To let the kitten lie and sleep
Is something Teddy cannot do;
Like caterpillar in a heap,
She'd like to curl the whole day through,
If Teddy did but want her to.
I wonder if she understands,
How just the look of her soft fur
So tempts his little roguish hands
He cannot keep away from her:
He says he wants "to hear her purr!"
And, if he does, 'tis well enough;
But then, why does he rub the way
To make her silky coat look rough?—
That coat of shining silver-gray,
So washed and polished every day?
Why is it that he loves so much
To tickle the unconscious paws
With just a finger tip or touch,
Or open them to find the claws?
His reason for it is, "Because!"
When Teddy sometime wanted rest,
What if a giant came and sat
Beside him when he slept the best,
And rolled him this way, rubbed him that,
And teased him, as he does the cat?
Do you believe he'd smile and blink,
And bear the teasing patiently?
I think he'd wink a sleepy wink,
And say, not over pleasantly,
"O giant, please to let me be!"
Mrs. Clara Doty Bates.

Pictures for Mary


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