Little Mosquito she sits on a sill,— Whee, whee, whee! And longs for the time when the people are still, That she, in the darkness, may stab them at will,— Whee, whee, whee! She whets up her dagger, and looks at the moon,— Whee, whee, whee! She says to herself, "I'll begin pretty soon To look for my victims, and sing them a tune,"— Whee, whee, whee! With a hum and a flutter, the way to prepare,— Whee, whee, whee! She rises and circles about in the air; Then settles herself with a great deal of care,— Whee, whee, whee! But one,—more awake than he seeks to appear,— Whee, whee, whee! Slaps little Mosquito, alight on his ear, And thus puts an end to her hopeful career,— Whee, whee, whee! Fleta F. Divider Learning to Iron