Pretty Biddy Top-knot has a hidden nest, Out among the willows stretching toward the west: Every day she runs there on her yellow legs, To count and add another to her store of eggs. Top-knot soon is missing from the garden walks: No more with the other hens struts about and stalks! No more is her cackle from the willows heard, Where, but late, she noisily all the barn-yard stirred. Down among the willows, stretching toward the west, Top-knot's snowy turban shows above her nest: Slanting ray of sunshine peeps in very bright; Come and peep in with it, you shall see a sight. Thirteen little chickens, downiest ever seen, And joyous little Top-knot proud as any queen! For that they are beauties all the hens agree: Can you wonder Top-knot should so happy be? Full of her importance, Top-knot doth appear,— Thirteen little chickens she must feed and rear! Soon more hens are missing!—are they lost or hid? Think you they'll surprise us just as Top-knot did? Fleta F. Divider GARRY AND THE RAKE