Fred and Ned "Oh, this is weather for play, for play! And I will not go to school to-day," Said Master Frederic Philip Fay. So he hung his satchel upon a tree: And over the hills to the pond went he, To frolic, and see what he could see. He met a boy on the way to school, And said, "Ned Foster, you're a fool To study and plod because it's the rule." Quoth Ned, "You'll find that he's the fool Who, for his pleasure, shirks his school: Sun, moon, and stars, all go by rule." Then Ned passed cheerily on his way, And not another word did say To Master Frederic Philip Fay. Fred sat him down on a rock near by, And cast a look on the bright blue sky, "Yes, truly, the sun has no time for play: He has to go in a certain way," Said Master Frederic Philip Fay. "Oh! what would become of us all, suppose The sun, some morn, should say, as he rose, 'A truant I'll be to-day—here goes!' "Then off should whirl in a mad career, And leave it all night and winter here,— No blue in the sky, no flower to cheer?
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