These are the robbers,—the terrible three!
In showing no mercy they all agree;
They fill the woods with their war-whoops dire:
Policemen and soldiers, beware, retire!
Rinaldo's the name of the captain: you learn
His rank from his cap, and his frown so stern.
The next is Grimaldi, a desperate fellow!
His eyes they are blue, and his hair it is yellow.
The youngest but dreadfulest of them all
Has a terrible name that I cannot recall:
'Tis hard to pronounce; and it's well, perhaps,
That memory here has suffered a lapse.
Oh! doesn't it make you all shudder to look
At their likenesses even, all here in a book?—
Rinaldo the fierce, and Grimaldi the grim,
And that young, nameless bandit, so bold and so trim.
But if you should meet with this terrible band,
Now don't run away, but come quick to a stand:
Be humble and quiet, and don't act amiss,
And all that they'll rob you of, will be—a kiss!
Ida Fay.


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