When little Jack Horner was eating pie, he put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum. When Mary's mother reads to her out of a book, the little girl acts a good deal like Jack.
She puts out her finger, and points to the pictures. She thinks them the best part of the book. They are her plums.
If Mary calls out, "Moo-o-o," you may know that she sees a picture of cows. Here is the very one she found a day or two ago. In it you see two cows,—a big one and a little one. The big cow is standing up, and the little cow is lying beside her.
The little cow has no horns. Mary calls it "a little cow," because it looks too old to be called a calf.
Here is the very picture that Mary was looking at when she called out, "Ba-a-a!"
How many sheep do you see in it? There are two lying down: there is one standing up: that makes three. Is that all?
Look very sharp. See if you can't find more of them. Mary found some straying about on the hills. She thought she could see lambs too; but sheep, when a long way off, look very much like lambs.
A. B. C.