Words by Clara D. Bates. Music by T. Crampton.
[Transcriber's Note: You can play this music (MIDI file) by clicking here.]
1. Up in the apple tree,
See the rosy cheeks:
See the balls that look like gold:
See the crimson streaks.
In the lovely autumn day,
Bright as in the bloom of May,
Filled with fruit and fair to see,
Is the apple tree.
2. Under the apple tree,
See the rosy cheeks:
Little Jinx the baby boy;
What is it he seeks?
Ah! his tiny teeth are white,
And are eager for a bite,—
Such a tempting store to see,
Is the apple tree.
3. Under the apple tree,
Other rosy cheeks:
Edith, Mabel, Golden-Locks:
Full of merry freaks,
Here they run and there they run,
Shouting merrily if one
Fallen in the group they see,
From the apple tree.

Transcriber's Notes

The July edition of the Nursery had a table of contents for the next six issues of the year. This table was divided to cover each specific issue. A title page copied from this same July edition was also used for this number and the issue number added after the Volume number.

Page 150, single quotation mark changed to double (them a tune,")

Page 159, double quotation mark added to text (fond of eggs.")


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