"Does the little fairy Work in a dairy? I hear her talk about making cheese,— She with her locks the color of money, Hanging long and crinkled and sunny Down to her waist,—a golden fleece." Oh, such a laughter As rings out after Sparkle the eyes that had been dreaming:— "Aunty dear, if you want to see me, I'll show you how to make one,—so!" Round she whirls Soon as she utters This, out she flutters, Her full fresh frock as white as the snows; Round she whirls, and then in a minute Sits down quick, and the air within it Puffs it out like a full-blown rose. That's what she pleases To call "making cheeses." I'm sure I could give it a better name. Call it playing at daffy-down-dilly, Call it playing at white day-lily: Lily for brightness She is, and for whiteness; A golden centre her long locks grow! And isn't that head, so shimmering, sunny, Daffy-down-dilly-like, yellow as money?— Rogue she is anyway, that I know. Mrs. Clara Doty Bates. Divider