[Transcriber's Note: You can play this music (MIDI file) by clicking here.]
1. I wish I liv'd in a caravan
With a horse to drive like a pedlar-man,
Wherever he comes from nobody knows,
But merrily thro' the town he goes.
2. His caravan it is painted blue,
With a chimney small where the smoke comes thro';
And there is his wife with baby so brown,
And onward they go from town to town.
3. "Old chairs to mend, and new jugs to sell,"
How he makes the basins ring like a bell!
With baskets and tea-trays glossy and trim,
And plates with my name around the brim.
4. A pedlar-man I should like to roam,
And a book I'd write when I came back home;
And all the good folks would study my book,
And famous I'd be like Captain Cook.

Transcriber's Notes

The July edition of the Nursery had a table of contents for the next six issues of the year. This table was divided to cover each specific issue. A title page copied from this same July edition was also used for this number and the issue number added after the Volume number.


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