, classification for clay surface enrichment, 151
- Structural reinforcement, 118
- Surface design evolution, 180
- Surface enrichment, nature and need of, 99
- Surfaces, when and where to enrich, 99
- Tangential junctions, 51, 93
- Technical processes for metal, 163
- Technical rendering, 161
- Terminals, contour enrichment of, 89-91
- Three horizontal divisions, 29
- Three horizontal divisions in clay, 30
- Three horizontal divisions in metal, 30
- Three horizontal divisions in wood, 29
- Three vertical divisions, 37
- Three vertical divisions in clay, 39
- Three vertical divisions in metal, 41
- Three vertical divisions in wood, 39
- Tints, 196
- Transitional types in furniture, 139
- Two horizontal divisions, 25
- Two horizontal divisions in clay, 27
- Two horizontal divisions in metal, 27
- Two horizontal divisions in wood, 25
- Two vertical divisions, 35
- Two vertical divisions in clay, 37
- Two vertical divisions in metal, 37
- Two vertical divisions in wood, 35
- Unit of measurement for vertical curves, 79
- Unity, 29
- Unity in clay design curves, 77
- Value lines, 196
- Varied panels, 129
- Vertical divisions, architectural precedent, 33
- Vertical divisions, more than three, 41
- Vertical divisions, nature and need, 33
- Vertical and horizontal division evolution, 40
- Vertical sections and their minor divisions, 133-135
- Vocabulary, designer's, 105
- Walls and ceilings, 203-204
- Walls and wood work, 202-203
- Warm and cold colors, 198
- Wood finishes, opaque, 206
- Wood, methods of surface enrichment, 101
- Wood stains, 198
- Wood stains, chroma range, 205
- Wood stain mixing, 199, 200
- Wood stain rendering, 195
- Wood stains, value range, 201
- Wrought iron enrichment, 91