Tommy.—Do you shoe horses here, Mr. Blacksmith? Blacksmith.—Yes, little man: that's my business. Tommy.—Well, I want my horse shod. Blacksmith.—How much can you pay for the job? It will take a good deal of iron to shoe such a big horse as that. Ruth.—He wants you to do it for nothing, Mr. Blacksmith. Blacksmith.—Every trade must live, my little lady. If Tommy can afford to keep a horse, he ought to be able to pay for having it shod. Tommy.—I will pay you next Christmas. Blacksmith.—-Never run in debt, my lad. If you can't Ruth.—That is just what my grandfather says. Tommy.—Well, when I get some money, I'll come again, Mr. Blacksmith; for this horse must be shod, if there's iron enough to do it with. Good-by! Blacksmith.—Good-by, Tommy! Good-by, Ruth! Arthur Selwyn. Divider